UK Newswire Archive
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Anti-abortion organisation in High Street
27-03-2007 10:48
A crissie-front organisation posing as a pregnancy counselling service has premises in Oxford High Street and advertises on Fox FM as offering unbiased counselling.Compulsory Medical Admission Exam a Disaster
27-03-2007 10:10
I will try to bring to light some of the problems faced by medical applicants today. Apart from being expected to obatin amazing grades, we have to pay hundresds of pounds to do an IQ test that will decide our future.Spanish Judge calls for architects of Iraq invasion to be tried for war crimes
27-03-2007 07:06
Baltasar Garzón, the Spanish judge who sought to prosecute Chilean dictator General Augusto Pinochet, has called for US President George W. Bush and his allies to be tried for war crimes over Iraq.The Fruit of the Imperialism (high-resolution version) by Latuff
27-03-2007 06:35

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Russian Intelligence leaks date for massive US attack on Iran? 6th April.
27-03-2007 03:38
Operation Bite, it's going to be called. I always wonder how they live with these names - operation hammer, operation explosion - but apparently the logical dislocation from reality works just fine. Hundreds of Iranians are going to die and an entire population will be brought to its knees, in the dust, starving, as their country is dismembered. I don't know how far to trust this information but hopefully a Russian speaker can investigate further.Announcing IMC-UK-PHOTO
27-03-2007 00:26

UNSC Role Change
26-03-2007 23:04
As I watched Iran being hauled in front of the United Nations ‘Security’ Council, a vivid picture conjured up in my mind – my native country Iran, a vulnerable and defenseless beauty being prepared for violation by brutal savages. As she struggles to defend her honor, no one is prepared to come to her aid, save a few. Even her own children, those raised on her soil hope she will be brutally violated. With lust-filled eyes, they hope to fulfill their ambitions on her ravaged ruins, her broken pride.Manchester No2ID @ Oxford Road Station, Thursday 29th March 5:30pm-6:30pm
26-03-2007 22:56

Binning ID Cards - Liverpool joins in national day of action against ID Cards
26-03-2007 18:12

The Coming War With Iran
26-03-2007 16:49
Why are people not massing in the streets, as they were before the illegal invasion of Iraq? We know the plans are the same. is the Antiwar Movement in denial about what's been plotted, or deflated by the willingness of Fascists to ignore the Popular Will?People must see the Opposition.
Seed saving
26-03-2007 16:35

Fortnightly collection of rubbish an unmitigated disaster
26-03-2007 16:19
Across the country, fortnightly collection of rubbish has proved to be an unmitigated disaster.A Stunning Contrast...
26-03-2007 15:48

M1 Activists Go Down To The Yard
26-03-2007 15:38

New 'Writing To Prisoners' Leaflet
26-03-2007 13:29

26-03-2007 12:40
31st of March 1st of April -Cowley Club- bighton(12 London Road, Brighton BN1 4JA)
more infos

It is not to late to let us know you are coming!
Anti-racist protest/stall - Saturday 31 March 2007, 12-3pm
26-03-2007 11:50
As the racist Labour governments' attacks on immigrants and especially asylum seekers intensifies (ESOL, snatch squads, charter flights, etc), anti-racist activists from NWASDG and Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! will be holding anti-deportation stalls/protest on Saturday 31 March from 12pm-3pm on Market Street in Manchester city centre. You are invited to attend and take an active part. Actions speak louder than words. Say no to the racist Labour government's policies of starvation, isolation, detention and deportation of asylum seekers and refugees, where it matters: on the streets.Close Down Dallas Court Reporting Centre! 26 March 2007, 12pm.
26-03-2007 11:46
At 12pm, on Monday 26 March 2007, the North West Asylum Seekers Defence Group (NWASDG) are holding a protest at Dallas Court 'Reporting' Centre in Salford Quays, Manchester, calling for an end to the daily kidnappings of asylum seekers at Dallas Court and for this place of fear to be closed down. In the last 10 months, there have been eight people, that we know of, who have been kidnapped at Dallas Court after going to 'report' and not seen again until they were in a detention centre or deported. This does not include a Congolese lady called Rosetta, who was detained there on 13 March. NWASDG have been mounting protests at Dallas Court since May 2006, and in the last month groups of asylum seekers from Iraq, Libya, DRCongo and Zimbabwe have demonstrated at this place, indicating the growing anger of refugees towards the British Labour government's racist policy of forcing immigrants including families, pregnant women and children, to comply with a repressive sysyem, and then use it as an opportunity to quietly deport them.Greetings from Bonny Scotland from F365 :)
26-03-2007 11:43
Update from the intrepid Oxfordshire (and environs) blockaders!