UK Newswire Archive
Democracy Village Guerilla Gardening this saturday
10-05-2010 11:56

Delving into South Africa’s Plan for Electricity
10-05-2010 10:58
Ill-considered, Rushed and Presumptuous? Delving into South Africa’s National Integrated Resource Plan for ElectricityPress release - Art exhibition.
10-05-2010 03:40

Bradford Uni Alumni Weekend - Demo Details
10-05-2010 03:09
This Saturday and Sunday, the University of Bradford are holding an extremely important event to mark the opening of one of their new buildings.Nothing has changed since 1992 except names
09-05-2010 22:33
So I watch catastrophe unfold.Neither the right or the left see the problems, and dogmatic bigotted Marxists do their damnedest to suppress ideas. Are there any scientific Marxists ready to work with Plebs' College on the Dialectical Synthesis of Marx and Malthus?
Democracy village better article with pictures
09-05-2010 21:51
check London IM article for pics n infoThe LM Network in Ireland
09-05-2010 20:24
Bella Caledonia stands beside Spinwatch in demanding transparency and honesty from groups like Forth (‘forward thinking from Ireland’). This article, which originally appeared in Forth’s online magazine is about disinformation and covert groups posturing as left with a right wing agenda. At the end of a fortnight of electoral spin and counter spin DAVID MILLER and CLAIRE ROBINSON of SpinWatch respond to Forth‘s own distortion and expose yet another LM Network front group:
09-05-2010 20:24
This is the stuff of Burroughs not Orwell. The media elite have created an ‘unpeople’ governed by an invisible party only seen in fleeting glimpses of the ‘campaign’. These ‘unpeople’ also have certain ‘unmentionable’ topics, and this is the reason they are not allowed on your screens. These ‘unmentionables’ are ‘Trident’, ‘ID cards and the [...]
Community Venture
09-05-2010 20:24
The Canongate Venture has had a varied history. First built as a primary school, then changed to a school of building, then craft and small business space for affordable rent. Now it lies almost empty while the Council and Mountgrange's administrators scurry around looking for a new developer to demolish it. Its long overdue to relet this space for local crafts, makers and small and start up businesses. It can also provide much needed space for the community, space for community recycling, space for community organisations to meet, and the potential for a landscaped play area. There is lots of potential and it cannot be considered surplus to requirements any longer.SOOT continues to call on Edinburgh Council to bring our building back into use
Come and play at Canongate Venture playground on Sunday 9th May from 2pm
Democracy village parliament square meetings for action all welcome12 an 7pm
09-05-2010 20:10
Everyday direct democracy meetings at the peace camp 12 noon and 7 pmBombs made in fareham and Derbyshire used to supress dissent in Greece
09-05-2010 19:24
Grenades made by the Chemring group (

The Kurdish Teacher trade unionists and 4 other activist been executed by Isalmi
09-05-2010 18:20
Despite campaign and efforts by International Trade Union Confederation and other progressive groups which were published here
Islamic regime showed its brutality against humanity and complete lack of respect for international obligations.
Lincolnshire Pheasantries (Vivisection Breeder) File for Liquidation
09-05-2010 17:33
East Midlands vivisection & shoot breeder go under!Anti BNP/Election Demo In Hereford
09-05-2010 15:58
A great write up of the anti BNP/election demo in Hereford can be found here,
The UK elections: a very British fraud
09-05-2010 15:56
A brief examination of electoral fraud in BritainWomen In Black Are Back!
09-05-2010 15:52
Women In Black hit the streets of Oxford (well, Bonn Square) on Saturday 8th May in a silent and pasifistic sort of way.paramilitary groups accused from KKE for the murderus attack to MARFIN BANK
09-05-2010 15:25

Dr Death Toppled by the APP
09-05-2010 13:49

APP Election Victory
09-05-2010 13:26
There are those who talk and there are those who doBradford Uni Charity Ball Demo'd by Anti-Vivisectionists
09-05-2010 13:07
Bradford University last night held their annual Spring Charity Dinner and Ball at Cedar Court Hotel, which activists used as a perfect opportunity to shame them for the vivisection which goes on inside their laboratories.