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Obama solving the "Piracy" problem in Baltic sea ..(Baltops 09)

09-06-2009 12:30

Obama solving the "Piracy" problem in Baltic sea ..
Over 2,000 servicemen from ten countries of the alliance (Britain, Germany, Denmark, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, the USA, France and Estonia) participate in ten-day Baltops-2009 drills which are held within the scope of NATO’s Partnership for Peace Program. Finland and Sweden, which do not hold NATO’s membership, provided their territories, army bases and troops for the drills

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The 300-350 Show: The Road to Copenhagen - Bonn, Week 1

09-06-2009 11:26

We start our coverage of the United Nations climate talks in Bonn with a look at some of the targets that rich nations are bringing to the table. We also flag up the dangers of the scientifically unfounded rush to include Biochar and large-scale no-till agriculture in the draft negotiating texts.

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Sheffield Anti-BNP Demo - Photos

09-06-2009 11:24

Yesterday at 5pm, people demonstrated against the election to the European Parliament of a BNP candidate in the region.

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Lancaster unites against the nazi BNP

09-06-2009 11:04

Report on yesterday's impromptu anti-fascist demo in Lancaster

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Defend Jobs and Education at Tower Hamlets College

09-06-2009 10:13

Staff Student walkout
College announce massive cuts to jobs and student provision. Staff and students respond.

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Strawberry Fair Supports the Rape Crisis Center

09-06-2009 10:12

Collecting signatures at Strawberry Fair
Along with international campaigns, Cambridge City Amnesty International collected over 150 signatures in support of the Cambridge Rape Crisis Center, which is constantly under threat from lack of funding.

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No Pretence – the video

09-06-2009 09:57

Here is the video that was projected by a group of masked-up anarcha-feminists who stormed the final plenary of the Anarchism Conference in London last weekend.

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Solstice cycle ride

09-06-2009 08:46

A pleasant cycle ride to Stonehenge to celebrate the summer solstice

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July Delegation to Venezuela: Human Rights, Food Sovereignty & Social Change

09-06-2009 01:57

July Delegation to Venezuela: Human Rights, Food Sovereignty & Social Change

The Alberto Lovera Bolivarian Circle of NY invites you to join us in July for a 10-day trip to Venezuela examining advances in food sovereignty and other initiatives for social change.

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How The Media Keep Us Angry, Ignorant And Afraid

09-06-2009 00:33

Cartoon Korea - Filtered to Fit

How much do you know about the increased political tensions on the Korean peninsula? The answer, even for diligent readers of the mainstream press, is likely to be 'not much'. In place of serious, penetrating analysis the public has been sold a cartoon version of events based on a well-worn propaganda template. It is a tale spun by journalists who appear to know little of the real issues and who have internalised the key rules of 'balanced' reporting: do not point the finger of blame at your own government (or its allies), and do not question your government's demonisation of official enemies (learn nothing from the past).

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Obama Proposes Swift Execution of Alleged 9/11 Conspirators

09-06-2009 00:24

The five alleged co-conspirators in the 9/11 attacks.

In a leak that seems designed to gauge public opinion - and that of lawyers and other relevant parties around the world - anonymous officials in the Obama administration have told the New York Times about a proposal, in draft legislation to be submitted to Congress, which, as the Times put it, "would clear the way for detainees facing the death penalty [in Guantánamo] to plead guilty without a full trial."

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No Pretence Statement

08-06-2009 23:29

Below is the statement that was handed out by the group of anarcha-feminists who took the stage at the anarchist conference to talk about sexism in the movement and in capitalist society.

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Two free films at 56a Infoshop, London this month

08-06-2009 22:13

Yes, our rolling free film programme continues this month with 56a presentation of a recently made fil about Lucio, an anarchist bankrobber, kidnapper and bricklayer. Full Unemployment Cinema also present Pitfall, a marvellous 1960's Japanese classic.

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The Post-BNP Era

08-06-2009 21:52

An analysis of the rise of the British National Party in the UK as a result of the mainstream political elite ignoring the working class. Argues that this has happened across Europe, resulting in the rise of the far Right as a direct consequence of the failure of neo-liberal economic individualism. Suggests that a new class-based analysis is required to challenge the breakdown of politics.

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Fooled by Obama (by Latuff)

08-06-2009 21:27

Fooled by Obama
Editorial cartoon published on June issue of Caros Amigos magazine.

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N. Korea sentences 2 U.S. journalists to 12 years of hard labor

08-06-2009 20:45

North Korea on Monday sentenced two American journalists to 12 years of hard labor in a case widely seen as a test of how far the socialist state was willing to take its confrontational stance toward the United States. The Central Court, the highest court of North Korea, held the trial of the two Americans, Laura Ling and Euna Lee, from Thursday to Monday and convicted them of “committing hostilities against the Korean nation and illegal entry....

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The BNP have just become more dangerous

08-06-2009 17:35

BNP advance is a dangerous time for us all and we must get our act together and wake up and stop being in denial before it is to late.
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