UK Newswire Archive
Is there uranium still missing in the U.K? or is this a non story?
17-07-2003 12:22
hello from Portland, OregonOh! Perfidious Left
17-07-2003 11:59
The love affair between "Leftists" and Jihadists, oppressors of women and Holocaust deniers has gone public. The antisemitism that we wanted to forget provides the common denominator.More trouble at Menwith
17-07-2003 08:47
Another pathetic and pointless arrest at Menwith Hill.Autonomous Art Collective
17-07-2003 02:34
We need artists! Artists from all walks of life and from all corners of the planet are welcome to join. We will also need cyber-punks and technical gurus to help facilitate the website and archival systems. We have already procured server space for media storage and are ready to start recruiting dedicated humans to help fight for justice in a unique and fun way. If this sounds like you and you are willing to donate autonomous works to the collective free of charge then we are interested in seeing some of your work and discussing your personal views when concerning activism and change.[ei] Humiliating Arafat (full text) | Report: West Bank "security barrier"
16-07-2003 22:55
Israel's rulers have renewed their threats to arrest or deport Palestinian President Yasser Arafat. In the past, the Israeli government even hinted at murdering him.In interviews with British and Italian newspapers, Israel's Prime Minister Ariel Sharon accused Arafat of undermining his own prime minister, Mahmoud Abbas. He also urged Europeans to boycott Arafat and to end all contacts with him, following the example of the United States, Israel and Italy..
The Pogrom Starts Again: 'Gypsies' Hunting in Iraq
16-07-2003 21:05
Few people took notice of the last pogrom of the second millennium, when the allies of the West drove the Roma, or "Gypsies", out of the land in Kosovo where they had lived for centuries [Elsewhere on
16-07-2003 18:21
First Sgt. Christopher Coffin, 51, became the fifth soldier with Maine ties to die in Iraq after his vehicle ran into a ditch on July 1. He was a member of the 352nd Civil Affairs Command assisting convoys traveling between Baghdad and Kuwait. The details of Coffin's death have been mired in confusion since the day it was announced by the military. Initially, a press release from Coffin's unit stated he died after his vehicle swerved to avoid a civilian vehicle. But a report from the U.S. Central Command issued a day before said a member of Coffin's unit was killed July 1 when his convoy was hit by "an improvised explosive device." That report did not name Coffin, but he was the only member of his unit to die that day. Now a new report from Time, citing "Coffin family members and U.S. government officials looking into the case," says Coffin's vehicle was deliberately run off the road, then surrounded by an angry mob. A Humvee following Coffin stopped to help, but was also overwhelmed and then set on fire. A third team of soldiers, the article says, was brought in and fired rifles in the air to disperse the crowd. Representatives from Army headquarters and U.S. Central Command had no comment on Time's report.A call to start organising the opposition to the London Olympic bid.
16-07-2003 18:13
Next Thursday will see a public meeting, hosted by the Hackney Environment Forum, where the great and the good behind the London Olympic bid will brief the people of Hackney on the impact that these plans are likely to have on the borough...RIAA, Loyola Univ. (Chicago) Accuse 2 Students of Illegal File-Swapping
16-07-2003 18:03
16-07-2003 17:40
Transcript of the July 15 press release by the White House announcing the location of the 2004 US G8 Summit. - Sea Island, Georgia.Spread the Word World-wide: Boycott the U.S.!
16-07-2003 16:56
Increasingly fascist America still seeks global hegemony! They must be stopped!4th of July, Menwith Hill, arrest witness plea
16-07-2003 16:08
I was arrested on the above and I amtrying to find witnesses.
Full details of LIBERTY report into policing at USAF Fairford
16-07-2003 14:16
Casualty of War - 8 weeks of counter-terrorism in rural EnglandLiberty Report: 15 Jul 2003
An investigation by human rights group Liberty into the policing of peace demonstrations at RAF Fairford, Gloucestershire, during the recent invasion of Iraq has revealed fundamental breaches of the European Convention on Human Rights.
Download full 13 page Liberty report:

Anarchist Orientalism and the Muslim Community in Britain
16-07-2003 14:04
(may have been posted before, but everyone should read this!)LIBERTY defends the right to protest at Fairford
16-07-2003 13:39
click on the link-Statewatch News Online (14 July)
16-07-2003 12:49
Statewatch News online, 14 July 2003see: