UK Newswire Archive
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Activists Take Over BP Recruitment Event
15-10-2008 11:14
BP's attempt to recruit Oxford graduates at the uber-swanky Randolph Hotel last night didn't quite go according to plan...Full article | 2 additions | 1 comment
Shut ITT! - Full Timeline
15-10-2008 09:59

A mass protest against Brighton-based arms manufacturers EDO MBM/ITT has just started. Organised by the Smash EDO campaign, the event is called Shut ITT! and is the third such demonstration this year. Last June, Brighton saw the Carnival Against the Arms Trade, organised by Smash EDO too. The 600 or so protesters then managed to reach the Brighton bomb factory despite police attempts to stop them.
Below is a full timeline put together by the Indymedia Dispatch team. It's being updated as reports come in, so keep an eye on it!
cops at brighton station at 10.30
15-10-2008 09:38
there are cop cars at brighton station and driving around St Peters church near the LevelLeeds Anti-Fascist Mobilisation - This Saturday
15-10-2008 09:36

Free Software Community Project needs Hardware
15-10-2008 09:34
Manchester Free Software are looking to replace a low-spec server which powers a free software suite at the Marbella Cafin Manchester, and is used to provide zero-cost Internet access and as the basis for education and training projects.Workers' Climate Action national gathering - 15/16 November, London
15-10-2008 08:19
The Workers' Climate Action network - a relatively new campaign which exists to build links between the workers' and environmental movements, and fight climate change on the basis of class struggle - is holding its first national gathering at the London School of Economics on 15 and 16 November.9/11 Truther predicting present financial crisis back in 2004
15-10-2008 00:27
Quite shocking - how the financial crash is an element of the so-called War on Terror. Listen 52:30 in - this was recorded in November 2004Inside a Greek detention container
14-10-2008 22:34

This video was taken with a mobile phone by one of the refugees in a container used as a detention centre to hold refugees arrested by police and border guards in the port of Patra, Greece. It was originally posted on a Greek blog and on Youtube, and the Youtube link posted on Indymedia Greece.
I've stripped it off Youtube and converted it to mpg so that people could watch it and use it as they wish.
Stopping the city.
14-10-2008 22:14

Labour government to buy majority stakes in failing banks
14-10-2008 20:38
The Labour government is to spend £37 billion in public funds buying a massive number of shares in the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) and the merged Lloyds TSB and HBOS.Stock Market Rally, Big Oil-Bush-Wall-Street Manipulation!
14-10-2008 18:30
The world stock market rally is a manipulation by Big Oil, Wall Street and Bush to white-wash the capitalist greed and anarchy of Big Money and promote the candidacy of the Big Oil candidate, John McCain.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Parliament rushed - but not by suffragettes.
14-10-2008 18:23

Further Demo at Heckler & Koch weapons HQ in Nottingham : Pix 2
14-10-2008 17:55

Bristol Picket call out in support of Amey Cleaners
14-10-2008 17:49
Five cleaners employed by Amey (who have the contact for rail maintenance in Bristol) were sacked for "damaging the company image" on the 2nd of October.Bristol No Borders - Picket Call Out.CAIC had already called for a demo on the same day outide the NPL conference.
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Further Demo at Heckler & Koch weapons HQ in Nottingham : Pix 1
14-10-2008 17:49

AFRICOM: America's Military Foot in Africa's Doorway
14-10-2008 16:59

Commanded by a Black American general and incorporating State Department and
other civilian personnel from top to bottom it is billed as a "new kind" of
US military command.
Incorporating nearly all US civilian programs in Africa under its umbrella,
from trade to aid to public information, AFRICOM marks the militarization of
US policy toward what is already the most war-torn region in the world.
AFRICOM's planners offer their twelve year intervention in Somalia, where a
million out of ten million have died due to US intervention, as a "model"
for the continent.
2nd North East Working Class Bookfair Nov 22nd 12-4pm
14-10-2008 16:38

Durham Clayport Library, Millennium Place, Durham City.
Saturday November 22nd 2008, 12-4pm
BNP not wanted back in Blackpool!
14-10-2008 16:24
The BNP may be coming back to the grotty hotel in Blackpool where they have had their autumn conference for the last few years. We don't want them back! Ring 01253 341184 and tell them so.Over 400 march against fur in London
14-10-2008 16:18

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Clowns in the City.
14-10-2008 16:00