UK Newswire Archive
GE crops: Victory to accountability
29-09-2003 12:37
Bayer, the last company to conduct GE field trials in the UK, has decided to halt their trials. The company blames protestors that destroy field trials as well as the Environment Secretary for it. In fact it is a victory to accountability.Subvertising in Manchester
29-09-2003 12:23

Sheffield No Sweat Event - Sat 4th October
29-09-2003 11:52
The Sheffield No Sweat day event is on Sat 4th October, Sheffield UniversityStudents Union, Western Bank, Sheffield
Putin indecisive on Kyoto Protocol
29-09-2003 11:40
During the opening session of the WCCC, Russian President Vladimir V. Putinunderlines the importance of climate change mitigation but falls short of
announcing Russian ratification of the Kyoto Protocol.
Report on the Critical Mass bike ride in Manchester
29-09-2003 11:31
A critical mass bike ride took place through the streets of Manchester on Friday 26th September.Thessaloniki Prisoners update 29/09
29-09-2003 10:55
It has now been over 3 months since the violent arrests and imprisonment of 7 activists at the massive EU demonstrations in Thessaloniki in June 21st, 2003.The information from Greece amongst comrades and lawyers have been contradictary and confusing. Information we are told as facts turns into mere rumours. Therefore as far as we know, from Simon Chapman, we will repeat here
and can only report at this stage as fact as of Sept. 29.
The Stop the War coalitions' betrayal of the Iraqi pro democracy movement
29-09-2003 10:37
Iraqi democrats and socialists have discovered that their natural allies in the European Left don't want to know them. They must add the shameless Stop the War coalition to the enemies list.Other other Thursday 20th in 2003
29-09-2003 10:17
On Thursday, 20th March 2003, aka Day X, we demonstrated in our own cities. 8 months to the day later, again a Thursday, George Bush will be enjoying the delights of British Royal Hospitality. I suggest we recreate a bit of day X specially for him.Palestine in Pictures
29-09-2003 09:02
There can be no justification for this - NONE!ID cards for Scottish Schoolkids
29-09-2003 08:41
Scots teenagers to be issued with ID cards15 Photos of London End Occupation Demo 270903
29-09-2003 08:06

Many thanks to everyone who made my day a good one on saturday, and blessings to everyone around the world who joined in this struggle.
Thank you for existing!
Hugh Mann
read my article at
Conscience or Complicity: The Altered State Solution
29-09-2003 04:35
The United States continues to support Israel with BILLIONS of tax dollars while Israel blatantly disregards International and Humanitarian Laws, especially and most poignantly against children collected in mass retaliations who are locked away indefinitely in prisons. Meanwhile US mainstream medias continue their biased and slanted coverage reporting one terror victim and not another.Are these American human rights?
29-09-2003 02:14
A man was killed and two of his children wounded when two U.S. missiles struck their farm in the middle of the night, last week. "May God's curse fall upon the Americans, for they have no fear of God," said the man's cousin, who asked, "Are these American human rights?"Sharumbo (by Latuff)
29-09-2003 01:03

End the Occupation March Photos
28-09-2003 23:10

If you like these please let me know, if you would like to publish them then get in touch for higher qual pics.
Here's to a better world.
The WTO and Workers' Rights
28-09-2003 23:03
A Colombian trade unionist, a British trade unionist and a campaigner against sweatshops spoke in Oxford at a meeting organised by the Oxford for Trade Justice Coalition in the Town Hall on September 25 on the topic of the impact of WTO policies and workers’ rights. You may not be surprised by the conclusions that can be drawn from what was said, but there are some initiatives and Urgent Action appeals, so please read on...Over 1,500 violent civilian deaths in occupied Iraq
28-09-2003 22:55
From April 14th to 31st August, 2,846 violent deaths were recorded by the Baghdad city morgue. When corrected for pre-war death rates in the city a total of at least 1,519 excess violent deaths in Baghdad emerges from reports based on the morgue's records.IBC's latest study is the first comprehensive count to adjust for the comparable "background level" of deaths in Baghdad in recent pre-war times. It is therefore an estimate of additional deaths in the city directly attributable to the breakdown of law and order following the US takeover and occupation of Baghdad.
Bush visiting London 19th 20th 21st Nov
28-09-2003 21:10
Bush visit, direct action?Manchester CND Peace Dogs Speak Out!
28-09-2003 19:07
Not everyone could get to the anti-Iraq war demo in London yesterday. In Manchster, those who could not attend held an imprompru rally in the peace Gardens of St Peter's Square.