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International Demonstration "People United Against Austerity"

30-05-2013 21:55

This Saturday 1st June London will be joining more than 100 cities in 12 European countries in an international protest against Austerity in Europe. People will assemble at 2 pm at HM Treasury, King Charles Street, London, and then march to the European Commission representation in the United Kingdom

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Smithfield, World's Biggest Pigkiller with Norwich Holdings, Acquired by Chinese

30-05-2013 18:14

Lives Like Sardines in a Can
Smithfield, the world's largest pigkilling company, with holdings in Norwich, one criticized around the world for its factory farming cruelty, dumping of unprocessed pig waste into the watershed, human disease causation has
been acquired for several billion dollars by a Chinese corporation. Chinese companies already kill 450 million pigs annually.

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The State of Nature in the UK

30-05-2013 08:25

Last week, a coalition of 25 organisations which campaign and research on wildlife in the UK launched a landmark report – The State of Nature. This is the first time that the UK’s wildlife advocates have collaborated to produce such a comprehensive overview of the current status of native species, and it represents a significant achievement in biological monitoring.

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Is the Naxal the New Vanguard of Antifascism?

29-05-2013 20:34

With the guerilla attack on a convoy of career politicians in India last week, this has suddenly turned from a big issue into a big question, not so much in the Hindu state itself as in smaller nations whose regimes, due to its sheer size, are eying the most populous one of the Asian subcontinents like a moon in order to exploit as much as of its gravity as they can for their local dominance. The Naxal, the Marxist rebel network within that entity, has escalated the insurrection against the Delhi regime to the level of the 20th century resistance against the first wave of fascism under Japanese occupation reaching the Indian ocean. The Delhi regime has reacted with a statement calling the attack "a Holocaust", which puts forward the question why Indian internal affairs would be gravitating around German history. Obviously it is not the case that the Naxal was entrapping an entire tribal subculture to feed them to the hellfire and rewrite history accordingly, like the Nazis, and if any comparison had been made between the Chhattisgarh attack and the Jewish insurrection in the Warsaw ghetto there would probably have been widespread cautioning against such analogy as in the case of the Palestinians a while ago. Scientific experience suggests that the small entity rotates around the big one and not the other way round, so what does such an inversion of circumstances tell about the Naxal?

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'Rebel Every Day' - Destroy G8 flyer

29-05-2013 18:55

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Teargassing the Turkish Tree-Huggers

29-05-2013 18:26

Save the trees! Occupy Taksim Park!

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'Rebel Every Day': Anti-G8 flyer

29-05-2013 15:47

Print and distribute as you please...

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How will you Stop the Arms Fair? Action planning event

29-05-2013 11:41

Saturday 13th July, 11am-5pm (arrive from 10.30am), Small Meeting House, Friends House, 173 Euston Road, London NW1 2BJ

Take part in a day of workshops and planning to bring an end to arms fairs for good!

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Military Britain workshop, 11th June

29-05-2013 11:23

7 - 9pm at The Spark, as part of a week filled with discussions, music, workshops and film.

Session beginning with a short film on the Raytheon 9 protestors who stormed an arms factory in Derry, followed by discussions on the arms trade itself with with War on Want and Campaign Against the Arms Trade.

You'll find the Spark at the Blackfriars Hub, 58 Victoria Embankment, London, EC4Y 0DS between 10th and 14th June, then at University of London Union, Malet Street, London, WC1E 7HY on 15th June.

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Brent Stop the War, 10th June

29-05-2013 11:02

10th June, 7:30pm, Rumi's Cave, 26 Willesden Lane Kilburn, NW6 7ST

Trident and military spending in a time of austerity.
Time to shift priorities?

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Not in our Name! Film Screening 4th June

29-05-2013 10:46

Raytheon 9
4th June, 18:30, Firebox London 106-108 Cromer St, WC1H 8BZ

A unique opportunity to watch a film telling the brave story of 9 men who stormed an arms factory in Derry, Northern Ireland and were acquitted despite having been arrested. It provides an uplifting account of how courts deemed it acceptable to resort to crime to tackle war crimes, and highlights the determination and importance of campaigning and protest!

The film will be followed by discussions and a chance to plan further actions through ought Britain, focusing especially on the DSEI arms fair in London in September.

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Countering the Resurgence of the EDL

29-05-2013 08:41

In the last week the extreme right has been making all the running in the aftermath of the killing of soldier Lee Rigby on Wednesday. We have seen a sudden outpouring of racism and speedily-organised mobilisations by the EDL. The demonstration at Downing Street on Bank Holiday Monday was the first 'official' EDL event organised in response to the killing which anti-fascists had any time to respond to. earlier in Leicester Square.

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Alconbury & Brampton Surgeries Betray Patient Confidentiality To Protect Nazi In

29-05-2013 03:24

Cambridgeshire Police have secretly approached G.P.s at Alconbury and Brampton Surgeries, on at least two occasions, to discuss a patient's medical treatment. This was done without the patient's consent and is an attempt to silence a whistleblower's exposure of a Government cover up.

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Three docs analyzing the Occupy movement in the San Francisco Bay Area, USA

29-05-2013 02:02

"Revolution is the only form of warfare where a final victory must be preceded by a long series of defeats."

Rosa Luxemburg

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Monsanto Demo in the Market Square: Pictures

29-05-2013 00:55

1.00pm 25th March 2013 Market Square, Nottingham

Demo Against Monsanto

• why do we demonstrate? 

-To support organic and small farmers who suffer losses whilst Monsanto patent rights over seeds 

-To spread awareness about the serious health conditions that Monsanto’s GM food can lead to

-To protect our bee population that has been declining since the introduction of GM crops


• what are the solutions?

-To buy organic and boycott Monsanto owned companies

-To call for further scientific research on the health effects of GMO’s

-To continue to inform the public about Monsanto so they too can make an informed decision about the food that they eat



 for more info go to:


Twitter Hash Tags: #MAM #MarchAgainstMonsanto #OpMonsanto




Nottingham Monsanto Demo: Videos




Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham.  UK



Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]


"It is not enough to curse the darkness.

                                   It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"




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The real motive for the bedroom tax

29-05-2013 00:55

Ever since the Government announced the introduction of the bedroom tax back in 2012 there has been widespread opposition to the plan. Many diverse sections of society have opposed the legislation; from disability rights activists to politicians, from community campaigners to local councils. This opposition hasn’t taken on a uniformed nature however.

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Illegal Evictions – Divide and rule

29-05-2013 00:55

Since the start of the recession there has been a rise in illegal evictions, and with the changes to Housing Benefit coming in next year there could be an even bigger rise.

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Anti-racist flyer

28-05-2013 22:55


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Xingu Under Attack: La Carta n. 7: el gobierno federal (Brazil), nos dirigimos

28-05-2013 22:52

The Brazilian government will end the Xingu communities with the construction of Belo Monte dam. All international support is valid !
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