UK Newswire Archive
L'armée française perd son leadership européen...?
05-02-2002 14:18
DÉFENSE Pionnier de l'Europe de la Défense, l'Hexagone doit désormais jouer les seconds rôles derrière la Grande-Bretagne. L'armée française perd son leadership européen ------ eh qoui? On pleurede ca?La grogne des militaires français
05-02-2002 12:49
Two protesters who chained themselves to a train full of arms dealers on 13th September last year, to prevent it arriving at the UK’s biggest ever arms fair, have appealed for support during their trial next week.21 spent fuel rods en route from Germany to Sellafield
05-02-2002 12:11
Three containers with 21 spent nuclear fuel rods have started their journey from Germany to Sellafield in northern England.Iranian Workers News, N 22 Volume3
05-02-2002 10:16
In this issue: Textile workers protest non-payment of their salaries, Teachers protests , article on political and economic pressures on Iranian workers, downloadable in pdf format:An Anarchist FAQ updated
05-02-2002 10:16
An Anarchist FAQ has been updated to include an indepthanalysis of the Makhnovist movement, an anarchist peasant
army active in the Ukraine during the Russian Revolution.
Free Inventions for Africa - Down With Patents!
05-02-2002 09:38
Black Science Forum (BSF) is a group of science activists. We employ radical methods to bring technological development to the Black World...THE PAYOFF
05-02-2002 04:17
Since taking office, George W. Bush has lavished spectacular taxpayer funded largesse on the corporate media that made excuses for his inadequacies, overlooked his corruption, shielded him from scandal, and escorted him into the White House. It has been a squalid quid pro quo that has gone largely unexamined, because those whose job it is to report on such corruption are too busy benefiting from it.Union Fury At Blair Privatisation "Reforms"
05-02-2002 04:09
In his speech, Mr Blair stopped short of calling union bosses "wreckers" but a reference to "small c conservatives" was taken to be a swipe at resistance to his policies by people on the left of Labour.United States Must Take Steps To Rein In RightWing Death Squads in Colombia
05-02-2002 04:00
Right-Wing Death SquadsUnited States Must Take Steps in Colombia Now to Keep Paramilitary Forces from Killing More Innocent People
Chomsky Says, " US Foreign Policy Amounts to International Terrorism"
05-02-2002 03:54
"If one looked at the official definition of terrorism, it would be identical to the official definition of US foreign policy," Chomsky said to wild cheers from the audience.Pilger decries 'censorship by omission'
05-02-2002 03:47
CONTROVERSIAL author and journalist John Pilger yesterday criticised politics, big business, the media and academics for what he called their complicity in a terrible silence.Wilhelm Reich's academic disciples
05-02-2002 01:04
Wilhelm Reich is dishonoured by some of his followersInjustice Film screening.
05-02-2002 00:35
INJUSTICE - the feature length documentary about deaths of black people in police custody - will screened on the 19th February at the Prince Charles Cinema, London.Barbed Wire Britain supports Malaga Protests
04-02-2002 23:48
After taking part in the protest at Malaga detention center, Nicolás Sguiglia was beaten up by police. He is now facing expulsion from Spain. As part of an international fax campaign, the Voice, Jena and Barbed Wire Britain are supporting him.Carnival, samba and...pies at the World Social Forum
04-02-2002 23:16
Porto Alegre-(Brasil)Brasilian Carnival invades VIPs Hall at the World Social Forum. In another conference room French minister got pied.
BFI strike enters fourth week
04-02-2002 23:13

WEF Audio reports from NY
04-02-2002 21:52
Audio MP3 files from IMC New York. Links take you to posting where you can download or listen to the reports.Freeze Israels and Jewish Assets and Capital Worldwide and we will have peace!
04-02-2002 21:14

Fritz Springmeier detained without charge
04-02-2002 20:34
Fritz Springmeier, authority and author on the Illuminati and trauma-based mind control, and so a 'paranoid nutcase' to some contributers here, has been arrested in the US and is being detained without charge in Multinomah County Detention Center on a 'US Marshall Hold' He is not thought to have committed any crime except writing and counselling.If you need a little insight into Springmeier's thinking click the link for an interview transcript.
Support Nico Sguiglia: Stop the deportation of a no-border activist
04-02-2002 20:27