UK Newswire Archive
10-06-2005 12:59
for actor Corin Redgrave following his collapse
at a council meeting held to decide the fate
of Britain's largest Traveller community.
Redgrave suffered a severe heartattack
while pleading with councillors not to vote
for the destruction of Dale Farm. The meeting
was adjourned as Redgrave was taken to a
nearby hospital where he remains in intensive
care. He was said this morning to be in a stable
Mobilisation in Bolivia Part 2
10-06-2005 12:43

Massive Mobilisation Succeeds in closing parliament and [demanding] nationalisation
6th June - Mass Mobilisation in Bolivia - Part 1
10-06-2005 12:35

Mass Gathering* decides: Nationalisation and Popular Campesino Government
Announcement: West Sussex Summer Screen Event
10-06-2005 12:03
Open invitation to attend a Community Filmmaking Forum at University College Chichester on 30th July 2005:This Saturday in London
10-06-2005 11:24
Lots of things happening on saturday 11th in London for anyone looking for something do get involved in or any budding indymedia reporters looking for something to write about...STATEMENT-DENOUNCEMENT FROM ANARCHISTS IN GREECE
10-06-2005 11:16
STATEMENT - DENOUNCEMENT FROM ANARCHISTS IN GREECEResistance must be stopped by any means!
10-06-2005 10:49
Four years ago parts of the Smithdown and Kensington areas of Liverpool were designated as regeneration areas. £62m government funding known as New Deal for Communities funding was given to the areas which encompass approximately 4,000 houses were 13,000 people live. But the whole emphasis behind this regeneration initiative was to decimate the community through unnecessary demolition of perfectly good terraced housing and to socially cleanse the area of elderly home owners, RSL and private landlord tenants.SpOILs of War: The neo-liberal carve up of Iraq and why its THE issue at the G8
10-06-2005 10:08
Away from the bloody battlefields, Iraq is being plundered through the brutal economic reconstruction of a country already bombed to submission and starved by years of sanctions. This article examines the corporate takeover of post-Saddam Iraq, set in the context of a violent expansion of neo-liberalism and argues why its crucial activists in the UK take up the issue in the run up to the G8.PROTEST! STOP THE PLUNDER OF IRAQ's OIL
10-06-2005 10:02
A week before Blair hosts the G8, corporate executives from multinational oil companies will be meeting in London with representatives from the Iraqi government to discuss the future of Iraqi oil and gas reserves. Join us, the corporate pirates to protest against this neo-liberal plunder!High Noon in Brighton police showdown
10-06-2005 09:42
Suusex police vow to make sure 'ordinary residents and shoppers' don't have their day 'disrupted' by a demonstration in Brighton against local arms dealers EDO/MBM. The demo meets at The Level at noon.FAIRFORD: "GIVES A FRIENDLY FACE TO BOMBING'
10-06-2005 09:27
Publicity about the Royal International Air Tattoo at Fairford (RIAT) has been appearing in local libraries and papers in the last week. The tattoo is sponsored by arms manufacturers, but is not strictly an arm's fair (i). However the Gloucestershire Green Party argue it is still about selling the concept of weapons and war as acceptable ways of resolving differences between nations. Greens say 'give it a miss'.- La AuToNoMíA Se ExPaNde ConTra Las JeRaRquÍaS, EL CaPiTaL y EL EsTaDo -
10-06-2005 09:01
10-06-2005 05:05 stop the process of deportation of A. Hossain, the representative of KCTU/MTUTV show depicts 9/11 as Bush plot
10-06-2005 02:47
A fictional crime drama based on the premise that the Bush administration ordered the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and Washington aired this week on German state television, prompting the Green Party chairman to call for an investigation.
09-06-2005 23:40
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Cuba, Spain, China, and Russia.Pro-capitalists threaten to march in support of G8, July 2nd.
09-06-2005 23:14
Pro-capitalists plan to march in Edinburgh on July the 2nd, the same day as the huge 'Make Poverty History'protests.A group calling themselves CRAP (Capitalism Represents Acceptable Policy) claim they will be mobilising hundreds to march behind the banner 'Make Poverty Worse'.
Military, bankers, big oil and and royalty discuss Iran invasion
09-06-2005 21:19

Insurance condition on G8 march
09-06-2005 20:16
A G8 protest rally near the Gleneagles Hotel will only go ahead if insurance cover for up to £5m is put in place, say Perth and Kinross councillorsPEACE CAMPAIGNERS TO DEMAND POLICE ARREST LOCAL WAR CRIMINALS
09-06-2005 17:55
On June 11th, following a rally on the Level, Brighton peace campaigners will march to John St Police Station and demand that Sussex Police investigate local arms dealers EDO MBM for complicity in war crimes. A bundle of evidence demonstrating EDO’s involvement in the illegal war in Iraq will be supplied. SMASH EDO invites press and anyone who is against the arms trade and for freedom of speech to join them on this national demonstration.