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Freedom to Protest, London 1 March 2008

02-03-2008 10:17

SOCPA placard outside the National Gallery
There was a disappointing turn out for Saturday’s ‘Freedom to Protest’ event against the SOCPA legislation in Trafalgar Square, London on Saturday, with demonstrators hugely outnumbered by police.
Pictures © 2008, Peter Marshall, all rights reserved.

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Otautahi Social Centre Under Threat

02-03-2008 08:38

Social centre in Christchurch, New Zealand received a 10 day eviction notice.

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Freedom of Assembly denied.

02-03-2008 08:01

On Saturday 1st March 2008 in Trafalgar Square, London there was a large police presence and a small turnout for the 2nd Day of Action.

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Isreali apartheid

02-03-2008 02:42

Arab israeli demonstrators savagely attacked during a peaceful demonstration in 2000, still have not received the justice due them owing to the implacable apartheid nature of Israel, and esp the police and justice system.

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Hear the Hezbollah Newspaper editor the Tory leadership wants to muzzle

02-03-2008 02:12

Bristol Broadband Co-operative's weekly podcast - Dialect - In Friday's edition of the Bristol Evening Post the leader column argued that this Lebanese Newspaper editor should not be allowed to speak in the city. So is Mike Norton's attempt to muzzle Ibrahim Mousawi motivated by a genuine concern to protect the city from terrorists? Or is he just an anti-Arab racist betraying his city on the gold-plated bandwagon of powerful corporations' illegal oil-grabbing wars?

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Israel Preparing World for Gaza War

02-03-2008 01:28

What has happened to the Antiwar Movement?

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ILWU to Shut Down West Coast Ports May 1 Demanding End to War in Iraq, Afghanistan

02-03-2008 01:19

In a major step for the U.S. labor movement, the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) has announced that it will shut down West Coast ports on May 1, to demand an immediate end to the war and occupation in Iraq and Afghanistan and the withdrawal of U.S. troops from the Middle East. This is the first time in decades that an American union has decided to undertake industrial action against a U.S. war. The action announced by the powerful West Coast dock workers union, to stop work to stop the war, should be taken up by unions and labor organizations throughout the United States and internationally. And the purpose of such actions should be not to beg the bourgeois politicians whose hands are covered with blood, having voted for every war budget for six and a half years, but a show of strength of the working people who make this country run, and who can shut it down!

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Luis Posada Carriles: the versatile USAmerican terrorist still walking freely

02-03-2008 01:09

While Arturo Hernández, Posada's attorney said: "Mr. Posada Carriles is not and has never been a terrorist"… "His lifelong ambition has been to bring democracy and freedom to his place of birth", declassified CIA and FBI documents, testimonies, and other compelling evidences suggest the contrary.

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Venezuela 2008: A libertarian proposal for the current situation

02-03-2008 00:17

El Libertario # 52
* The Collective Editorship of El Libertario,, expounds its vision of which path to follow in the current situation in Venezuela, summed up in the slogan, “Against the (B)oligarchy, demagoguery and corruption: Autonomous struggle of the underdogs!

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Stop the illegal deportation of Zaman Ahmed Zahin

01-03-2008 21:27

On the exact same day that a top US inteliigence officer was reported as noting that the security situation in Afghanistan is deteriorating and that the Karzai regime presently controls less than one third of the country, a Birmingham man was detained at Solihull's Midland Enforcement Unit, with a view to enfoced removal to Afghanistan on Tuesday, March 4th.

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Gay Rights billboard poster defaced in Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire

01-03-2008 20:04

Gay Rights billboard covered in red paint.

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Zapatistas condemn invasion of community by state police

01-03-2008 19:45

The Good Government Council of Morelia denounces the events of 21st February in the Zapatista community of Bolon Ajaw.

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Unions prepare to sell out jobs fight at Rolls-Royce

01-03-2008 19:14

At the beginning of this year, aircraft engine manufacturer Rolls-Royce announced plans to axe 2,300 highly skilled jobs, about 6 percent of its 39,500 global workforce. The company is the world’s second largest manufacturer of jet engines after the American giant General Electric, with a 36 percent share of the market. Most of the job losses are expected to hit the company’s 23,000-strong UK workforce and affect white-collar workers based at its main site in Derby.

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Brutal police attack on striking shipyard workers

01-03-2008 19:10

On February 25, the Port, Shipyard, Ship Construction and Repair Workers Trade Union (Limter-Is) called for a 24-hour strike from February 27 in order to protest against the appalling safety and working conditions at the Istanbul, Tuzla shipyards.

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US leads world in imprisoning its people

01-03-2008 17:34

In both raw figures and as a percentage of the population, the US is the world leader in the rate at which it puts its people behind bars. A new report using state-by-state data says a record 2,319,258 Americans were in jail or prison at the start of 2008—one out of every 99.1 adults.

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Report on Sefton Park 24th February 2008

01-03-2008 17:31

Logged trees line bank of one of the lakes
On a visit to Sefton Park looking for a location (amongst others being considered) for Merseyside CND's 2008 Peace and Ecology Festival tree felling was very obvious, logs still left around and saw dust.

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Riseup! Radio: #2 The March Show Now Online

01-03-2008 16:19

Listen to the show!

Here you have it, Riseup! Radio's second show. The weather is more confused than ever before but spring is on its way... In this show: more news on local issues and concerns. We speak to campaigners fighting against the closure of the Victoria Baths in Sneinton Market and report from the trial against 11 activists who occupied part of the Ratcliffe On Soar powerstation last April. We also ask the question 'what is direct action?' and talk about 3 upcoming days of action around Climate Change. This time we have a 100% Nottingham music line up and play tracks from Koda Cola, Polymath and some stuff collected by the Saggy-Pants collective. If you have any good tunes, or make music yourself, get in touch.. Also, you can help out by reporting from events and recording gigs or sommat. Above all, download, listen and enjoy ! :-)

Listen: #2 The March Show

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Fake anti-war movement protested in Bristol

01-03-2008 13:41

In an act of surreal doublethink, Stop The War coalition have brought a spokesman for a fascist military cadre to the UK to make everyone who protested against the war look like utter idiots. I wasn't going to have this in my town and took it upon myself to tell the truth, however unpopular this made me. A full report follows.

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asbo squat - end of days

01-03-2008 13:35

asbo squat has been given notice to quit which expired on the 27th of feb
the squat is being stripped of its copper and goddies by the "brave resident/president"
its a fitting end to a hard worked and a sometimes loved project in the city of nottingham
to those who did

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Washington gets a new colony in the Balkans

01-03-2008 11:59

First, Kosovo is not gaining independence or even minimal self-government. It will be run by an appointed High Representative and bodies appointed by the U.S., European Union and NATO. An old-style colonial viceroy and imperialist administrators will have control over foreign and domestic policy. U.S. Imperialism has merely consolidated its direct control of a totally dependent colony in the heart of the Balkans.
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