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Palestine Today 041309

13-04-2009 14:38


Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Monday April 13th, 2009.

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Nottingham's Climate Criminals

13-04-2009 13:55

It may be only speculation that "Officers said they believed those arrested were planning to protest at nearby Ratcliffe-on-Soar power station."

Whilst awaiting clarification, read earlier reports which might inform any questions as to why Ratcliffe MIGHT be considered a target of such concern and motivated action.

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Law under section 76 - Photography, a crime?

13-04-2009 13:49

Smile, you're on camera.
The police passed a new law that says that any person taking photographs of a police officer may be considered illegal and can face fines or imprisonment up to 10 years.

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M returns to the prison where he was held, as a political prisoner periodically

13-04-2009 12:31

This report is published on 'Its me fuming rights innit' blog, as the 17th of April looms.
The 17th of April is the annual remembrance day when Palestinians honour their political prisoners held inside Israeli gaols.
Palestinian trade union organiser M, returns to the prison where he was held periodically from the age of 13 until the age of 25 for participating in student protests against the Israeli occupation of the West bank during the 1980's.

In this report he takes Penelope Constantinople on a tour of the rehabilitated AlFarah Prison now operating as a residential youth centre in the northern West bank.

In the report M describes being tortured for long periods during his detentions at Al Farah prison.
Click on the link below to read the full report and view images of what was Al Farah juvenile prison.

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80 activists blocked the gate of a detention centre in Belgium on 11/04/09

13-04-2009 12:25

first picture
On the 11th of april 2009 eighty activists blocked the gate of the closed detention centre in Steenokkerzeel (Belgium). The action started at 5:30 AM, when activists from across the country found their way trough the fields surrounding the detention centre, and blocked the gates. The action ended around 11:30 AM when the last activists were removed by the police.

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Mayday! Mayday! Anti-Militarist Map of Brighton

13-04-2009 11:44

On May 4th Smash EDO are holding a mas s street party against war, greed and militarism. Here's a handy map of war profiteers in Brighton and Hove.


Over the years Mayday has been a time to celebrate ordinary people's struggle against global capitalism. The growing anti-militarist movement is a part of that struggle. On May 4th people from across the UK and beyond will come to Brighton in a show of force against EDO MBM/ITT, who profit from the suffering of ordinary people in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine.

EDO MBM/ITT do not operate in a vacuum. The weapons they manufacture couldn't be produced without the support of other corporations; investors, business partners and companies providing services to them. This map plots the network of companies complicit in ITT's crimes in Brighton.

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Mind your own businesses: GATS and the future of UK Schools

13-04-2009 10:38

A look at how the Global Agreement on Trade and Services has begun to influence the UK education system and might continue to affect it in future with, for example, the encroachment of businesses into schools and continued enforcement of testing, tables and targets, as well as how it might affect traditional qualifications.

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Climate Protest Busted!?

13-04-2009 07:40

More than 80 people (over 100 according to BBC Today programme) arrested in Nottingham on suspicion of conspiracy to commit aggravated trespass and criminal damage at a power industry facility.

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'A Wake for BP', (ExCel 16.4.09; British Museum 6.5.09)

12-04-2009 23:32

One side of ANO's new BP postcard
** dress rehearsal to take place at BP’s 100th AGM, Custom House DLR,
10.30am, 16.4.09 **
Oil goliath BP, already forced to postpone its centenary party at the
British Museum on April 1st, (also known as Fossil Fools Day[1]), has
rescheduled the event for May 6th. Art Not Oil[2], the group behind the
original demonstration against its ‘tarnished centenary’, will be throwing
‘A Wake for BP’ as guests arrive at the British Museum between 6pm and 7pm
on the new date.

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Close London's (Mis)Communications House

12-04-2009 23:08

A G4S detainee escort van leaving the secure compound at Communications House
Yet another asylum seeker was detained last week while signing on at Communications House, one of London's two immigration reporting centres that is located on Old Street. He was taken into the adjoining short-term detention facility and, a few hours later, a G4S van carried him to one of the UK's 11 detention centres. Below are some pictures taken with a mobile phone as well as some information on Communications 'House'.

"Though [short-term detention facilities] hold detainees only for short periods, they do so at a time of maximum anxiety and uncertainty, outside the public gaze." - HM Chief Inspector of Prisons Anne Owers, August 2005

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Urgent practical support needed at Visteon, Tuesday 14th April

12-04-2009 22:10

This Tuesday, Unite union and the American based Visteon Corporation will negotiate the futures of the 600 sacked workers from Ford-Visteon sites at Belfast, Enfield and Basildon- the sacked wokers urgently need our immediate practical support.

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Reel News Return To Birmingham

12-04-2009 22:04

Following Reel News' event at the Spotted Dog earlier this year with a

very enjoyable screening and discussion (see photos below), they are returning

30th April with the latest films from protests and direct actions.

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Photos from demo against police brutality 4 April

12-04-2009 20:50

Some photos from the demo at Bank on Saturday 4 April against police brutality in the wake of the G20 policing and the death of Ian Tomlinson. Not to be confused with the somewhat larger demo this Saturday.

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g 20 meltdown protest demonstration bank of england london

12-04-2009 20:41

put people first - g20 meltdown protest demonstration london

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Tamil Hunger Strike (day 6), London - pictures

12-04-2009 18:58

Child with severe blast injuries.
As the Sri Lankan government announce a temporary truce in fighting between government forces and the Tamil Tigers, Tamils reach day 6 of their protest in London to object to the carnage being meted out to the Tamil civilian population. (WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT).

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Stop police violence demo in Redditch

12-04-2009 18:31

A national demo has been called in Redditch on Sat 18 April

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Stop the Genocide in Sril Lanka Protest - London April 11 2009

12-04-2009 17:40

Between 100,000 - 200,000 protestors attended the Stop Genocide of Tamils demonstration in central London on Saturday 11 April.

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Justice for Ian Tomlinson - Memorial March - April 11 2009

12-04-2009 17:34

On Saturday 11 April, hundreds wearing black marched in memory of Ian Tomlinson from Bethnal Green Police Station to the place at which he died, where flowers were laid.

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Contributions sought for Art Not Oil 2010 Diary

12-04-2009 16:53

'Habitat Restoration' - Michelle Waters, from the Art Not Oil 2009 gallery

Art Not Oil is making a 2010 desk diary, featuring some of the best work from across our galleries. (We've added the blurb again after this, in case you'd like to know more.)

We're working with Central Books to make sure it's on sale in all the UK's
key art-related bookshops, as well as via mail order to anyone across the

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Fascism and racism in Denmark and Sweden

12-04-2009 15:54

Well, before 2 days I was discriminated again, so I decided to spread information about institutional racism and fascism in Scandinavia. Discrimination became so wide in society that you should always ask Danish for his/her opinion about East Europeans in Denmark before you gives them place for sleeping or anything in your country.
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