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Solidarity in the Attack

10-12-2009 00:16

Wherever I see you mad power, without wasting too many words, I'll try to do you in !

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Call To Action: War Criminal Tzipi Livni comes to London

09-12-2009 23:48

Demonstrate on Sunday 13th December against former Israeli Foreign Minister
Tzipi Livni who is speaking at the Jewish National Fund Conference (JNF) in
North-West London.

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Save King George's Hospital!

09-12-2009 23:16

The recent results of the NHS inspections from around the UK make for worrying reading. NHS institutions are being poorly run all over the UK. But it seems the residents of East London and Essex seem to be getting hit the hardest, with the lingering possibility of King Georges Hospital in Goodmayes, Essex closing.

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Abuse greets church service for peace in Palestine

09-12-2009 22:01

Zionists hurled abuse at Christians, Jews, Muslims and people of no faith attending an alternative Christmas event in a central London church on December 8th. Organised by Jews for Boycotting Israeli Goods (J-BIG), the concert/service combined poetry, prose and theatre with the singing of traditional carols altered to draw attention to the injustices Israel is inflicting on the modern-day residents of the Holy Land, the Palestinian people.

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The Amazon Dilemma

09-12-2009 20:25

The climate change conference in Copenhagen is set to be one of the most important meetings of countries this milleniumum. The key players here are not only the huge economic giants but the small Islands and countries that have the most to lose. As time runs out a group of nations sit on the edge.

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Human rights event in London: "Torture in Our Times"

09-12-2009 19:22

10 December is Human Rights Day and also marks 25 years of the adoption of the Convention Against Torture (it became law in 1987). Yet torture is still practiced all over the world and supported and/or ignored by other regimes. Join us as we discuss this tragedy of our times

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Obama's War Speech: The Questions It Raises… And The Answer That Must Be Given

09-12-2009 19:17

On Tuesday, December 1, at the U.S. Military Academy in West Point, President Barack Obama announced that he would send 30,000 additional troops to Afghanistan. He also called for 10,000 more NATO troops, which pushes the total U.S.-led forces to nearly 150,000, and he announced plans to step up the war on a number of fronts including (without being specific) in Pakistan. Obama has now tripled the number of U.S. forces in Afghanistan since he took office.

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Palestine Today 120909

09-12-2009 19:06

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Wednesday, December 9th, 2009.

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"Rush" video by Australian Band Blue King Brown Confronts COP15 Attendees

09-12-2009 18:39

Watch Now! Australian band BLUE KING BROWN's video “RUSH” confronting climate change and made to inspire those at COP15 summit!

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Ed Miliband meets his followers on the way to 'Hopenhagen'

09-12-2009 18:03

Ed Miliband MP should have been sent packing in style yesterday, at a public rally jointly hosted by DECC (Department of Energy and Climate Change) and Friends of the Earth in Manchester’s conference centre. Instead, the minister, flanked by his NGO followers, was welcomed by the vast majority of climate campaigners in the audience, on the eve of his departure to Copenhagen.

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Indymedia Space in Copenhagen set up

09-12-2009 17:23

Indymedia has set up a space in Solidaritetshuset on Griffensegald 41, right next to lots of busy and happening venues. So, when you get into Copenhagen, be sure to look us up. Don't forget that een if you can't come to see us, then be sure to post to

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Is Channel 4 of Silvio Berlusconi?

09-12-2009 16:59

Silvio Berlusconi has build his media imperium using the publicity market.
If you control the publicity market, you control indirectly all newspapers, tv stations ,internet providers...
Did you know that the European variant of his publicity firm ‘Publitalia‘ is
Publierope ( and that it takes care for the publicity on Channel 4?

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People For Ethical Treatment Of Animals Designated Terrorists

09-12-2009 15:12

US government internal anti-terror pamphlet designated PETA a special interest domestic terrorist group...

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Camden Bio Hazard Lab consortium [UKCMRI] : 24 hrs notice of "consultation"

09-12-2009 14:36

There are plans to build a deadly pathogen lab alongside St Pancras International on a Camden Council house estate [Somers Town]. The consortium unveiled the design plans this week as revealed by the Evening Standard where they admitted that the lab could in fact be level 4 facility if "driven by science" meaning that it could contain deadly diseases such as rabies. They have claimed that full "public community consultation will take place" and have given 24 hours of this.

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Peter Tierney and Merseyside BNP head to court yet again...

09-12-2009 14:31

Today, Merseyside BNP "super-activist" Peter Tierney was up at the Crown Court to enter a plea on charges of assault. In response, Liverpool Antifascists turned up to distribute leaflets informing the public of exactly who Merseyside BNP has in its ranks.

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No Pasaran - Oppose Fascists in London

09-12-2009 13:58

This Sunday 13 December, SIOE and EDL plan to hold a provocative demonstration against Harrow Mosque. All antifascists out to oppose!

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Manchester Transport Police Armed with Tasers

09-12-2009 13:44

British Transport Police (BTP) will be armed with electric stun guns as part of a three-month trial scheme patrolling the railways of Manchester, London and Cardiff. Until recently, they have called in armed officers from other forces when dealing with incidents that require them.

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Copenhagen Farewell Lunch

09-12-2009 13:37

Friday 11th
Climate Camp -Trafalgar Square

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Merry Crisis! A Talk of the Greek Insurrection

09-12-2009 13:25

Considering the re-ignition of violent struggle in Greece in the last week, tomorrows talk on the Greek Insurrection of December 2008 promises to offer lots of interesting debate. For those who want to get some understanding of the violence, this talk will cover the background and political context of the insurrection. All Welcome, please come along!

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Justice Denied: Women victims of torture face a lifetime of suffering

09-12-2009 13:16

Medical Foundation
"Whether perpetrated in conflict or in peace, the root causes of violence against women [are] deep-seated inequalities and discrimination"
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