UK Newswire Archive
Please help save Occupy London from being destroyed from within
22-10-2011 21:45
Its important for us all to attract middle England as historically revolutions are only won by attracting the middle classes. If its not correctly reflecting the actual views of the 99% who are still actually quite angry at the banks, then its doomed....This thing has now become over run by idiots, lost in a sea of different people wanting different things from the movement and its destroying it....The truth is no one in their right mind is going to support something that seems on the Occupy London facebook page to predominantly be these Internet drunk lunatics who have spent too much time watching unresearched youtube conspiracy videos....Its a real pity as the organisers and the Campers have worked so hard on this and frozen their asses off out their in the cold and for what so some dick head can sit in the warmth and post crap rubbishing thier cause.. the few nutters always ruin it for the rest of us in the most crucial moments it seems...Occupy London still has a chance....It just needs people to say something to the people ruining it that we have to focus on the simple things first and stop posting things and making protest signs about David Ike and Alex Jones and bloody Zeitgeist talking about taking the blue pill or the illuminate or whatever and just focus on the heavily researched and confirmed basics you guys started with, which was showing our universal anger at bank bailouts and the fact they have so much power over our politicians, the fact corporations own democracy right now and cause all the ills in the world...start the debate how we can modernise the system, maybe the Swedish system is better a more Socialist system or whatever...this has been lost amongst all this reference to home made Youtube videos from some of the occupy pains me to say but its so scaring people off right now - READ THE LINK I FOUND IT JUST ABOUT SUMS IT UPOccupyLSX Tour of Corporate Greed takes new site!
22-10-2011 18:55
The Tour of Corporate Greed march left S. Paul's with hundreds taking over the streets of the city of london. They marched to the Bank of England, where earlier the State of the Nation teach out had been held. The police seemed surprised when they turned left at bank and headed up Princes Street...
With chants of "We are the 99 percent!" and "whose banks? Our banks!" they toured the financial centre of the city of london before finding themselves at Finsbury Square (grass) by Moorgate... and hey presto! the tripods were up and tents were being errected. The police panicked for a moment rushing to get into the square, but soon realised the camp was already there...
Babar Ahmad, The Clock is Ticking
22-10-2011 17:40

occupylsx tent university teach out at BOE
22-10-2011 16:55
The "State of the Nation Roundtable Discussion", otherwise known at the Tent City University teach out took place today outside the Bank of England. With around 275 people there were speakers including Polly Toynbee (The Guardian), Jonathan Portes (National Institute of Economic and Social Research), John Christiansen (Tax Justice Network) and James Meadway (New Economics Foundation). With 10 minute introductions from the speakers, the assembled crowd then broke down into smaller groups to discuss pragmatic ways of bringing about systemic, real change.
Polly Toynbee started off by praising the occupation, saying that already it has prompted a wealth of discussion of the issues, and concluded by saying that if it continues to grow it has the potential to become a potent political force.
#occupylsx takes new site Occupy Finsbury Square!
22-10-2011 16:55
Another Occupy! site has been taken at Finsbury Square by Moorgate in the heart of the financial cente, after a march that snaked its way past the bank of england on a 'big business and banks tour of shame'.
Two tripods were set up as police rushed to the scene to find people setting up tents - there are at least 23 tents now, with working groups being set up.
They have appealed for people to come down and support the second occupation OccupyFS!
It was announcd that this is a secong occupation and that St. Paul's will remain
Occupy London Stock Exchange
22-10-2011 12:55
A few photos of the occupation Friday evening 21.10.11
The weekend promises to be be quite busy.
Occupy London stock exchange camp facing eviction soon
22-10-2011 10:10
The occupy London stock exchange is facing eviction soon, possibly as early as this coming Monday morning. The St Paul's Cathedral have now said that the occupation has been there long enough and has made its point. They have also said that the presence of the camp has forced them to close the Cathedral cafe and shop. This has caused them to lose trade which is their only income.The Future of the Occupy Movement: Solidarity and Escalation
22-10-2011 06:55

