UK Newswire Archive
Sparks win electrician dispute - pay-cut company contracts dead in water
23-02-2012 20:49
Electricians today learnt that the new national agreement for mechanical, electrical and plumbing workers in the building engineering services sector (Besna - the Building Engineering Services National Agreement) which planned to tear up the long-standing Joint Industry Boards agreements and impose new semi-skilled grades which would have reduced wages for those affected by up to 35%, is dead!Anti-Scottish Defence League Events Glasgow Sat 25th Feb.
23-02-2012 20:46
Take Your Pick:Sparks Electricians Claim Victory Over Employers
23-02-2012 20:19

Dipton Community Beat UK Coal!
23-02-2012 18:55
The long struggle against attempts to surface mine the Derwent Valley has scored a victory today.
Celebrations in Dipton Social Club tonight!
Appeal Decision
Inquiry opened on 25 October 2011
(Sitting days 25-28 October, 1-4 and 8-11 November 2011)
Site visits made on 9-10 and 23 November 2011
by J S Nixon BSc(Hons) DipTE CEng MICE MRPTI MCIHT
an Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government
Decision date: 23 February 2012
Appeal Ref: APP/X1355/A/11/2150277
Land adjacent to the A692 Road, known as Bradley, Near Leadgate,
Consett, County Durham, DH8 7SL.
• The appeal is made under section 78 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (the
Act) against a refusal to grant planning permission.
• The appeal is made by UK Coal Mining Ltd (UK Coal) against the decision of Durham
County Council (County Council).
• The application (Ref. No:1/2007/1049) dated 11 December 2007 was refused by notice
dated 18 February 2011.
• The development proposed is for the surface mining of coal with restoration of the site
to include woodland, species rich grassland and hay meadow, scrub, water features and
1. For the reasons given below, this appeal is dismissed.
Camp Liberty: A Safe Haven Or A Prison Camp
23-02-2012 17:58
UN representative has accepted to send 3400 Iranians to a camp, which has turned out to be a high security prison, where the minimum essentials of life are missing.World Conscious Put to Test as Iranian Dissidents Are Relocated To Concentration
23-02-2012 17:27
Supporters of the main opposition to the ruling dictatorship in Iran have been put under great pressure and suppression. The dissidents are being forced to go to a concentration camp in Iraq.They have been given a choice to make: Go to the concentration camp (where there is no drinking water or other minimum essentials of life) or stay and be massacred by the Iraqi army.Woman Covered in Oil at Waitrose in Protest over Shell
23-02-2012 16:11

Greece, Patras – Gathering at the prisons of Agios Stefanos
23-02-2012 16:02

Occupy Law: protest, progress and the true meaning of justice
23-02-2012 12:02
London's Tent City University hosted a stimulating and empassioned event on Monday night with prominent activist lawyers debating how the law is both part of the problem and part of the solution to the global injustices that the Occupy movement is seeking to address. This article summarises its key messages.Support prisoner 125799, Robert Green.
23-02-2012 11:20
Robert Green was sentenced to 12 months imprisonment on 17 February 2012. This was after a trial that was unfair and breached Article 6 Human Rights Act. The original charges were unlawful and an attempt by Grampian Police (and others) to silence Robert's campaign.AAAS Hot science (and anti-science)
23-02-2012 05:29

McDonalds & KFC planning application
23-02-2012 02:55
McDonalds have put in a planning application to open a branch at Clifton Lane, Nottingham NG11 8NA. They tried last year but were refused (see
This time they've come back all guns blazing, and teamed up with KFC. Great.
Anybody can object, but it has to be on 'planning' grounds, such as visual impact, 24 hour disturbance in a residential area, noise, smell, anti social behaviour (beyond simply trashing the planet), access, traffic etc. For example in the report (above) residents expressed concerns that "it would be a magnet for gangs and would create more litter."
The StreetView of the location at will give a hint as to potential issues. It is on the already over-capacity A453 and the near doubling of parking spaces indicates that more (short stay) traffic is expected. Despite the site backing on to a residential area, 24 hour x 7-day opening is applied for.
If you feel you could just put even one sentence in to object to it then please do!
March 1st is the deadline, and you can do it online at
Just scroll down, bottom left in green "comment on application".
The application itself is at
It is interesting to note that the application doesn't mention McD & KFC upfront.
The application is from a 'Nottingham-based company Medina Green Ltd' via an 'agent'. Only when looking at the proposed view in the Layout Plans & Elevations do you see that it is actually for McD & KFC. (See pdf at
Please object, and pass it on!
See sample letter of objection at
What do you do when 'Big Mac' wants to Burger up your neighbourhood?
- see a Case Study from the folk behind the McLibel campaign at
Whilst not necessarily grounds for planning objections there is plenty more at McDonalds not to enjoy; everything from nutrition, animals and the environment to globalisation and capitalism! See
... and don't get us started on KFC:
SATURDAY: Memorial demo for murdered 21-year-old Russian Antifascist
23-02-2012 00:22

Political Upheaval Looms Large in Greece
22-02-2012 23:56

Full article | 2 additions | 2 comments
Indymedia Radio Activist Shot Dead in Kenya
22-02-2012 22:18
Stephen Nyash was working with Koch FM, a station in Korogocho, a township near Nairobi.A4E Crisis: Chat with Emma
22-02-2012 18:36
Chat with Emma Harrison, A4E boss. about the ongoing meltdown and criminal investigation into her workfare provider and multi-million pound multinational business. She is so nice and happy and clappy about getting the unemployed back into work, that she would love to discuss it with you.Trial Collapses in Farce As Judge Throws Out Case After 10 Minutes
22-02-2012 17:54
Last year three people were arrested for displaying a banner on the bridge connecting the Hyatt hotel during the Lib Dem conference in Birmingham.
One of them was then held in prison for ten days and suspended from his job for three months. Yesterday the case went to trial but was thrown out of court after only ten minutes.
The following statement is taken from the Banner Drops are not a Crime website: