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06-09-2003 03:34

Brave New World
Windows On The World

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The WTO Drug Deal -- How Hope was Bargained Away

06-09-2003 02:23

There was a time when health activists thought a global trade deal on
affordable medicines would be an
achievement worth celebrating.

Now they have one. But they're not celebrating.

Last weekend, members of the World Trade Organization agreed on a plan
to offer poor countries improved
access to life-saving drugs. The deal, which ended a 21-month test of
wills between the United States and
the developing world, was hailed as a breakthrough by relieved negotiators.

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DSEi Media Articles - eve std / locallondon / new statesman etc

06-09-2003 02:20

Evening std / web locallondon and New Statesman Cover Story (also included inside issue is 3/4 page comment from Mark Thomas):

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Young Webmaster Heads to Prison

06-09-2003 02:19

After he is released, Austin will be on probation for three years. He will be barred from “associating with any person or group that seeks to change the government in any way be that environmental, social justice, political, economic, etc."

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Pirate radio -- Loud and Offensive!

06-09-2003 02:16

Support Loud and Offensive! Information is power and we want to spread it to as many people as possible.

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Saudi Arabia and Women's Rights

05-09-2003 23:54

The son of a wealthy Saudi Arabian official was sentenced to five years in jail yesterday for imprisoning and torturing a girl in his Thames-side flat.

Over four weeks Sammy Shadukhi, 22, whipped, stabbed and almost drowned the 17-year-old, whom he also made pregnant, Inner London Crown Court was told. After he threatened to "slaughter her like a sheep" she escaped through a window, plunging 60 feet to the river shore and breaking her back, leg and ankle.

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Iranian Refugee Sets Fire to Himself

05-09-2003 23:00

Israfil Shiri has died after five days of terrible suffering in Wythenshawe Hospital Burns Unit Manchester.

On Thursday 27th August Israfil Shiri, a destitute young Iranian man poured petrol over his body and set fire to himself in the offices of Refugee Action in Manchester. He suffered burns to 80% of his body. He had told his friends he would do it to prove that this government cares more about animals than people fleeing torture and persecution.

"If they cut off all my benefits, prevent me from working and make me homeless, I too will commit suicide". These were the words of another Iranian asylum seeker who, along with 30 other people, attended a meeting on Monday to discuss last Thursday's tragedy and how we can prevent it from happening again.

Israfil Shiri, 30, who has been on life support at Wythenshawe Hospital Burns Unit following the suicide attempt at the Manchester offices of Refugee Action last week, died early on the morning of the third September.

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Join anti-NATO street theatre

05-09-2003 22:14

Street theatre and music performers are protesting a NATO meeting outside the University Arms Hotel on Monday at 10:30 am.

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Witness Call : Menwith Hill, July 4.

05-09-2003 20:57

I am looking for witnesses who saw me being arrested on the July 4, "Independence Day" Demo. It took place at about 2:30pm not long after we started the attempt to walk around the bases. A police man is claiming I hit him twice on the back - I did not.

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DSEi warm-up: Caterkillar HQ protest

05-09-2003 17:44

Up and over. No worries.
Activists from Birmingham staged a roof-top protest at the headquarters of Caterpillar(UK), in Desford, near Leicester this morning. The action was in protest at the sale of Caterpillar D9 armoured bulldozers to Israel, and to highlight Caterpillar’s presence at the DSEi arms fair in London next week.

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Peter MCBride Justice Campaign appeals for volunteers in London

05-09-2003 17:05

Volunteers urgently required this weekend.
Canvassing begins in earnest this weekend for Kelly Mc Bride in the Brent East By Election in London. If you are able to join us on Saturday we will be at Kilburn Square from 1pm onwards. Leaflets can be picked up at Kilburn Square throughout the afternoon.Volunteers will be on the ground from now until election day on September 18. Please call Please forward to any friends in the London area. Donations urgently required. contact See below for background.

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Stopthe Cardiff Death Fair - 16th to 18th September

05-09-2003 17:04

The week after DSEi will see another arms fair - this time in Cardiff. Will you be there?

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National Stop the War Demo- Oxford Coach

05-09-2003 16:14

Tickets for national demo now on sale

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DSEi Audio - Press Conference led by CAAT - Fri 5th Sept

05-09-2003 16:00

Five sections of audio from the press conference held today at Friends Meeting House in London.

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Zapatista Doll Spotted In Tunisia Wearing A Kafiya

05-09-2003 15:28

The ceremonial commander-in-chief of the famed ESB,
(ejércitos sin fronteras, or armies without borders)
donned other clothing to make his or her point. Here's
the scoop in his or her own words!

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BBC report on DSEi

05-09-2003 14:39

Campaigners against Europe's largest international arms show say half of the countries invited to the event next week are not allowed to buy weapons under British law...

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Pretty pink pieces of paper

05-09-2003 14:05

5th September, 2003, Nablus

Yesterday pretty pink pieces of paper rained from the clear blue sky above Nablus and the refugee camps of Balata and Askar. Pink leaflets delivered by an Apache. This is how the Israeli Occupation Forces communicate with the occupied – at a distance, impersonal and untouchable.

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DSEi: Too late but...

05-09-2003 14:00

On friday 5th, those arrested last Monday at Excel appeared in Stratford magistrates court...

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masked up and ready

05-09-2003 13:42

images from the 3dom fest on devonshire green over the auguest bank hols..

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picture report about the anti-software patenting protest in Brussel

05-09-2003 13:00

and the winner is...... Microsoft!
Here is a picture report about the anti-software-patenting protests in Brussel.
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