A month after it began with a few hundred people marching on Wall Street, the #Occupy movement has grown to include tens of thousands of participants throughout the country and has captured headlines around the world. If it has not yet succeeded beyond its wildest dreams, that’s only because its participants have dreamed big: imagining a sustained popular uprising that could force fundamental changes in our political and economic system—ones that could end corporate dominance and promote real democracy.
The movement can, in fact, propel significant changes. But #OccupyWallStreet and its allied occupations still have a ways to go before realizing their potential. The two issues most pressing as they chart their next steps: solidarity and escalation.
Nottingham Market Square continues occupied, Day 7
22-10-2011 02:55
Friday 21st October 2011
Nottingham Market Square continues occupied : Day 7.
But, Council want to put a christmas tree there! Now, in October ... grrrr!
I took these nightime piccys, before people were about to move elsewhere in the Square.
Occupy Nottingham
Part of a global movement in solidarity with other occupations across the globe.
We aim to occupy the Market Square Area of Nottingham from Saturday 15th October 2011 as part of an ongoing non-violent/peaceful demonstration.
Broadly speaking, we aim to show that we will no longer tolerate the corporate greed and Government corruption that threatens our way of life and everything we work for.
Currently our government strips away our civil liberties and public services, all in the name of greater profit for banks & corporations who exert far too much influence and control over our supposed leaders.
We want to encourage and inspire people to work together towards a fairer society for all, rather than the current system where the rich few get richer and the rest of us get left behind.
Ways you can help
Join us in our occupation
Tell friends and family about the movement
Donate food, water, clothing, blankets, tents, anything that will make our stay more comfortable - winter is coming! [See wishlist below]
Film us, take photos, question us - share the info with the world (the media certainly won't)
Follow us on Twitter and Facebook: @OccupyNotts & OCCUPY Nottingham for Global Change
Email: occupynottingham[at]hotmail[dot]co[dot]uk
The story so far ........
Nottingham is occupied [Feature]
Nottingham Occupy 1 The March
Nottingham Occupy 2 The Rally
Nottingham Occupy 3 Uncut Tour
Nottingham Occupy 4 Market Square
Nottingham Occupy @ Market Square Day 2 Sunday
Nottingham Indymedia have now added a further feature with more links ......
Nottingham Occupation Continues [2nd Feature]
Nottingham Occupation continues: Wednesday Day 5
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
Friday update from #occupyLSX
22-10-2011 00:55
General Assembly report back and quick update:
Following a presentation of the letter from the Dean of the cathedral where he set out his reasons for taking the unprecedented step of closing the Cathedral, and the reading of the OccupyLSX press release initial response, the assembly had discussed in small groups the course of action. There were passionate contributions during the report backs with many questioning the official line from the Dean over health and safety.
Some said obviously that it would look bad with the cathedral closing, but that it was necessary to challenge this notion. There was overwhelming support for the camp to remain and to use the events planned over the weekend to highlight the issues behind the protest. There was consensus and a big cheer when they agreed to stay over the next days and try and resolve the situation.
The media team is preparing another press statement which includes supportive quotes from members of the clergy who were attending evensong.
The legal team noted that the camp is under no legal obligation to go, and that a series of legal steps would need to be gone through in order for an eviction process to be started.
The Faith working group has drafted a statement that faith groups can sign to support the occupation and an alternative sunday service will be held at 9am since the dean decides to close the cathedral to its normal service.
Various working groups have been meeting to discuss worst case scenarios and what to do in the case of a police eviction in order to ensure people are calm and that people have sufficient space to pack their things should they want to leave.
Tomorrow (Sat) sees the 'meet the movement' outreach day and the one week anniversary of OccupyLSX.
There's also a march tomorrow on Saturday, leaving OccupyLSX at 2.30pm, destination is a surprise! the activities and march tomorrow has been endorsed by the Unite trade union.
The tent city university lectures tomorow during the 'meet the movement' outreach day, will be a teach out - walking to the location at 2pm.
Recycling and waste management on site is going well, with the council remaking that the recycling they're been collecting is upping their figures for recycling in the area. Volunteers were requested for the weekend when there will be a lot of visitors who maybe aren't used to the recycling system, to ensure that collected waste is sorted into the right types.
The tranquility 'night watch' mediation team will be on duty 10pm-8am to address issues of noise and disturbance.
The main topics for discussion tonight at the assembly were then:
- a call to action?
- concrete proposalsof what to do next
- why we are staying
22 years on - new Hillsborough allegation by former police employee
22-10-2011 00:38

