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Call out for National Demo in Jacqui Smith`s home town

08-04-2009 00:02

The policing at the G20 protests was extremely violent and agressive. Peaceful protesters were attacked and beaten, many of them suffering injuries. We`ve all seen the videos of police laying into the climate campers who stood there with their hands in the air calmly stating "this is not a riot". And now we see film evidence that Ian Tomlinson, who was not even a protester, was brutally attacked from behind with a baton, before being shoved hard to the ground by a vicious cop. Ian Tomlinson died minutes later - I call this MURDER and it happened on Jacqui Smith`s watch!!

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Assembly and procession to mark G20 Meltdown death

07-04-2009 23:53

Ian Tomlinson died at G20 Meltdown in the city on 1st April. People are gathering. Flowers will be laid.

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Ford Visteon occupation solidarity rally against eviction

07-04-2009 23:41

Workers call for all to come and join them at the Visteon Factory in Enfield, occupied since Wednesday 1st April

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Comment and Photos of the G20 Demonstration At Bank

07-04-2009 22:32

View of the Police Kettle around the Bank of England Intersection City Of London

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Correcting the media narrative of the G20 protests on April 1, 2009

07-04-2009 22:27

The media coverage of the G20 protests has been systematically biased, writes Musab Younis - ignoring the violent policing, the tactic of open-air imprisonment of demonstrators, and the real chronology of events. “It has taken remarkable obedience by the press,” writes Musab, “to refuse to ask some simple and obvious questions.”

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Cuba: The hurt of no longer being

07-04-2009 21:57

* Fragment from a work by Daniel Barret about the evolution of Cuba’s political regime since November 17 2005 till today. This piece attempts to place the role of Fidel Castro these past months.

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Thursday cleaners protest in London

07-04-2009 21:55

Weekly protest in support of the 5 Mitie cleaners including Unite shop steward Edwin Pazmino sacked from the Willis Group building in the City of London under the guise of redundancy. The company last week refused to hear their final appeal against dismissal.

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Prisoner Support :: Dan Amos has moved prisons

07-04-2009 21:54

Daniel Amos' prison address has changed, please spread the word.

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Met Police version of Mr Tomlinson's death

07-04-2009 21:48

Abstract and link to Met Police version of events

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Video of Police Assault on Ian Tomlinson released.

07-04-2009 19:48

Police physically attacked Ian Tomlinson prior to his death...

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The Future of NATO: Time to Break a Taboo

07-04-2009 19:46

The European public supports neither the military engagment in Afghanistan nor new expansions of NATO.. The alliance must promote disarmament and arms control.

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Tamil protest still going strong /continues

07-04-2009 18:05

There are more than 2000 Tamils in Parliament square at time of me writing including many women with children and babies and many old people. They are determined not to go home until their demands are heard. Whatever happened to SOCPA legislation... Police repression remains heavy, many people have been injuried. Please go and support. Sleeping bags needed!

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G20: a photo essay - chapter 3

07-04-2009 18:04

G20, coming soon to your local police state.

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The Great Shittish Circus demo's Skegness

07-04-2009 17:42

image resized to 550pxl
Trying to educate the locals....

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Video Shows Police Killed Ian Tomlinson at G20

07-04-2009 17:32

The video clearly shows the police attacking Ian Tomlinson from behind. Walking away from riot police with his hands in his pockets, he is attacked by a riot cop and falls to the ground. Attended to by a protestor, he gets up only to later collapse and die.

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Some thoughts on the G20 police riot

07-04-2009 17:20

As has been said numerous times now, we need to take stock of the police riot on April 1st 2009 during the G20 protests. Although none of the tactics were that new, the level of intimidation and repression of public protest was entirely something different. I suppose this is the way things will be from now on. With this is mind, it's a time of learning from the past and from the G20 protests.

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The Stop Camden Animal Lab meeting at Housmans Bookshop was cancelled.

07-04-2009 16:49

The Stop Camden Animal Lab meeting planned for tonight at Housmans Bookshop planned for tonight was cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. We apologise for this.

The meeting was cancelled by the founders, organisers and committee members of Stop Camden Animal Lab.

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Met Police apologises to photographers for abuse of powers at Memorial Demo

07-04-2009 16:30

The Metropolitan Police have apologised to journalists and photographers for abusing Section 14 of the Public Order Act when they moved a group of them away from covering an operation at the memorial demo for the late Ian Tomlinson on 2nd April at Bank tube station. It has now been confirmed through witness statements that Ian Tomlinson died as a result of the repressive policing on April 1st. The police and the media have attempted to coverup the fact that Tomlinson was killed as a result of the policing on that day. Police also injured members of the press on Wednesday 1st April, resulting in a broken arm and torn ligaments for two photographers.

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G20: a photo essay - chapter 2 (pt.2)

07-04-2009 15:15

G-20. Hit and sunk.

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The rise of neo-Nazism

07-04-2009 15:05

The pictures in the below link are referring to a conference that took place last September in Hamburg amongst whom foreign representatives, including Belgians, attended.
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