UK Newswire Archive
Just another day in Palestine
23-02-2004 16:57

ISRAEL'S BARRIER: Tear it down. Op-Ed By Huwaida Arraf
23-02-2004 16:32
ISRAEL'S BARRIER: Tear it down: It's an oppressive grab of Palestinian landBY HUWAIDA ARRAF
February 23, 2004
Detroit Free Press

Kentish Town Social Center Eviction
23-02-2004 14:55
On February 24th High Court Bailiffs are due to evict the occupants of the social centre in Kentish Town at 8am. For all those who have been too, enjoyed, celebrated at the social centre a meeting was held on Sunday and it was agreed to try and resist the eviction. To show solidarity if any people can come down tonight, bring a sleeping bag and any materials it would be much appreciated.LET’S TRY AND KEEP OUR FREE SPACES OPEN
Resist the Eviction of the Occupied Social Centre
23-02-2004 14:42
BackgroundOn the 6th of January this year, after 6 months of neglect, 93 Fortess Road was occupied. The aim of the people involved was to set up a social centre, a free space for people in the local community to use as a resource and to create a place where people can come together and get creative. A place which is free, fun and accessible to everyone.
Occupying empty and derelict spaces and cultivating them as community spaces is important for us in having a direct say in our lives outside commercial business and the local authorities. No one is making a profit at our expense, and no one is gonna pull the rug when the cutbacks are required. What we directly put in is what we directly get out.
Demanding Justice for Palestine
23-02-2004 14:07
Press release of the Palestinian Anti-Apartheid Wall Capmaign and the Dutch Coalition "stop the Wall on the first half of the day the oral hearings at the ICJ on the Wall have started.UN Resolutions Criticizing Israel
23-02-2004 12:27
Some United Nations Resolutions Against IsraelBristol indymedia films - Wednesday 25th February
23-02-2004 12:25

Wednesday February 25th @ 7.30pm
The Cube Cinema, Kings Sq, Bristol
A Wall as a Weapon. Chomsky On The Apartheid Wall
23-02-2004 11:54
A Wall as a WeaponBy NOAM CHOMSKY
February 23, 2004
The New York Times
Boycott BP's Baku-Ceyhan Pipeline Greenwash Meeting, Feb 24th, London
23-02-2004 11:53
Here below is the text of the leaflet we'll be handing out at tomorrow's BP-organised meeting on the Baku Cyehan pipeline, to which they have invited compliant/complicit NGOs and investors. Feel free to come along and join us from 9.30-10.30 outside the Radisson Edwardian Hotel, Stratton Street, London. Bring confetti.It's followed by 'Can BP Keep NGOs Talking?', written by Strategic Forecasting Inc.,. in which LRT is mentioned.
AUT strike on Wednesday
23-02-2004 10:20
The association of university teachers (the union of accademic or non academic university staff) is going to strike this week. The dispute relates to pay cuts and the breakdown of the national salary negotiations."We are not in a position to commercialize GM crops"
23-02-2004 10:15
At a press conference at COP7 of the Convention on Biological Diversity in Kuala Lumpur, the environmental minster Elliot Morley, stated that the UK was not yet in a position to commercialize GM crops. In relation to leaked cabinet minutes in which cabinet members want to tie world hunger arguments into the discussion of approving herbicide resistant GM maize in the UK, he assured that it was not for the UK government to advocate the use of GM technology internationally.
It is not the illegality of the apartheid wall on trial but International law
23-02-2004 09:58
Our message is very clear to the international community and the international court of justice: It is not the illegality of the apartheid wall on trial today but rather, it is the international law and, as its reference, the United Nations system which are on trial. The Palestinian people want justice and the respect of international human rights laws by the government of Israel. Israel should obey the UN resolutions as other countries in the world do.
Mass Demonstrations in Palestine
23-02-2004 09:46

As the Wall continues unhindered throughout the West Bank, and Gaza, Palestinians persist in their resistance to the Wall and the destruction and confiscation of their lands due to the building of the Apartheid Wall, which began in June 2002.
Demonstrations for the weekend began Friday, February 20 in the western Ramallah/northern Jerusalem village of Beit Sourik, where more than four thousand people participated in a demonstration which started after Friday prayers.
Argentinian film screening
23-02-2004 09:40
Sheffield Indymedia is showing a series of short films about the struggles at the Argentinian Brukman textiles factory in Abbeyfield Park House, Burngreave at 1930, Wednesday 25 February. One of the film-makers will also be attending.South Korea: Migrant Workers Protest (updated)
23-02-2004 04:04

Nicaragua to claim US money
23-02-2004 03:26
Never were Nicaraguans' chances better to get what the International Court ruled the US owed to them. A new initiative at the United Nations Security Council may be worthwhile given the current member situation.Young people protest in trenches against the arms trade.
23-02-2004 00:56
600 hundred young Christians will kneel in a 50ft-long makeshift ‘trench’ outside the Defence Export Services Organisation (DESO) in central London today. Christian prayer and campaign network SPEAK is calling for an end to the public funding of DESO - the controversial government department which markets UK arms exports on behalf of companies - and for the millions of pounds currently being spent on this promotion of weapons to be put to better use.U.S. in Iraq: No place to hide (by Latuff)
23-02-2004 00:44

Public Meeting Tonight - Eye witness from occupied Iraq
23-02-2004 00:31
Ewa Jasiewicz, fresh from her return from Iraq, gives an eyewitness account of the occupation at a public meeting in the Essex town where occupation troops are based. She will be joined by CND national chair, Kate Hudson. All welcome.indymedia / undercurrents screening
22-02-2004 23:34