BCfm’s weekly politics show presented by Tony Gosling
At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers
UK's left-wing press jubilant over the assassination of deposed Libyan President
21-10-2011 21:37

Pics #OccupyLSX Friday 21st
21-10-2011 20:55
Pics from OccupyLSX on Friday 21st including the emergency assembly to discuss the letter from the Dean where he took the extraordinary step to close the cathedral - when was the last time this happened? Wasn't it open throughout the blitz in world war 2?!
Occupy Nottingham: Day 7
21-10-2011 20:55
The occupation of Nottingham's Market Square has made it into its seventh day.
While the strain of a week without enough sleep is beginning to show, the occupation is still going strong.
The food market on the square had earlier taken place around the occupation, although this was over by the time I arrived.
There were lots of supporters milling around the camp and many curious revellers.
I didn't see anybody who was causing any trouble (and haven't all week), but I understand that there had been some issues with other users of the square who are rather the worse-for-wear.
If you can, get down to the square and support your local occupation.
This Week in Palestine week 42 2011
21-10-2011 20:55

St Pauls letter to #OccupyLSX +Statement
21-10-2011 20:55
Copy of the letter below - click to enlarge
At the emergency general assembly this afternoon at 4pm, it was stressed that the london fire brigade had confirmed they were happy with regard to fire and health and safety, and that the council had confirmed they had not been in any discussion with St Pauls with regard to any health and safety issues. The question arises then, from whom did St Pauls get the advice that they needed to close on these grounds?
In the light of this the OccupyLSX general assembly agreed that they will stay for the weekend and see if matters can be resolved.
This afternoon there was also a school service with hundreds attending, a quick straw poll of 20 families leaving saw none of them say there was, in their opinion, any issue around access.
Statement from OccupyLSX:We are disappointed to learn that that the management of St Paul’s have decided to close the Cathedral this afternoon, in their open letter regarding our peaceful occupation that aims to highlight and challenge the social and economic injustice in the UK and beyond.
Since the beginning of the occupation six days ago, OccupyLSX have tried hard to accommodate the Cathedral’s concerns in any way we can. Over the past 48 hours, we have completely re-organised the camp in response to feedback from the Fire Brigade and we have also accepted the presence of two large barriers to preserve access to the side door of the Cathedral.
Both of these measures were accepted by the General Assembly in order that the Cathedral’s normal operations should not be unduly impacted by our presence. This afternoon we have been told, in a telephone call, by the fire brigade, that they have not issued any new requirements above and beyond those already communicated directly to the camp. Therefore, there are no outstanding fire safety issues.
What outstanding issues there are appear to be concerned with, firstly, health and safety and, secondly, the Cathedral’s commercial concerns. We seek clarification from the Cathedral as to the precise nature of those health and safety concerns, so that we might address them directly. In the short space of time that we have been here, we have successfully liaised with the City authorities and outside bodies to coordinate recycling and sanitation.
As to the Cathedral’s commercial concerns, access to the restaurant has never been blocked by the encampment. The closure of the restaurant, by the Cathedral, has mystified us, especially as it came at the same time as we encouraged our people to use and support the restaurant. We would much prefer to eat there than in some of the nearby chains.
We believe the Cathedral is also concerned about their visitor numbers. We have endeavoured to ensure that our schedule does not conflict with the Cathedral’s, so that their normal operations are not impaired. Clearly, we have become another tourist attraction on the Cathedral’s doorstep – but, since we are not a commercial concern, we are struggling to understand how we have had any financial impact on the Cathedral’s revenues.
We also understand that some individuals were in the process of arranging for a contribution to be made to St Paul’s in recognition of their hospitality. It is a shame the Cathedral authorities have decided to take this action before those preparations came to fruition, as we expected them to in the next 12 hours.
Over the course of this week, we have done a huge amount to draw attention to the crisis of economic and political legitimacy experienced in the UK and mirrored in protests staged across the world. That awareness-raising exercise – and our attempts to provide a truly participatory and accountable forum in which to investigate ways forward – will continue.
Update – 4pmWe have been advised by Health and Safety Manager Rachel Sambal that the City of London’s Health and Safety Team have had no contact with St Paul’s Cathedral regarding health and safety issues at the site