UK Newswire Archive
Discussion on the way forward after May Day
02-05-2001 19:18
A discussion on the way forward for the anti-capitalist movement after May Day:the truth about the wombles and mayday
02-05-2001 18:59
Last night I was wondering across Wimbeldon common on my way home. As I passed the deepest, darkest, wildest part I stumbled across the secret head quarters of the notorious W.O.M.B.L.E.S. One of them gave me this to send out to the world:Bolivarista website
02-05-2001 18:55
Solidarity with the people fighting for independence, dignity, socialism and peace in South America.Boycott Exxon mobil & Texaco !
02-05-2001 16:21
We started a campaign against US anti-climate politics. We call for a boycott of exxon mobil & Texaco ! vanishes...
02-05-2001 15:43
Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:Reply from bytes=32 time=241ms TTL=241
Glasgow Mayday Madness
02-05-2001 15:29
1200 reclaim streets of Glasgow in a glorious mayday celebration of resistance.Our right to protest
02-05-2001 14:36
Why was our legal right to protest taken from us yesterday and why is noone discussing this? Half report- half reply to those who are posting abusive messages.Mayfair demo (Mayday afternoon)
02-05-2001 14:03
On Mayday afternoon, a spontaneous demonstration moved through the London West End, celebrating Mayday and the freedom of being able to move wherever you want to -- without being stopped by lines of riot police. This is a personal account.Regent's Street last night
02-05-2001 13:52
Police tactics on innocent bystandersPolice Mayday tactics - BBC 'Talking Point'
02-05-2001 13:38
'I dissent!' (e-mail just sent to BBC Talking Point online about police tactics on Mayday. All comments pro-police so far - will this one appear?)The evening: barricade 2 (pic)
02-05-2001 12:52

The evening: barricade (pic)
02-05-2001 12:50

Shops boarded up (pic)
02-05-2001 12:45

Police criticised (pic)
02-05-2001 12:36

Times Leader Article
02-05-2001 12:35
Leader article from 'The Times' today.Outside Oxford Circus (pic)
02-05-2001 12:30

Cops in front of bbc (pic)
02-05-2001 12:25

I cant help thinking...
02-05-2001 12:01
...that this site is just a load of left wing propaganda, rather than an independent view of the news. The unbelieveable bias shown in your editorial makes you as bad as anyone else. Damn, that hypocrite phrase is on the tip of my tongue again.South London action pic 6
02-05-2001 11:37

South London action pic 5
02-05-2001 11:30