UK Newswire Archive
more arrests under so-called anti-terrorism laws
29-01-2002 14:18
Six more arrested under the 'anti-terrorism' laws; and hey, guess what, they're all Muslims! Not that this is a war on Islam, no no no...Link to BBC report:
Defend Australian Asylum Seekers
29-01-2002 13:11
Join Campaign to defend asylum seekers in AustraliaBayer's history
29-01-2002 10:43
Looking at Bayer's past it is hardly possible to imagine a worse company to entrust with the development and commercialisation of such an unwanted, unpredictable andpotentially dangerous technology as GM crops.
Pipelineistan, Part 1
29-01-2002 07:04
Read part 2 by clicking on the rense link...Want security? Give the Palestinians freedom
29-01-2002 05:20

29-01-2002 04:50
***Cacerolazo: Spanish word for the act of making noise by clanging pots and pans in public spaces.***
You are Palestinian! (cartoon by Latuff)
29-01-2002 03:40

Support International Campaign for Justice for the Victims of Sabra & Shatila. Click on the link below for details.
Did the US go to war with Afghanistan for Central Asian oil and gas?
29-01-2002 02:14
Did the US go to war with Afghanistan for Central Asian oil and gas? They clearly distrust the White Houses jingoistic bombast about defending freedom and western values from evil Islamics. (article 1)January 31, 2002 is the new date of Ayaba Cho Lucas court trial in Iserlohn
29-01-2002 01:56
January 31, 2002 is the new date of Ayaba Cho Lucas court trial in Iserlohn at 12h, in Geramny
Intimidation Process against Ayaba Cho Lucas in Iserlohn, prosecuted for denouncing deportation and criminilisation of refugee
Ayaba Cho Lucas, Cameroonian, a human right activist and a coordinator of The VOICE Africa Forum in NRW is charged by officials of the Foreigners’ Office (Ausländerbehörde) for "insult" – a clear intimidation process against denouncing deportation. Protest will take placen on Thursday, 31.01.2002, at 12 noon in front of the Inferior Court (Amtsgericht) in Iserlohn.
indyamedia has more reader then any European Newspaper!
29-01-2002 01:51
indyamedia has more reader then any European Newspaper! I received today an email from the SPIEGEL Germany , a old friend of my past time and he confirmed that indyamedia is becoming so popular that it has more reader then any other European Newspaper or magazin. He explained that maybe AOL will come up with close website to indyamedia for Europe.US held responsible for conditions in Afghan jail
29-01-2002 01:45
America was condemnedyesterday for conditions in an
Afghan jail where more than 3,000
Taliban and al-Qai'da fighters are
being held in conditions described
as overcrowded and unhygienic,
and where inadequate food and
medical supplies have led to
Green Anarchist 64 now out
28-01-2002 23:47
New issue of Green Anarchist magazine now out!Living in a spun world
28-01-2002 23:15
Anything the main media tell you - believe the reverse. Health, politics,ethics,standards, emotions, sexuality, relationships - all subjected to a barrage of spin. An embracing yet fragile spectacle. Reject the lot - in your heart, if not in your daily activity. That produces a dilemma. But we can live with it. Things are changing.Raisethefist interview from San Francisco IM
28-01-2002 22:47
Sherman of raisethefist talls the story on sf indtmediaITNET announce £12.6 million profits
28-01-2002 21:59
ITNET, the controversial systems and service provider who were in control of the Hackney council benefits systemup until last year, have announced big profits for the last financial year.International ‘cacerolazo’ in support of women in Argentina and the global south
28-01-2002 21:44

28-01-2002 19:03
Heavily armed with high-powered machine guns, shot guns, and hand guns, the FBI, Secret Service, and Los Angeles Police Department sorounded the founder of in his house. WILL THEY TRY THIS ON WITH INDYMEDIA?Indymedia's Radio Group Will Produce a Live Internet Broadcast
28-01-2002 18:49
Indymedia Radio (D.R.O.P. project) will cover the following actions and events this coming weekend with a live 24/7 stream1. The World Social Forum in Potro Alegre, Brazil
2. The World Economic Forum and protests in New York City
3. The Nato Security Summit and protests in Munich
4. Additional Programming from India, the UK, San Franscisco and Seattle, amongst others.
Oil corporations and the fall of Toqayev
28-01-2002 18:35
Kazakhstan's Prime Minister Qasymzhomart Toqayev quit his job today, forcing the entire government to resign. Last November, Toqayev had accused foreign oil companies of undermining the government for their interests. Did President Nazarbayev, Kazakhstan's dictator, bow to pressure from oil companies?