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Picket Dsei delegates dinner Royal Lancaster Hotel Thursday 11th

08-09-2003 10:12

While the world will be remembering the dead of September 11th the delegaqtes at the Dsei arms fair will be enjoying a slap up meal at the Royal Lancaster Hotel overlooking Hyde Park in Bayswater, where they will discuss further arms deals many secret and illegal. Come along to a mass picket of their dinner.

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Al Jazeera: Kelly worked for MI6

08-09-2003 09:36

Lord Hutton’s inquiry into the death of the government scientist David Kelly has generated more headlines than any inquest since the death of Princess Diana. Yet many basic facts about the story are still murky – even to its protagonists.

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Nottingham Green Festival

08-09-2003 09:32

Nottingham Green Festival
The Green Festival held on the Victoria Embankment - Sunday, September 7, 11am-5pm.
Stalls, including crafts, plants, local produce etc. also information stalls on sustainability etc. Family entertainment, live music, food stalls.
Weather stayed ok, and a good day, had by all.

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DSEi - "The torturers' picnic" Rachel Shabi in the Guardian

08-09-2003 06:24

Repressive regimes will be stocking up again at this week's arms fair - and we're footing the bill

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Arafat evil and impossible, so Abu Mazen quits

08-09-2003 05:28

Palestinians consider anyone who is willing to work with Israel and the United States towards a peaceful two-state solution a "traitor." Abu Mazen, realizing the rest of the Palestinian "leadership" is insane, has quit.

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NO NATO, NO ARMS TRADE (and no De vere Hotels) !

08-09-2003 05:07

De Vere Cambridge. Imminent boycott?
In MOVEMENT towards the abolition of NATO and the complete dismantling of NATO bases in Europe!! NO NATO NO Arm-Fairs!!

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'Honour killings' law blocked

08-09-2003 02:28

Some women in Jordan are regarded as their family's property

Parliament in Jordan has overwhelmingly rejected a proposed law imposing harsher punishments for men who kill female relatives in what are known as "honour killings".

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DSEI practical info

08-09-2003 01:13

don't use the DLR. use the district&hammersmith to plaistow and take the bus.

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Religion and Women's Rights

07-09-2003 22:59

Civilised humanity has slowly moved towards the equal treatment of women and the recognition of women's equal rights. Religions are one of the oldest and the most persistent obstacles on the way of women's equality and freedom. Indeed, religion is women's enemy and it is the nature of all religions particularly Islam to look backwards to past ancient times and antiquated values. Women will be universally equal someday, when that day comes, it will arrive in spite of all religions and as a result of a just and powerful fight against them.

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Pathways to Reconciliation

07-09-2003 22:51

o U.K: Conference, “Pathways to Reconciliation”

o Nigeria: Islamic Ruling on Lawal's appeal postponed to 25th September
o Iran: Row over the UN Convention to Ban Discrimination against Women
o Iraq: More than 400 women kidnapped & raped in post-war chaos
o Jordan: Divorce Blow for Women
o ICAS: Against stoning of Amina Lawal and Execution Of Shahnaz in Iran
o Egypt: FGM Under Attack at a Conference
o Kuwait: Amending the Law barring women from Voting
o Malaysia: Divorce by Mobile Phone Text Message and the Sharia
o Jordan: Another Women Victim of Fathers’ ‘Honour’
o Bahrain: A Call for Freedom of Expression & Women’s Rights
o Pakistan: Five Cases of 'Bride-burning' per Week
o Afghanistan: RAWA Demands Secularism & Freedom

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Bush Cries Help: Just Say NO

07-09-2003 22:37

When the leaders of Europe and the UN meet to discuss sending troops to Iraq they must remember that the hands of the clock have been turned back to Munich 1938. It is understood that behind the scenes the leaders of Europe are facing extreme pressure and are being offered incredible bribes to comply with the request. However, they must realize they are dealing with a madman and a regime full of lunatics that are willing to risk nuclear war for their own personal gain.

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07-09-2003 22:27

The struggle that you have been carrying forward against all society's rulers since April 2001 is an example for us and for all the exploited.

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Independent media refused DSEi 2003 accreditation

07-09-2003 21:50

Free PN on international arms trade
News release on refusal of Spearhead to accredit Peace News for DSEi 2003 coverage. Plus notice of free DSEi-related materials available for arms trade activists and campaigners.

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British govt to announce overhaul of media machine to shed image of spin

07-09-2003 19:59

Prime Minister Tony Blair, whose government has been renowned and reviled for its concentration on its image, planned to announce an overhaul of media operations on Wednesday, government officials said.

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Boat activists defeat navy

07-09-2003 18:55

DSEI attempted to sail 4 warships along the river Thames, through Gallions Reach Lock and into the Royal Victoria Dock near the Excel exhibition centre. 30 activists in three affinity groups succeeded in disrupting the manoeuvre, and the last 2 ships in the convoy aborted their mission and had to stop 7km down stream.

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Fairford Accused on 19th September

07-09-2003 18:07

Gloucester Crown Court, Friday 19th September 2003
at 10.00am

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Cops @ Disarm DSEi Convergence Centre

07-09-2003 15:52

Outside the entrance
Some shots of FIT and other cops outside the Disarm DSEi Convergence Centre on Sunday 7th Sept. in Bromley By Bow.

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Video Activist Info for DSEI

07-09-2003 15:48

If you are going to be making video at the DSEI actions over the next week there will be a series of informal meetings during and after the main days of action where you can exchange footage, share information and make plans for covering future days and actions.
Read on.....

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This war on terrorism is bogus

07-09-2003 15:38

This war on terrorism is bogus

The 9/11 attacks gave the US an ideal pretext to use force to secure its global domination
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