UK Newswire Archive
Exiled Tibetans gaining voice with first photos
16-05-2004 01:29

Palestine Rally in Trafalgar Square
15-05-2004 23:32

Kyoto March and Dinosaur Party in Edinburgh
15-05-2004 19:53

Sack the Editors!
15-05-2004 18:33
The ownership of the Mirror sacked its editor after admitting the photos of British soldier abusing Iraqi captives had been faked.International CO Day in Santiago de Chile
15-05-2004 18:23

The Wall Must Fall
15-05-2004 18:03

Uk does not torture?
15-05-2004 17:31
The pictures of the Mirror werefake, what about the pictures from last year?Freedom of speech and censorship...
15-05-2004 17:00
So someone mentions the local elections in Liverpool article on "ALTERNATIVE VOTES", and we inform one another of who's standing where ie the non-mainstream parties, ie the ones without megabucks or media/press backing. Yes so now I know there is a Communist standing, people know there are 6 not 5 SLPers standing, then of course we know there is Democratic Socialist Alliance, then we know there is a party called 'Liverpool Labour Community Party', OK so it's taken off the main page, which I disagree with, then it's taken off the Liverpool Newswire as if it didn't exist, so tell me something what makes Indymedia any better than the capitalist/establishment media/press who deny working class people coverage of our daily lives and struggles, like Thomas McKay who's facing eviction, who deny working class organisations fair and balanced coverage.The article "Alternative votes", so tell me what makes Liverpool Indymedia any better than the Liverpool Echo / Daily Post, or the BBC or ITV? One of the fundemental UN human rights is the right to freedom of speech, providing it doesn't encroach on the rights of others, ie racist propaganda, anti-muslim, anti-catholic or anti-protestant, sexist, homophobic, ageist, or even that one our wonderful bourgeois (middle class) society chooses to overlook "CLASS PREJUDICE", so tell me Liverpool Indymedia, you block, censor and deny freedom of speech to parties who aren't part of the capitalist system, sure they're hierarchical, just like the family is heirarchical, ie a mother and a father, head of the household. Just like Indymedia is heirarchical, at least I can complain to the press complaint commission if I'm bothered, I can complain to the Liverpool Echo's editor, or I could organise a protest and encourage the press/media to give a issue coverage. So tell me Liverpool Indymedia who are the shadows in the dark deciding what postings get censored, and which one don't get censored??? Who do I appeal to, what's his/her name, etc...
British army's history of torture and repression
15-05-2004 14:52
The torture is not carried out by "rogue soldiers". It is a policy sanctioned by the highest levels of the military and political establishment. It flows from the need to use force and fear to repress resistance.Afghanistan: Pessimism and Torture
15-05-2004 11:52
I have been living and working in Afghanistan since September 2003. This is a personal analysis of what is happening on the ground plus a few articles that may not have got into your press.FWF Crew - Prose Combat Mix
15-05-2004 11:27
The first FWF collective mix is about "Conscious Rhymes & Rebirth of Speech" because music isn't just about fun, it's also a tool for social change.SUPPORT BRIAN HAW
15-05-2004 11:22
Support Brian Haw at Bow St. Magistrates CourtConscientious Objectors' Day 15th May 2004
15-05-2004 10:33
Saturday 15th May is International Conscientious Objectors Day and there is a festival today at Tavistock Square Gardens, Euston from 3pm.BEyONdTV's Medicine Show pix
15-05-2004 10:07
Here are some pictures from the Birmingham Indymedia hosted evening in the Theatre @ the Custard Factory, Digbeth, Birmingham on 13th May 2004.Demonstration at Nestlé HQ to be joined by international visitors
15-05-2004 01:41
A new monitoring report exposing baby food marketing malpractice in 69 countries was launched at the House of Commons on Thursday. The results show Nestlé is still the worst of the baby food companies. There will be a demonstration outside Nestlé HQ, and the experts who compiled the report will be on hand to show, using Nestlé's own promotional materials, how the company's claims to do nothing wrong are simply untrue.Who is Responsible for Nick Berg’s Death?
15-05-2004 01:38
"My son died for the sins of George Bush and Donald Rumsfeld. This administration did this," -- the father of Nick Berg said.Nuriye Kesbir in hungerstrike against deportation order
14-05-2004 23:55

14-05-2004 23:45
COME TO SAVANNAH JUNE 8th-10th for anti-G8 action!Political prisoners in Zimbabwe
14-05-2004 23:43
Woods, Smith and Conjwayo were sentenced to death in November 1988. They spent 5 years in solitary confinement and were allowed ½ an hour out of their small concrete cells each morning and afternoon. Shortly after conviction, they were forced to spend one and a half years naked. Even during the winter they had no clothing and no blankets. They spent 21 months without sunlight.