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23-06-2010 06:25

The new plans for the site are pretty much the same as the previous plans and do nothing to conserve the historic gardens and the plant collection on the site.
The council are inviting comments and objections on this new planning application right up to the time it comes before the Planning Board.

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Oil Is Not The Worst Part of British Petroleum's Gulf Gusher!

23-06-2010 01:57

It is bad enough that British Petroleum (BP) doesn't want to attempt to use high explosives drilled deep down into the bed rock beside the pipe to bend it closed. It is incredibly psychotically cynical of BP to collect 15 to 20 thousand barrels of oil a day from the well head and sell that oil into the market at $77 barrel as a means to save the company from bankruptcy while 90 percent of the rest of the oil and gas from the well head leak into gulf waters.

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Activist Comms/Radio Training, Bristol, 10th July

23-06-2010 01:31

Activist Comms/Radio Training
Castle Park, BRISTOL
10th July 2010
Midday - 4.30pm
Suggested Donation: £2

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Venezuela: What should never happen in the Orinoco Delta

23-06-2010 00:57

This is the reason why Venezuela should be very careful in the corporation with multinational oil corporations. We have two oil disasters already. A third or fifth one will put us on the track of self-destruction.

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Blues Budget batters public

22-06-2010 22:19

Dangerous Tory axeman George Osborne went on the rampage against Britain's workers on Tuesday.

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Gulf species face unprecedented disaster

22-06-2010 21:46

The ultimate ecological impact of the oil spill on wildlife in the Gulf of Mexico is unknown, and will likely remain so for years to come. Still, two months into the worst oil spill in US history, indications are that the ecological impact will be nothing less than disastrous.

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"Free the Atenco prisoners" : Protest at London Mexican embassy Tues. 29 June

22-06-2010 21:44

While world headlines feature the deployment of the army by the Mexican government in a seemingly losing battle against drug cartels, it's less well-known that the Mexican government has moved ruthlessly to crush grassroots people's movements who have nothing to do with organised criminality.

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Further evidence of criminal negligence by BP and US government in Gulf disaster

22-06-2010 21:43

Evidence of the criminal negligence of BP and the US government in the run-up to the April 20 Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion continues to mount. BP’s decision to ignore important safety warnings for the sake of profit and repeated regulatory green lights from the Bush and Obama administrations made a disaster like that presently overtaking the Gulf of Mexico all but inevitable.

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EDO decommissioners trial update and verdict date demo

22-06-2010 20:34

A short update from the decommissioners trial and verdict date demo info.

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Protest against BP - This Saturday 26/06 1pm at Tottenham Hale BP Garage, London

22-06-2010 17:38

Against climate crimes in the name of profit and in solidarity with workers exploited by giant corporation BP, come and protest this Saturday 26 June, 1pm at Tottenham Hale BP garage.

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Day of Action Against Cuts [1]

22-06-2010 17:22

Monday 21 June saw a national protests against government cuts to higher education. Bristol's University of the West of England's main unions came together to march on the Vice Chancellor's office. Union delegations handed a petition to the Vice Chancellor to request that he fight with them to resist the cuts.
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Lee Salter writes: Monday 21 June saw a national protests against government cuts to higher education. Bristol's University of the West of England's main unions came together to march on the Vice Chancellor's office. Union delegations handed a petition to the Vice Chancellor to request that he fight with them to resist the cuts.

The day of action was co-organised by the National Union of Students, UNISON, UNITE, the University and College Union and other unions.

At UWE members of all unions gathered at a barbecue to listen to speeches about the impact of the cuts before a delegation marched to the Vice Chancellor's office to hand in a petition to "call upon the governors and Vice Chancellor of UWE to work with trade unions to make the strongest possible representations to the government against the proposed cuts in education".

Mike Hines from Unison told the protesters that the cuts had already impacted on widening participation programmes, ensuring the cuts, alongside fee increases, will hit the poorest and most vulnerable students first. Hines denounced the impact disinvestment in the public sector would have not just on the University itself, but also on the wide economy in the region.

