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Interview with Mumia Abu-Jamal's lawyer

19-05-2007 08:41

This is a "DEMOCRACY NOW" interview with Mumia's attorney Robert Bryan following the Federal Appeals Court hearing on Thursday.

"Attorney Robert Bryan says a racist judge and racist jury practices contributed to the sentencing of Abu-Jamal to death row. Bryan joins us in New York one day after he argued before the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia."

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Charges dropped against police in de Menezes shooting

19-05-2007 08:05

The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) has dropped disciplinary charges against 11 front-line firearms and surveillance officers involved in the shooting of Jean Charles de Menezes on July 22, 2005.

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The US war and occupation of Iraq—the murder of a society

19-05-2007 05:11

130 deaths for every 1,000 births in 2006
According to this report, Iraq recorded a staggering 150 percent increase in the rate of infant deaths between 1990 and 2005. In raw figures, 122,000 Iraqi children died in 2005, half of them newborn babies. The rate was 125 deaths of children under five for every 1,000 live births, compared to 50 in 1990. According to the Iraqi health ministry, conditions have only worsened since, with the ratio climbing to 130 deaths for every 1,000 births in 2006.

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Australian legend David Hicks due to leave gitmo

19-05-2007 04:11

ABC you should be totally ashamed of yourselves
Shame John Howard Shame on You! When is your ABC going to stop lying for you? ABC you should be totally ashamed of yourselves for lying to the people of Australia. Take the mask off and take a good long hard look into the mirror. See whom you are trying to protect and portray as mr nice guy? Send War Criminal John Howard of to the Hague ICC for crimes against all of humanity! Do your conscience a favour!

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Channel Four's 'Unreported World' displays right-wing bias

19-05-2007 01:43

Channel Four has been showing a documentary series for a couple of years about Third World problems. It is broadcast for half an hour on Fridays from 6:30 to 7:00pm. The 'Unreported World' programme may be of interest to some global activists. What is less obvious is the inherent right-wing bias in the reporting of this programme.

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Class war and second homes.

18-05-2007 22:04

If you have just watched 'Tonight' on second homes. 18th May 2007. and are steaming in Salcombe ....

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Messages in Memory of the Nakba (Part 2)

18-05-2007 18:44

This year marks the 59th anniversary of the Nakba (Palestinian catastrophe) in which the Zionist Jewish militias committed a horrendous number of massacres and crimes which led to the displacement of half of the Palestinian nation (around 750,000) from their villages and towns and the occupation of most of Palestine. In the memory of the Palestinian holocaust I have five messages that I would like to send to different people who have a lot to do with this continuing catastrophe: Palestinians living in Palestine, Palestinians living outside Palestine, Palestine solidarity movement activists, the international community and Jews worldwide. Part 1 of this article contained my message to the Palestinians. Part 2 carries my message to the rest of the world.

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Messages in Memory of the Nakba (Part 1)

18-05-2007 18:42

This year marks the 59th anniversary of the Nakba (Palestinian catastrophe) in which the Zionist Jewish militias committed a horrendous number of massacres and crimes which led to the displacement of half of the Palestinian nation (around 750,000) from their villages and towns and the occupation of most of Palestine. In the memory of the Palestinian holocaust I have five messages that I would like to send to different people who have a lot to do with this continuing catastrophe: Palestinians living in Palestine, Palestinians living outside Palestine, Palestine solidarity movement activists, the international community and Jews worldwide.

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This Week In Palestine – week 20 2007

18-05-2007 18:23

This Week In Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for May 12 through 18, 2007.

While the Palestinian prepare to commemorate 59 years of Al-Nakba, factional infighting in Gaza Strip kills dozens of Palestinians and Israeli army launches several air strikes killing 17 others. These stories and more coming up, stay tuned.

