UK Newswire Archive
Need high resolution photos of Bush protest
29-11-2003 06:37
The Earth First! Journal (published in the US), a radical environmental journal that reports on international direct actions (see, is seeking photos of activists toppling the statue of President Bush on November 21 at Trafalgar Square. The photos need to be scanned in at 300 dpi resolution and emailed to
29-11-2003 05:14
BLAST FURNACE RADIO is playing all the audio it can glean from the net and putting it on a continues loop. tune in. having problems getting our web radio station just drop us a streaming link:

Campsfield Banner Snag!!
29-11-2003 01:01

Tom Hurndall's birthday party outside the Foreign Office
29-11-2003 00:11

OMINOUS: The "war on terror" and American democracy - some ominous
28-11-2003 23:18
Three commentaries published recently in the US media, all bywell-connected observers of the US military, have suggested that a major
new terrorist attack within the United States could disrupt the 2004
elections and even result in military intervention on the streets of
America as well as the suspension of the Constitution.
Buy nothing day: events in London
28-11-2003 20:02
Events taking place tommorrow 29/11/03New Manchester Social Centre
28-11-2003 19:12
Kickstart Cafe is a new squat cafe in Manchester! It opens tomorrow (Saturday). There will be tea and coffee, vegan food, library and info, art space, and many activities. In the evening from 7pm there will be an accoustic jam so bring along instruments and later some chilled out chunes. Be warned though it won't be a late night and we won't be selling alcohol.STHOPPING IN SHEFFIELD THIS SATURDAY
28-11-2003 17:28
Want to join others for BUY NOTHING DAY fun in Sheffield?Pressure from DFES to rewrite history
28-11-2003 14:24
The DFES is pressuring me to remove historical information from the webKick Start Cafe opening night
28-11-2003 14:01
Kickstart Cafe Opeing Night13-15 Liverpool Rd (just off deansgate)
saturday 29th
victory for w/class/poor Italians in environmental battle
28-11-2003 13:57
the working class of a poor southern italian region fight to stop the dumping of nuclear waste and win. This was done wothout the usual m/class outsider activists coming in and telling them what they need to do to win.DUTCH CONSULATE OCCUPIED IN BIRMINGHAM
28-11-2003 12:40
Yesterday morning the Dutch consulate in Birmingham was occupied for 5 hours by Dutch and English activists, because of eviction of a squatted community centre in Utrecht, Holland.Peace Not War Music Festival
28-11-2003 12:24
PEACE NOT WAR PRESENTS ...... on the anniversary of the global peace protests,
Hackney Ocean, Mare Street, London E8
Thursday 12th to Sunday 15th February 2004
Dirty Digger Awards
28-11-2003 08:44
Local Anti-Mining Activists Dish the DirtThe inaugural ‘Dirty Digger Awards’ 2003
(alternative to the Mining Journal Awards for Outstanding Achievement)
Union of the Unemployed Iraq Activists Arrested by US Troops - Urgent
28-11-2003 08:40
The UUI, the most systematically active occupation policy challenging group in Iraq hasd been targeted again!!....Looking for an exciting job that combines adventure, intrigue and large weaponry
28-11-2003 05:09

Preference given to: former Green Berets, foreign nationals with diplomatic
immunity, pyrotechnicians.
Bush administration promoting terrorism
28-11-2003 04:17
The US has concocted a "war on terrorism" in order to justify, defend and expand it's global agenda.