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Elsewhere, Dave Prentis, UNISON’s General Secretary, said: “It is shocking news for students that three quarters of staff are reporting course closures. “The country cannot afford to become a low skill, low wage economy - we must invest in our future and that means investing in further and higher education".

Terryl Bacon, Chair of the UWE branch of the University and College Union explained the broader context of the cuts: "After the savage and ill thought out cuts of the 80s, we should have learned that it can take decades to rebuild. Education is the lifeblood of regeneration. Making cuts to H. E. now will affect our future ability to achieve. The doctors, scientists and social innovators of tomorrow need us to protect education today."

Students also expressed concerned about the impact of cuts on their studies. One third year student said "if the cuts affect the number of lecturers there will be teaching us, it means we get poor quality teaching, because fewer lecturers cannot cope with the same amount of students. As for the future, if staff get cut and teaching moves online in order to cope with the cuts, it will not be the same university education as previously". "There are more students to be affected by cuts than lecturers so the Student Union has to fight along with UCU and Unison".

Another third year UWE student expressed his dismay over the priorities of government spending, "We seem to have lots money for wars but when the economy falters its education that gets hit. On a personal level universities opened up my mind and my world and find it sad that prospective students won’t have the opportunities I have".

UWE's Student Union said, "Going to University changes people's lives, it is vital that funding to HE is protected to ensure as many people as possible get the opportunity to study and that the focus on the student experience continues to improve."

Having received the petition from the union delegation, Vice Chancellor Steve West told the assembled protesters that we live in a global knowledge economy and that investment in higher education is essential to succeed. He added that he was working with University Alliance and Universities UK to ensure that representations were made to the government that investment in higher education be maintained.

When questioned about compulsory redundancies the Vice Chancellor confirmed whilst they might be unavoidable, it was his intention to try to prevent them taking place.

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Foie Gras Off the Menu at Healds Hall Hotel

22-06-2010 16:51

Third restaurant in five days stops selling foie gras

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The Green movement is not the future of Iran

22-06-2010 16:36

The ongoing political competition in the Islamic Republic between reformists and conservatives is more complicated than most Western analysts and commentators recognize. The Green movement is not the future of Iranian politics; in fact, it’s not even the future of what at least used to be called the “reform movement”.

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Brazil’s 2010 Elections, Part 2: Dilma Rousseff: Our Choice

22-06-2010 16:32

"If elected, Dilma would likely carry on many of the same policies that Lula has advanced. This means a strong role in the economy for state companies and the continued development of Brazil’s social programs. Dilma would also be likely to maintain Lula’s foreign policy strategy of creating alliances with other developing nations, especially China, India, and Russia, as well as the friendly outreach to bordering countries that has made Brazil the leading nation in South America. Dilma, like Lula, would probably be generally friendly towards the US and the rest of the first world, but she would probably also be unafraid to take an independent stance on many key issues. Brazil’s continued opposition to US plans for renewed sanctions against Iran is an example of the type of independent stance that Dilma would likely continue. She is also likely to continue Brazil’s push for a permanent seat on the UN Security Council."

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Freedom is not an impossible dream

22-06-2010 15:20

A New Zealand Tragedy

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Palestine Today 06 22 2010

22-06-2010 14:42

Welcome to Palestine Today a service of the International Middle East Media Centre, for Tuesday, June 22 2010.

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Pet dog saved Australian woman owner from suicide

22-06-2010 13:42

Some of the leading lights in Australian mental health treatment and research will gather for a summit at the Sippy Downs campus of the Sunshine Coast University in Queensland on the 24th and 25th of June.

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Men's Pro-Feminist informal meeting

22-06-2010 13:22

Interested in forming a men's pro feminist group?
Meet for chat & drink

Cafe Kino, Stokes Croft, Bristol

29th June 8pm

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Housing Benefit Reform Set to Cause Mass Homelessness

22-06-2010 13:19

Thousands of Londoners could be made homeless due to Gideon George’s attack on Housing Benefit.

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22-06-2010 12:24

SPLEEN is printed using the ink milked from the teats of the fickle trumpeters of nothingess.

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