UK Newswire Archive
Free Education Demonstration: Educate, Agitate, Organise!
26-02-2009 14:57

Protest at Manchester Uni for the rights of asylum seekers and refugees
26-02-2009 14:54
Manchester University campaign group STAR (Student Action for Asylum Seekers and Refugees) is protesting outside the Student's Union at 12pm Friday 26th February. The protest is to highlight the injustice and unfairness of the aslyum system in the UK which prevents aslylum seekers from working. Protesters will shackle their hands to symbolise the restrictions placed on the persecuted and marginalised asylum seekers in this country. STAR will be joined by asylum seekers and members of Manchester Refugee Support Network and Refugee Action. All welcome.Digger diving back in fashion! Work stopped at Shipley Open Cast Coal Mine Site
26-02-2009 14:52

BBC1 ITV Channel 4 Camden "Supper Virus" Lab - work has started
26-02-2009 14:50
Most people are aware of the plans to build a "super virus" lab in Camden, alongside St Pancras International behind the British Library. The lab is likely to be level 3 facility meaning that it could contain anthrax and bird flu. I have just been told today by Helia Evens the secretary for Somers Town tenants association that work has indeed started to "explore risk assessment". A news item was also shown very late on TV two days late that most people would have missed it.Defeating Complaints, Creating Rage
26-02-2009 14:45
The liberal argument that internal prison justice and the equitable resolution of prisoners' grievances is a critically important factor in maintaining the equilibrium and legitimacy of prison regimes, while also preventing the widespread embitterment of a group of people already significantly in conflict with the system, is obviously true in a particular sense. In the closed and hidden world of prison where the guards and system they enforce wield an omnipotent degree of power over prisoners the manner in which prisoners' complaints and grievances are dealt with will inevitably determine whether that power is frequently abused or mediated with at least some semblance of fairness and lawfulness.The failure of art: a brief comic on Gaza
26-02-2009 14:19

Electronic Raid on US & UK Banks
26-02-2009 13:42
Within an Hour or two, $550 billion disappeared in an electronic run on the banks. Paul Kanjorski, Chairman of the Capitol Markets Subcommitee, is refering to events on Thursday September 11th 2008 at around 11am and of the meetings that took place on 15th September 2008, after News of Lehman Brothers Collapse.George Galloway Supports Action Against Met Police
26-02-2009 12:57
The rampant institutionalised racism at the Belgravia Police Station has been allowed by the Senior Management for years. It is time to reverse the trend of bullying in the workplace and the Anti-Buulying Union would like to see more libertarian and progressive people take up the challenge.Israeli forces open fire on Palestinian farmers and internationals in Khoza’a
26-02-2009 12:28
Palestinian farmers, accompanied by international Human Rights Workers (HRWs), were fired upon by Israeli forces in the village of Khoza’a, near Khan Younis, this morning. The farmers and HRWs were attempting to work on land around 300m from the ‘Green Line’.Brave New World For Reticent Fools
26-02-2009 12:24
“Every object the individual uses, every transaction they make and almosteverywhere they go will create a detailed digital record. This will generate a
wealth of information for public security organisations, and create huge
opportunities for more effective and productive public security efforts."

¡Dibujadme un cordero!. Carta de Principito a lasVisitadoras de Vargas Llosa
26-02-2009 11:44
Señoras; estoy seguro que aceptarán participar en el montaje de la escenificación de las actualidades de Francia y de España de esta última semana de febrero que representaríamos, cojumtamente, en el rancho de los Hastings en Santiago del Lestero. He extraído el material del texto que nos permitirá escribir el libreto, de las aperturas de portada de los medios más representativos de las opiniones de Francia y de España, del 25 de enero de 2009. He encontrado en la lectura de estos textos unas escenas que corresponden a mi perfil y también he encontrado textos que solamente ustedes pudieran tratar con potencial performanza. He adoptado el modelo “adulto”, políticamente correcto con la esperanza de que en la escenografía cada uno de nosotros juegue el papel que le correspondeThe illegal business of Apax Partners
26-02-2009 11:07
A small protest was held last week outside Apax Partners' offices in central London (see
More pain in the aviation industry
26-02-2009 08:47
Anti aviation campaigners may find they are increasingly pushing at an open door over the coming year and more as the recession bites hard into passenger numbers and aviation industry profits. The fall against of the pound against the euro and the dollar have made increasing numbers stay at home where the pound in their pocket still feels like it is worth something. Even with fuel prices under half what they were last summer and ticket prices cut to encourage custom, there are simply far less people seeing a quick overseas break as a viable option right now.More Truth about Gladys Hammond
26-02-2009 08:17
Following a story yesterday revealing some of the truth behind the media hysteria surrounding the alleged theft of Gladys Hammond's remains by animal rights activists (
Police spending through the roof but little protection against crime
26-02-2009 07:56
Police today were getting a proper slagging off in the media this morning after the think tank 'Reform' published a damning report on policing in this country. The report, A New Force, found the current 43 forces operate as inefficient and expensive fiefdoms run by chief constables who are only accountable to weak police authorities. Meanwhile the UK taxpayer cough up more for policing than any other leading country yet the police fail to protect them from either serious or local crime. Sadly no media report I saw makes the connection between the inefficiency of the police on tackling crime and their increasing focus on politic policing.Manchester Hungry For Civil Liberties Discussion
26-02-2009 01:48

Solidarity with the AETA 4!
26-02-2009 00:49
On February 19th and 20th, the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force arrested Adriana Stumpo, 23; Nathan Pope, 26; Joseph Buddenberg, 25; and Maryam Khajavi, 20 - 4 people it described as "terrorists". Their "terrorism" apparently consisted of writing with chalk on a sidewalk, wearing bandanas while protesting, and distributing flyers about animal research at UCSC. No, seriously.Zapatero and the Basque Country (by Latuff)
26-02-2009 00:10

An interview with Darius Fullmer - SHAC 7 USA
25-02-2009 23:27

SHAC London in the 'SOCPA' zone
25-02-2009 23:24

Only three of us for another mini demo inside the 'SOCPA-zone' where we protested against Barclays (biggest HLS shareholder), but we still managed to do a decent little demo while leafletting about this Friday's march. We managed about 40 minutes of a demonstration before being told to clear off by a sergeant. It's a free society to demonstrate as long as you get permission and give 6 days notice! What a joke! Anyway, SHAC doesn't care about SOCPA and we'll be returning some time soon.