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UK Newswire Archive

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Deliver your message to DEFRA, even if you can't come to London

23-07-2002 15:59

People from all over the UK are converging on London to say NO! to GM crops, and no to commercialisation.If you can't make it to the big smoke, you can send a fax straight to Margaret Beckett's office, cos she's the Secretary of State responsible.

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23-07-2002 15:25

straw wants to use british muslim leaders as pr for war on iraq....

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Odd answer to a query on UK produce border crossing policies

23-07-2002 14:42

As I am about to cross the channell, and don' wanna lose my precious organically and non farm worker exploitingly grown produce (which I did last time I came over - quite a few years ago) I asked google this: english border customs declare euro produce --- and was answered this on the 3rd O: Becoming Indigenous By John Curl

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Protest=Terrorism according to Hampshire cops

23-07-2002 14:18

Hampshire cops equate protest with terrorism in stopping and searching peace activists.

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Community Activism workshop - reminder

23-07-2002 13:13

This saturday!
Community Activism Workshop
Saturday 27th July at 2pm
Radical Dairy, 47 Kynaston Road, London N16

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Fair Tax on Aviation Fuel

23-07-2002 10:44

Time to stop unsustainable cheap flights?

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23-07-2002 10:22

Time for Fair Tax on Aviation Fuel.

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Thesis of the concrete democracy in Utopia.

23-07-2002 10:07

Lapsus of the concrete democracy in Utopia.

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London Calling - Newsletter of Class War

23-07-2002 07:57

London Class War Bulletin - August edition.

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Little Brother's fingerprints all over the library

23-07-2002 04:28

IT PROMISED to be the high-tech saviour of the embattled primary-school librarian, an ingenious device that guaranteed no more lost library cards and fewer missing books.

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Caravan Tour for the Rights of Refugees and Immigrants in Gremany 2002

23-07-2002 02:24

Asylum right is a human right! We are here because you destroy our countries! We refugees, in unity with immigrants and with all persons rejecting racism and for human progress, call on you to: Join the Caravan Tour 2002 * August 17 (Bremen) - September 21 (Berlin)

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U.S. MADE Israeli f-16's Massacre 12 Civilians, Wounds 140 More

23-07-2002 02:10

U.S. MADE Israeli f-16's Massacre 12 Civilians, Wounds 140 More

Body of Young Palestinian Girl Killed in Gaza Attack

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New Book Exposes I.B.M. Complicity with Nazi Germany

23-07-2002 01:56

A new book authored by Edwin Black exposes in detail the complicity of U.S. corporate giant I.B.M. with the Nazis during WW II.

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Residents to oppose Centre closure

23-07-2002 01:23

Residents in and around the Shoreditch Centre behind the Hackney Road bingo hall are unanimously opposed to Hackney Council’s recent sell-off of this former day centre for people with disabilities.

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Genoa Film Screened in Liverpool a success

23-07-2002 01:20

Despite organising the night within days - the film night was a success. Between 80 - 100 people attended, to see what genoa was really about.

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NoBorder 22/07/2002 - Actions and solidarity

22-07-2002 22:44

Photos from NoBorder camp. March to court of human rights, action outside the Council of Europe, solidarity for the prisoners.

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Anti-GM convoy heads to London

22-07-2002 22:27

Anti-GM convoy heads to London
People from Totnes and other parts of Devon have headed off in convoy to arrive in London July 24th. On route they will be joining up with other concerned citizens from all over the country and converging at Westminster to voice a strong message of resistance to the commercialisation of GM crops. (article 1)

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AntiPrivatisation Lobby of Sothwark Coucil, July 23rd

22-07-2002 21:14

United Campaign to Defend Coucil Housing in Southwark are lobbying the newly-elected Libdem Council's Exec Committee to voice borough-wide opposition to neglect and creeping privatisation of the remaining Housing Stock. See Press Release (attached)

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Noborder - Demo at Euro Court of Human Rights REPORT

22-07-2002 18:42

Up to one thousand people including some without official papers, took to the streets today in >Strasbourg to marh to the European Court of Human Rights.

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Cancer:Four Alt/Treatment Stories

22-07-2002 17:41

Nothing Left to Lose. When conventional medicine failed them, these four cancer patients -- three of them terminal -- turned to alternative treatments that have never been scientifically proven to work. They're all still alive.
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