UK Newswire Archive
View around mayday section 60 oxford circus
04-05-2001 19:08

Penned in tactics
04-05-2001 18:28

May 5. 130 cities worldwide protest for cannabis and against drug war. MMM 2001
04-05-2001 17:48
May 5th has been designated a universal protest day for those who have had enough of this DRUG WAR and the insidious assault on the international cannabis culture. It is time to end the racism and the hypocrisy. It is time for sanity and reason. It is time to come together. Listed below are the 130 cities and their respective contacts.Mayday Report: iDEFENSE Intelligence Services
04-05-2001 17:42
Cyber Activism, May Day 2001 Special Report v1.0 . 14:30 GMTApril
27, 2001
iDEFENSE Intelligence Services
Cyber Activism,
May Day 2001
April 27, 2001
police intervention @ mayaday critical mass(pic2)
04-05-2001 17:02

police intervention @ mayaday critical mass (pic1)
04-05-2001 16:59

First Trouble at Bank 9am Mayday
04-05-2001 16:55

"Protocols of God"
04-05-2001 15:27
In keeping with the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion you have allowed the powers-that-be to make Indy Media into a farce, to make arsenic into a more or less excusable manifestation of "wormwood"; and to make communication glitches into an excusable reason to get rid of anyone.Noise Making Time - Why Did No One Say Anything About Bush?
04-05-2001 14:33
Did the Mayday protests miss the point? Should we be more scared of capitalism, or what Bush is doing with diplomacy and nuclear weapons?Pics on escape from Oxford circus detention
04-05-2001 14:28

Bristol Evening Post on Nobody victory
04-05-2001 14:20
Evening Post acknowledges council defeat in Nobody election sensationThe Columbia Deception
04-05-2001 13:34
Paramilitary death squads are terrorizing the Columbian countryside. Texaco and BP are hiring paramilitary troops to defend oil pipelines. In the Putamayo region, Monsanto herbicide is being sprayed from the air, sickening thousands and destroying food crops. President Bush is aksing for an increase in U.S. funding for the war, up from 1.3 billion dollars last year.injury
04-05-2001 13:21

Police photographer
04-05-2001 13:12

Mayday: release from Oxford Circus - video clip
04-05-2001 13:04

(Nb u need to download clip b4 full viewing)
Mayday audio from Oxford Circus
04-05-2001 12:33
Sounds of chants while stuck in oxford circus by bloody pigs