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Fight night at a BNP meeting in Enfield, Griffin runs like fuck

16-07-2011 08:08

Great stuff! The BNP were kicking the fuck out of each other last night!

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Toxic Tabloid: 140+ News Corp papers share a global production system with NoTW

16-07-2011 05:34

The UK newspapers are one small set of a single, global newspaper production system. 140 newspapers share a single production system where all news is shared. So a crime in one newspaper is a crime for all.

The cancer metaphor is important because, like any multinational corporation, it has an integrated production system. In the case of the newspapers at News Corp, roughly 150 newspapers share a single platform. There is very deep intermingling between newspapers brands, within locations such as Wapping, the news factory for News of The World (and The Sun, The Times etc) and between geographic locations.

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Nottingham Animal Rights Events

15-07-2011 22:55

Nottingham Animal Rights Events

Friday 15th - Sunday 17th:
International Animal Rights gathering in Amsterdam. We have sent a delegation.

Friday 15th - Sunday 17th:
Veggies are vegan outreaching at Goddess camp.

Saturday 16th:
Demo at Harlan, a breeder for the vivisection industry in Belton.

Saturday 16th:
Information stall in Nottingham. From lunchtimish. Contact David.O.

Monday 18th:
Veggies are vegan outreaching at Groundwork in Nottingham. Help needed! Anyone free on Monday, please contact us.

Tuesday 19th:
League against cruel sports meeting in Fellows, Morton and Clayton (by the canal in Nottingham). 19:00 start time.
Just turn up, all welcome.

Thursday 21st:
Brinsley animal rescue volunteering as per usual. Contact Lee.

Sunday 24th:
Veggies are vegan outreaching at Splendour in Wollaton Park. A satisfying mix of work and music. Find us there

Thursday 28th:
Next planning meeting. Sumac 19:45.




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Call-Out To Defend Social Centre Squat In Birmingham Against Asda

15-07-2011 21:49

Autonomous activists based in Birmingham are currently facing an injunction and eventual eviction for a local squat that was being prepared for a community centre.

Only having just moved into it eartoday, the landlord and police are already threatening the squatters and activists with an injunction for eviction, so that the building can be demolished and the land taken over to build a local ASDA supermarket store.

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Why are we in the Whit Marley?

15-07-2011 20:44


ASDA kills small community businesses and stirchely has a lively local community which would be threatened by the construction of the multinational corporation; Asda. ASDA destroys livelihoods and community characters all in the name of profit for a few.

We are determined to not let this space be wasted on ASDA that would only damage the comunity, we are going to turn it instead in a comunity centre and a reasource for all the comunity.

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Our Society is Bigger than Yours: Squatting and the Wider Political Rumblings

15-07-2011 18:59

Despite the attempts of Tory backbenchers to delegitimize squatting, and divide it from the issue of homelessness, the two remain inextricably linked: un-met housing needs, a supply of empty property, and squatting, go hand in hand in hand. But that’s about as far as the generalizations go; squatting is both a means and an end, and the ways that different individuals and groups put squatting into practice varies enormously.

The goofy arrival of Cameron’s Big Society, which provides us with a nice neighbourly back pat to see us through the cuts, and which gives us a sense of ‘involvement’, might lead one to think squatting could have even been embraced by the Con-Dem dogma. Would it not have fitted snugly in with “the spirit of activism, dynamism, people taking the initiative, working together to get things done”? [David Cameron, 2010 conference speech] For better or worse squatting was not invited in for tea and cake and I expect this is because, like the student movement, like those protecting the right to protest, like those preparing to take industrial action on the 30th, like all of these groups, squatting is political in a way that the Big Society is not.

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This Week in Palestine Week 28 2011

15-07-2011 17:23

Welcome to this Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for July 9th to the 15th 2011

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News Of The Screws - Open letter to Governor of H.M.P Edinburgh

15-07-2011 16:19

Whilst the IPCC is busy investigating payments by newspapers to police officers for confidential information, nobody appears to be investigating payments to prison officers for confidential information about prisoners? Recently long-term prison resister John Bowden has fallen foul of this traffic of information in exchange for some crisp notes in a brown envelope when the Murdoch newspaper the Scottish Sun splashed a sensationalist story based on confidential insider information sold to it by a HMP Edinburgh screw. He is not taking it lying down and is asking for a full investigation:

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Court papers served on Huntington Lane protest site - eviction imminent

15-07-2011 13:37

Clean Coal?
Today a county court posession order was served on the anti-coal mining site in Shropshire at Huntington Lane. We are sending an URGENT CALL OUT for as many people as possible to come down and support us in whatever way they can!

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Charlie Gilmour and Politically-Motivated Sentencing

15-07-2011 13:31

Gilmour not harming anybody during last winter's student protests
Charlie Gilmour - the adopted son of Pink Floyd guitarist David Gilmour - was today sentenced to sixteen months in prison for an act of political dissent which injured no-one. But Gilmour's is just the latest in a string of heavy penalties imposed on protesters. Unmistakably, the aim of this sentencing - plus police repression of those they don't arrest on demonstrations - is to set a "deterrent" against protest itself.

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Indymedia UK, Assange and Rape Apologism

15-07-2011 12:26

A short article on the censorship and rape apologism which appears to have pervaded Indymedia UK. Published on Indymedia Scotland.

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Squattastic meeting sun 17th july organise vs new anti squat law

15-07-2011 11:29

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14 Juillet in Calais

15-07-2011 09:45

Yesterday, Bastille Day, a banner was hung along the main parade route reading "The Bastille has fallen, but not Fortress Europe." And every evening Calais No Borders are holding feasts of free food and music for migrants and all-comers in an open space near the town hall.

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Serious phone hacking?

15-07-2011 08:24

NSA hacking of all UK phone and Email communications

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Free Belgrade six !

15-07-2011 06:55

Belgrade secondary court reversed Belgrade 6's verdict. the trial will now again start

<!-- @page { size: 21cm 29.7cm; margin: 2cm } P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } --> On June, 16th 2010 Belgrade 6 were released and proved innocent (international
terrorism) in the lower court. Prosecution than appealed the verdict. secondary court
(higher court) on July 1th ruled that there were some processional mistake being
done so they reversed the verdict. the trial will now again start on the lower court
from the beginning (all witnesses, statements, everything).
More informations (English, Italiano, Español)

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RedWatch Photographer identified - Regan Hamilton

14-07-2011 19:31

Redwatch Photographer
Regan Hamilton - Known nazi and admin of the EDL facebook group.

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We need Asylum Advice in Bristol

14-07-2011 18:55

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Hunt Sabs Benefit - Brighton Punx Picnic this weekend

14-07-2011 15:33

Punk Rock
Over 30 bands, one weekend, no profit, no masters.

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Palestine Today 07 14 2011

14-07-2011 14:47

Welcome to Palestine Today a service of the International Middle East Media Centre, for Thursday July 14th, 2011.
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