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UK Newswire Archive

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Asbestos campaigners support call for investigation into PPG Group

01-08-2007 12:45

Contaminated asbestos sites need medical doctors not spin doctors...
Rochdale asbestos campaigners are backing calls for an inquiry into allegations of “bribing, bullying and bugging” regarding residential planning applications. The claims have just been made by the Channel 4 Dispatches programme “Britain’s Bad Housing”.

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Clown Army Hebden Bridge Sunday August 5th

01-08-2007 10:40

A one day introduction to the Clown Army.

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Nine Arrested in International Teachers Blockade of Faslane Nuclear Base

01-08-2007 10:06

Nine people were arrested early this morning during a Teachers blockade of the Faslane Naval Base in Scotland, home to Britain's Trident Nuclear-Armed Submarines. Six of those arrested had sat down across one of the main accesses to Faslane, to take a peaceful stand against the bullying approach of the nuclear weapons states. Three supporters were also arrested.

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Patient choices: not if you're poor

01-08-2007 09:22

New research from the University of Bristol shows that wealthier people are likely to travel further than poorer people do for elective care - surgery or treatment in hospital which can wait..

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Converging Interests in Iraq Allow Bush an ‘Iranian Option’ - Arabs Threatened

01-08-2007 09:09

A potential “Iran option” for Bush, whether it emerges out of a diplomatic engagement or a military confrontation, be it on Iraq or on Iran per se, would embroil Arabs adversely and directly because both protagonists are waging their political as well as military battles on Arab land and skilfully using Arab wealth, oil, space, diplomacy and even Arab proxies to settle their scores towards either political engagement or military showdown.

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MEDIA RELEASE: Australian Film Crew Questioned by Chinese MIlitary in TIbet

01-08-2007 07:33

South Australian independent filmmakers, Lara Damiani and Alex Alexander, have overcome many obstacles since first deciding to make a documentary about Tibet in
November last year. The latest involved questioning by Chinese military police while filming in Tibet.

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Portland Nuke Scenario

01-08-2007 03:40

Captain Eric H. May posts an update to his breaking story on the Portland Nuke Scenario.

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Lady of 83, student of the British Constitution - stands alone against our TREAS

31-07-2007 23:56

When she discovered that her council tax bill was being used as a vehicle to extract money from her for a European Union inspired regional assembly, she went on the offensive.


She launched four legal cases against the government citing erosion of the Constitution, Breach of Contract, Breach of Trust and for Treason and Legal Fraud. Each time her paperwork was sent back marked “No such case known in Law”.

Now she is refusing to pay the local tax on her Old Vicarage house in Alston, Cumbria, and has been the subject of considerable harassment by bailiffs.

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The Liberator

31-07-2007 23:49

America is uniting the Arabs against Iran so that when Iran is attacked, fearing retaliation from Iran, as they have been made to believe, the Arab states armed with U.S. weapons, will be the foot soldiers that America lacks. Unwilling to enact the draft, and unable to enlist men to fight another illegal war, the United States is arming the Arabs – to be its foot soldiers in a battle with Iran. However, as they are being armed to the teeth, the U.S. is ensuring that the weapons they are sold are far inferior to those received by Israel, that they are only ‘good enough’ for killing other Arabs, and for killing Iranians.

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Former BNP candidate jailed for two-and-a half years

31-07-2007 21:01

Robert Cottage, 49, of Talbot Street, Colne, was sentenced at Manchester Crown Court this morning.

He had admitted possessing explosives for unlawful purpose.

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Nottingham Gay Pride : Pictures 2

31-07-2007 20:50

Saturday 28th July 2007, from 12.00-6.00pm
Arboretum Park, Nottingham

A few thousand folks turned out for the 5th Nottingham Gay Pride Bash in the Arbo.

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Nottingham Gay Pride : Pictures 1

31-07-2007 20:44

Saturday 28th July 2007, from 12.00-6.00pm
Arboretum Park, Nottingham

A few thousand folks turned out for the 5th Nottingham Gay Pride Bash in the Arbo.

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UK Greens Back British Environmental Activist Imprisoned in Iceland

31-07-2007 18:17

31 July 2007

Twenty three year old British Saving Iceland activist Miriam R. has been arrested by the Icelandic police. She was protesting against the Icelandic government's support for heavy industry, in particular Rio Tinto Alcan's Straumsvik smelter in South-West Iceland. Reports suggest she is still being held by the police. (1)

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Solidarity at Campsfield

31-07-2007 18:12

The following statement was read out to a representative of the Campaign to Close Campsfield this afternoon at 5.30 with the request that it be distributed to the media. There will possibly be a
solidarity demo outside Campsfield House detention centre, Oxfordshire, tomorrow at 6pm.

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State Harassment of Saving Iceland Activists

31-07-2007 18:02

Gi'uncle as kiss!
Saving Iceland demands that:
*The activist currently in prison is either moved to a womens prison with a full apology or released immediately for lack of state resources.
*All stolen passports must be released immediately, according to international law.
*An end to the criminalisation and state harassment of environmental activists.

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Icelandic Media Lie that No SI Prisoner is Being Held!

31-07-2007 17:56

Arrests at the Rio Tinto Alcan smelter in Iceland
Both National Broadcaster RUV and TV station Stod 2 claim that no SI
prisoner is being held. Both news departments quote the police as a
source for this.

This is typical of the kind of massaging of the truth that both the
Icelandic police and media are used to getting away with.

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EDO MBM action in Brighton

31-07-2007 17:04

EDO MBM were visited on Sunday as part of the two days of action against the arms trade called for by Disarm DSEi. It was thought their Brighton factory needed to be made secure from those who work there, so D-locks were put on the gates and super glue was applied to the locks. Additionally, it was thought that the building could do with some redecoration and relabelling. So "EDO Kill for $" and "Stop the War Machine" can now be read on the walls.

Apparently others had had the same idea (great minds think alike!) as there was already a D-lock on one of the gates when people got there.

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"Taking Liberties" Introduced Screening, Thursday 2nd Aug @ Cornerhouse Cinema

31-07-2007 16:51

Manchester NO2ID Logo
This Thursday, I will be introducing the 8:30pm showing of the documentary "Taking Liberties" ( ) at the Cornerhouse Cinema, Oxford Road ( ) and holding a Q&A session in the upstairs bar afterwards.

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Big raid against refugees in Oujda (Morocco)

31-07-2007 16:31

Moroccan security forces carried out a raid on the campus of Oujda university, which has served as a space to live for the migrants for quite some time, in the early morning of 26 July 2007. This searching and raid action was very vigorous and the biggest of its kind since the well-known incidents of Ceuta and Melilla. More than 450 persons have been arrested.

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Antifa Benefit this Thurs, LONDON

31-07-2007 15:58



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