UK Newswire Archive
30-06-2005 11:45

The Lost Film Festival is coming to Sheffield on 11th July with a wide range of subversive and radical films. Additional to the films there will be live-music with the Infernal Noise Brigade and Filastine.
FIT intimidation at rampART
30-06-2005 11:32
The Forward 'Inteligence' Team spent the morning harassing members of the Infernal Noise Brigade who where staying the night at the rampART social centre in east London before continueing their UK tour on route to Scotland.Every child matters..........
30-06-2005 11:09
I went to a meeting at St Thomas Hospital on the implementation of the national Service Framework (NSF) for Children on the 8th of June 2005."Phone in Sick and Join the Carnival!"
30-06-2005 10:56
"Phone in Sick and Join the Carnival!" urge organisers of G8 protest.Pollution 'is helping to keep earth cool'
30-06-2005 09:20
Scientists have demonstrated that particles of chemicals and dust in the atmosphere are helping to keep the earth cool, and that reducing pollution could take away the artificial protection which has built up over many years, sending global temperatures soaring.DHS kicks of new offensive against activists
30-06-2005 02:54

The Black Bloc are in Edinburgh!!!!!
30-06-2005 00:50

This still was taken from 'Black Sun Over Genoa' which is showing at the Edinburgh festival theatre from tommorow for 3 days before moving to Glasgow. There will be a full review appearing on this newswire very soon. In the meantime I'm happy to report that it's worth seeing and it's only a fiver if you are in town for the G8 marches.
Loving the crowd and its unique power. Take it be it give it
30-06-2005 00:40
Crowd dynamics are one of the most unused tools of the protest movement and one to which the police pay most attention.Our understanding of our 'crowd' and the dynamics we individually bring to it can help tactically in actions and demos. Or it may see you get in a hell of a ruck with the Millwall, West Ham or Yeovil. You will be aware where the most pressing need for kaos is. Viva la resisdance down due to server seizure
30-06-2005 00:27
As you all know, on 27th July 2005 at about 5.30 the police seized Bristol Indymedia’s server. The server was seized as part of an investigation. However, it’s natural if people have doubts on the nature of the seize:NEW EARTH FIRST! ACTION UPDATE: Out now!
29-06-2005 23:49
A new version of the EF!AU can be viewed and printed out (!) to be distributed. See now at demo on Saturday
29-06-2005 23:05
Demo to support the Zimbabwean hunger strikers and all detaineesCampsfield Detention Centre, Kidlington
Saturday 2nd July 12pm - 2pm
operation brown nose
29-06-2005 22:57
the clandestine insurgent rebel clown army's latest communiqueOperation Brown nose - set for July 2nd
Stirling Eco Camp Convergence on TV
29-06-2005 22:55
Anti G8 activists invite media into camp29 June 2005 17:58

Countryside Properties- Spodden Valley regeneration- CWU asbestos concerns...
29-06-2005 22:24
The Save Spodden Valley campaign welcomes the fact that a national organisation the size of the CWU with 300,000 members, is taking the issue of asbestos contamination so seriously. Asbestos is a killer as former postal and telecoms workers know far too well.Greece: Kurdish refugee stops hunger strike
29-06-2005 20:50
With a statement issued today (29.06.2005) Bahoz explains why he stoped his hunger strike.G8-debtrelease: the rips and rapes.
29-06-2005 20:24
a summary of arguments to act up against this PR-stunt, that in fact is a swindle.