UK Newswire Archive
Urgent support needed for PGA Asia conference
13-05-2004 14:49
The Asian regional and gender conference of Peoples' Global Action (Dhaka, Bangladesh) is in urgent need of financial support. One of the funders has backed down in last minute and now we are facing not having enough money. We need to get a minimum of 10,000 Euros from a miracle in less than 7 days.Colombian paramilitaries prepare coup in Venezuela
13-05-2004 14:07
Another coup attempt has failed in Venezuela. 88 Colombian paramilitaries were captured in Caracas while training for an assault on a military installation. According to Venezuela’s ambassador in Bogota, the detained are Colombian ex-military, and the possible involvement of Colombian authorities is under investigation.The coroner and David Kelly
13-05-2004 13:48

13-05-2004 13:38
A Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Inquiry has found that children in Australian immigration detention centres have suffered numerous and repeated breaches of their human rights.In its National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention Report- A Last Resort?, tabled in Federal Parliament today, the Commission found Australia's immigration detention policy has failed to protect the mental health of
Caterkillar refuses to accept Housewrecker of the Year award
13-05-2004 13:33

We have seen the error of our ways.
Hunt Saboteur wins £5,500 pay out from Wiltshire Police
13-05-2004 11:59
Hunt Saboteur wins £5,500 pay out from Wiltshire Policefollowing wrongful arrest at pheasant shoot
Hoaxed Inquiries
13-05-2004 11:45
How the public will never get an objective understanding of its own mistakes.Tonight - INFONIGHT @ Tufnell Park SC
13-05-2004 11:01

Films, Speakers, Listeners, Eaters, Drinkers, Planners & Plotters.
War Oil Climate Chaos Baku Ceyhan Shakalin Cabron Trading C&C Art&Solidarity Eko Beer Car Smashing Tombola Cafe Rebeldia Love Rage :lRT
Was Nicholas Berg An Israeli Spy?
13-05-2004 04:36
Was Nicholas Berg an Israeli spy? What is known is that he studied arabic just before he illegally entered Iraq and then was arrested by the Iraqis for being an Israeli spy.Stop Proxy Wars in Africa.
13-05-2004 00:20
DAY SCHOOL ON PROXY WARS IN AFRICAAfter Iraq, the US intends to get at least one-quarter of its oil from
fairford peace protester finally gets sentenced
13-05-2004 00:10
fairford peace protester finally gets sentenced....Proof Michael Moore Is Moliere
12-05-2004 23:11

his brilliance precedes him in mythical proporations.
Top U.S. Senator Cautions Against Releasing Explosive New Prison Abuse Photos
12-05-2004 22:41

Getting organised, building a decent anarchist movement
12-05-2004 22:36
This piece got posted on enrager, trying to get people to discuss ways we can work together better to build an effective anarchist movement, which can retain people and knowledge, get people involved and act in solidarity with others around the world.Worth talking about at least I think.
precarious protest at cannes
12-05-2004 22:07
more info at and