UK Newswire Archive
10-07-2002 12:12
The issue of regeneration in Merseyside Great Britain covers many subjects, but the issue of community participation and empowerment is being conveniently down graded by many of Liverpool’s elitist elements and this is in spite of the fact that central government ministers are promoting the empowerment of our communities. These business, local government and central government elitists are also secure and safe in the knowledge that certain safe careerist academics are promoting the most favourable spin in relation to the above issues in their research projects on regeneration.Iraq, Timor Est and terrorism
10-07-2002 11:53
Today in Global Observer
ISRAEL: Conscientious objector sentenced to 14 days imprisonment
10-07-2002 11:34

Record livestock sales on the Plains as farmers face bankruptcy
10-07-2002 11:07
Years of compounding economic contradictions have already ravaged the farm communities, and now drought is creating financial disaster for this generation of 'Okies', drinking the 'grapes of wrath' as it is already to late for rains to save this years farms in the drought stricken north american west ... time to pull out the Steinbeck book to refresh our memories?WANT BOOKS
10-07-2002 10:46

The bookshop Atrapasueños in a few months (after the exhausting summer) will put in march. For the present we possess(rely on,possessed,relied on) books and materials of different publishing houses(editorials), groups ... but still(yet) they are small...
10-07-2002 09:55
MUMS WITH KIDS HERE. LEAVE US ALONE!Not you! The council. They want to evict us.
Come November lst, Mid Beds Council (nasty Tory lot)
intend to chuck us out on the road. "Go and live on a
lay-by", they said in the High Court. All 200 of us.
Oldham, Burnley and Bradford Riots and the Judicial System
10-07-2002 09:29
Vicious sentences against young Asians following the riots in Oldham,Bradford and Burnley.GREENS TO BUSH: OBEY THE NATION'S LAWS
10-07-2002 05:35
On the eve of the party's Midterm Convention(July 18-21 in Philadelphia), Greens warn of
damage to rights, security, and the economy in
Bush's protection of corporate and government
Greens cite Enron abuses in Harken and
Halliburton, rollback of 'Whistleblower'
protection, and noncompliance with the
International Criminal Court
U.S. gunship videotaped its Afghan wedding attack
10-07-2002 05:29

Planting Potatoes in Palestine
10-07-2002 03:09
A Palestinian story about potato farming that was sent to me. It's great humor that should be shared.US Minister forced off stage on AIDS issue
10-07-2002 00:52

Central Command for Action
09-07-2002 22:17
US REVEALS PLANS FOR IRAQ ATTACK:-( Cent Com for Action.From a highly classified document leaked to The New York Times (deliberately) on the 5th July which is widely accepted as authentic. (From The Independent; Sat 6th July.)
London Rising Tide disrupt carbon trading conference
09-07-2002 21:47
On July 8th & 9th 2002, London's v.ritzy Carlton Tower Hotel hosted a conference on 'Monetising carbon credits in emerging economies' which, when you scrape off the jargon, means 'Making money out of climate change and exploiting some of the world's poorest people into the bargain'.African Union must exclude Swaziland
09-07-2002 21:38
The case of Swaziland is an acid test for the new African Union, says the Swaziland Solidarity Campaign.The Invisible Empire of L.A.P.D. (cartoon by Latuff)
09-07-2002 21:17

GM Crops Approved.
09-07-2002 20:47
A leading environmental campaign group has renewed its attack on the Government stance on genetically modified crops.The move by Friends of the Earth comes after an unnamed Minister is reported to have said that a decision to allow GM crops to be commercially grown in the UK had already been taken.
Recording breaking North American drought and forest fires - Help wanted!
09-07-2002 20:46
Could some of you'se Email the info and photos you'se have about the North American forest fires and the record breaking drought in North America to the IndyMedia Ireland Newswire please? Any help and assistance much appreciated!