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G8 2004 comes to Georgia: Action Now!

09-12-2003 04:37

International Festival
G8 2004: Savannah, GA USA will be the flashpoint for free speech action. Help us give the G8 a taste of "Real" Southern Hospitality.

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Witnesses Needed! Fairford 22 March 2003 police stop and searches outside demo.

09-12-2003 04:11

Witnesses needed urgently!!
Occasion: Police Stop and Searches of Vehicles and People during the Fairford Demo on 22 March 2003
Location of searches: Letchlade (just outside of Fairford)
Time: from 12:00-2:30pm.

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zionists now training US/Britain on how to kill Iraqis quicker

09-12-2003 04:06

Merkava tanks and mossad HQ's in Baghdad....checkpoints in all cities to humiliate the people, "targeted assasinations" of resistance fighters, demolition of houses with the families still inside....zionists get high by the occupation and murder of Arabs, and now they're getting their "coalition" allies to help them out.

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Monbiot in Oxford - An autonomist reports

09-12-2003 03:00

George Monbiot came to Oxford Town hall - Monday 8th of December
Envited By Oxford Globalise Resistance (aka SWP) to talk about the European Social Forum
and his ideas of a world parliament.
Not everyone was convinced but there was a constructive debate - see engagement can be productive

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Are the English really sick in da head?

09-12-2003 00:46

You make us sick Tony blair- How would U feel us shaking hands with Osama
The English tax payer keeps paying for guns that have killed 4.5 million africans in CONGO DRC in the name of "fair trade" fuck you all!

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15 December Christmas benefit to aid CRISIS, national charity for the homeless

08-12-2003 21:52

Monday, 15 December, 6 pm - 12 am
Christmas benefit to aid CRISIS, a national charity for homeless people
film screening + live music

@ the Red Rose Club
129 Seven Sisters Road
Finsbury Park, London N7 7QG
Tel: 020 7281 3051
Tube / BR: Finsbury Park
Tickets at door only, £7/£5 concessions

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McDonalds in Trouble

08-12-2003 21:27

Hong Kong government asks McDonalds to withdraw its Honey BBQ sauce as it contains the sweetener stevioside which is banned in Hong Kong.

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WSIS Report From Geneva - Wednesday 8th Dec

08-12-2003 21:09

Reports from Monday 8th December
wsis in geneva

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"March Against the Murderers" report

08-12-2003 21:09

The March
Around 400 people of all ages, classes, races, ethnicities and abilities assembled in Huntingdon on Saturday December the 6th with one purpose – to give a clear message that institutionalised animal torture will not be tolerated.

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An Open Letter to George W Bush: Part 2

08-12-2003 20:16

Winning the hearts and minds of the Iraqi people...the same exact words were used about Vietnam...didn't work then and it won't work now

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Nuclear fuel railed through Bavaria to france

08-12-2003 19:56

Regensburg and surroundings
Castor through Bavaria to France tomorrow or Wednesday

A train carrying highly radioactive spent nuclear fuel rods will pass Regensburg in Bavaria tomorrow or Wednesday, reports the local Greenpeace group. Their media release says the train with two Castor caskets will start out from the Isar2 nuclear power station at Essensbach near Landau and head for the plutonium factory at La Hague on the north-west French coast.

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Film Showing: Gujarat - A laboratory of Hindu Rashtra

08-12-2003 19:27

on Tuesday 9th & Wednesday 10th December 6pm
"Gujarat - A laboratory of Hindu Rashtra" dir by Suma Josson, 2003, India
(45 mins/Hindi with English Sub-titles)
at the ICA (Institute of Contemporary Arts), The Mall, London, SW1
nearest tube: Picadilly Circus/Charing Cross

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Leamington Spark #2 now out

08-12-2003 19:05

Issue 2 of the 'Leamington Spark' is now out. The Leamington Spark is
a radical/alternative newsletter for the Leamington Spa area, which - for those
of you who don't know :) - is near Coventry.

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The Geneva storm's silver-lining

08-12-2003 18:40

The rejuvenating efforts of the Geneva Groups have; shattered dangerous myths, rekindled hope, put Sharon in a corner, and led to a healthy redefinition of the meaning of being pro-Israel.

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Canada's Potvin advocates cyanide as "development"

08-12-2003 18:19

Potvin can be translated as bribe. Canada’s Commercial Counselor presents dump of 220 000 tons of cyanide in our water as development and jobs - this must be newspeak. We're in Europe pal not in the Great North!

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Fourth World War film screening in Cambridge

08-12-2003 17:39

Cambridge IndyMedia are showing 'Fourth World War', the latest film from Big Noise, producers of 'This Is What Democracy Looks Like', 'Zapatista', and the recent 'Km0' film on the Cancun WTO protests. One person from Cambridge IMC describes 'Fourth World War' as "THE BEST MOVIE EVER MADE IN THE HISTORY OF CINEMA!!!!" So don't miss it: Sunday 14th December, 7.30, The Locomotive, 44 Mill Road

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08-12-2003 17:25

Deacon Dave's Arrest
Deacon Dave Havard was in court today for his part in protesting illegal and immoral arms trading at the DSEi Arms Fair in September. He was charged with Obstruction of the Highway but the case was dismissed as the arresting police officers failed to appear in court.

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Colchester school in revolt

08-12-2003 17:22

St. Helena's school kids in Colchester took strike action over proposed changes to their classes.

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Corporate Watch: Oxfordshire farming study reveals human face of farming crisis

08-12-2003 16:59

A newly published analysis of Oxfordshire farming shows the structural changes in the food and agricultural sector over the last forty years. The analysis draws on interviews with Oxfordshire farmers and the personal consequences for them. The analysis is published with an audio presentation from five of the ten farmers interviewed to form workshop materials. The materials are available from the project website at or the Centre for Oxfordshire Studies, Oxford.
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