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From now on online:

18-05-2007 18:21

From now on online: videos and films about the protests against the G 8 summit in Germany. Up to now most of the films are in german, but interesting for non-german speakers, too. There's often a small overview in english about the contents of the videos.
Soon there will be videos translated in many languages.

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Venezuelan nationalisations - What do they mean for socialists?

18-05-2007 18:17

The announcement of sweeping measures of nationalization will be greeted with enthusiasm by workers in all countries. It represents a big step forward for the Venezuelan revolution and a serious blow against capitalism and imperialism.

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Some info about German police repression

18-05-2007 17:20

Here are some documents translated into English about German police tactics and strategies - useful for anyone going to the G8 Summit protests.

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No one is illegal, stop deportations

18-05-2007 17:15

Communications House demonstration London 18 May 2007
Demonstration at Communications House, London, 18 May 2007

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Personalities Support "Block G8" Call for Mass Blockades

18-05-2007 16:09

Musicians, MPs, Academics, Media and Civil Society Personalities Support "Block G8" Call for Mass Blockades of G8 Summit

Prominent musicians (like the British pop band Chumbawamba, Tocotronic lead-singer Dirk von Lowtzow, and electro-pop artist Bernadette La Hengst), MPs (like Ulla Jelpke, Nele Hirsch and Heike Hänsel of DIE LINKE), academics (like Prof. Joachim Hirsch (Frankfurt), Prof. Wolf Dieter Naar (Berlin) and Prof. John Holloway (Mexico)), media personalities (like journalist Naomi Klein (author, 'No Logo')), playwrights and poets (like Howard Zinn and Dennis Brutus), and civil society personalities (like Walden Bello (Director, Focus on the Global South), Vandana Shiva (Founder, Navdana) and Sven Giegold (attac Coordination Committee) have all pledged their public support for the Block G8 campaign for mass blockades of the G8 Summit in Heiligendamm next month.

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The Unanimous Opinion.

18-05-2007 15:28

The Unanimous Opinion.
At the 6th Hemispheric Meeting in Havana, when the discussion turned to the subject of production of biofuels from foodstuffs, which are constantly getting more expensive, the huge majority voiced their opposition with indignation...

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"ums Ganze" bloc on June 2 demonstration in Rostock

18-05-2007 15:26

This is a translation of a call (incomplete) for the "ums Ganze" bloc on the demonstration on June 2 in Rostock.

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Manchester NUJ rejects Israel boycott

18-05-2007 15:15

The Manchester chapel of the National Union of Journalists has voted 12 to 9 to call for the overturn of the NUJ's recently declared boycott of Israeli goods.

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Crime of the Century - Article 3

18-05-2007 15:12

Letter in which Sarkozy is named
Nicholas Sarkozy has responsed to our second article (which you can read here: ) but still continues to pervert the course of justice. Our response is to release this new article with evidence in which he is named.

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Former Child Soldier to Speak at African Liberation Day in U.S.

18-05-2007 15:02

Africanist Movement leader, Chernoh Alpha M. Bah
On May 26th at Anacostia Park, located in the heart of southeast Washington D.C., the African community will be introduced to a young leader very few of us are familiar with. His name is Chernoh Alpha M. Bah. He is a former child soldier who fought in the civil war in Sierra Leone during the 1990’s. He is an award winning, world renowned journalist. And at the young age of 28, he is the leader of the Africanist movement, a political organization in West Africa of more than 70,000 young activists dedicated to the liberation of African people.

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Hillary and the Blue Pill Democrats

18-05-2007 13:07

Sure, Democrats will argue, as the 2008 selection closes in, Hillary Clinton is less than perfect—but she’s better than the mob boss stand-in Rudy Giuliani or the Manchurian candidate, John McCain. In fact, we can bet the farm Democrats will once again take the blue pill, believing whatever they want to believe. Democrats will vote en masse, not unlike lemmings stampeding to the precipice, for Hillary or Obama, most likely Hillary as not so subtle indicators reveal she is the One.
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