UK Newswire Archive
Trailer for New Documentary Film About Grenada
08-03-2006 22:57
View the trailer for Grenada: The Maroon Spirit, a new documentary film about the island of GrenadaSussex Uni occupied!
08-03-2006 22:33
Sussex University Library is under occupation by studentsJean Charles de Menezes, innocent victim - BBC Panorama 9PM Wed 8 March 2006
08-03-2006 21:16
Watch the programme to see about the British police and UK government cover up in the Jean Menezes case.Little London update: will an independent stand in May's council elections?
08-03-2006 18:39
For the past five years, the residents of Little London estate in Leeds have been treated appallingly by Leeds City Council. Local councillors ate failing their electors by all supporting the attempted PFI-gentrification scheme for the area. Time for a change?Lockerbie & the FBI: Fakes Bureau International!
08-03-2006 18:07
The FBI put pressure on the Scottish police to ensure evidence was 'swept under the carpet'. This way the FBI and CIA avoided any embarrassment in the framing of Libya in the Lockerbie 'trial', where according to the UK police evidence also was 'made by the CIA'.Cog in the Machine (tagging & tracking workers - which, and by who?)
08-03-2006 17:26

FBI ordered McKie case 'swept under carpet'
08-03-2006 16:38
"THE FBI met senior members of Scotland's forensic service to ensure the Shirley McKie affair was "swept under the carpet" and so avoid any embarrassment in the run-up to the Lockerbie trial, according to an investigator into the bombing." - todays Scotsman headlineChurch (ofE) Caterpiller Share Disinvestment - Ethics Committee Advises U-turn
08-03-2006 16:18

Interview with Joe Zacune from War on Want campaign
5 mins 33 secs, Mono MP3, 1.9MB @ 48kbps
Gay Mexican Executive Clears Legal Hurdle, vs Coca-Cola Femsa
08-03-2006 15:49
The first and second phase of the civil suit brought by fired executive Roberto Mendoza vs Coca-Cola FEMSA, a subsidiary of The Coca-Cola Company, has resulted in a ruling for Mendoza, who accuses the company of discrimination due to his sexual orientation.Law Lords Rule DSEI Arms Fair Section 44 Terrorism Act Use Valid (Liberty Audio)
08-03-2006 15:42

Interview with Alex Gask from Liberty and next legal steps
8 mins 11 secs MP3 mono 2.8MB @ 48kbps
people still in trees at shepton mallet!
08-03-2006 15:24
stop the destruction!First contamination report reveals worldwide illegal spread of genetically engi
08-03-2006 15:16
GE contamination worldwide -report by genewatchuk and greenpeace internationalNAIL campaign make further 'banner drops' in Sneinton - piccys 2
08-03-2006 14:56

Neighbours and local residence came out in support, to show that people in Nottingham prefer clean air and recycling to waste turned into pollution.
NAIL campaign make further 'banner drops' in Sneinton - piccys 1
08-03-2006 14:48

Neighbours and local residence came out in support, to show that people in Nottingham prefer clean air and recycling to waste turned into pollution.
McDonalds driven out of Newcastle
08-03-2006 14:33
McDonalds tried to film their latest ad campaign in Newcastle, but found themselves besieged by fat clowns and others determined not to let them use Newcastle as part of their brand. Shooting was gloriously interrupted in town, and they were completely prevented from filming on the Quayside.Iranian Fury in the SWP Meeting - 1st Mar 2006
08-03-2006 13:47
For a democratic and secular Iran and for peace and prosperity in the Middle East.Judith and Mariah's deportations cancelled!
08-03-2006 12:53
Great news: Both Judith and Mariah's deportation dates have been cancelled. Judith's removal was due on the 7th of March. Andy Love MP has 'made furthur representations' to Immigration Minister McNulty on civil claims grounds. However, they are not free yet. It is a short term victory, now we need to make it more permanent. Thanks a lot to everybody who wrote letters or took to the streets! Keep doing, it is working! The campaign to free Mariah and Judith continues!Brave Sid Williamson - Stalker By Proxy
08-03-2006 11:53

Democracy Now! London visit
08-03-2006 11:37

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