UK Newswire Archive
N30, corporate greed, Xstrata and the right to protest
03-12-2011 17:41

On Wednesday 30 November, Occupy London – part of the global movement for social and economic justice – sent a message to Mick Davis, CEO of Xstrata: As the highest paid director of any FTSE 100 company, we will not let your outrageous income go unnoticed. [1]
Occupy London supporters staged a highly memorable action with a banner drop from the roof of Panton House, Xstrata’s London offices at 25/27 Haymarket, London SW1Y 4EN.
We had to take a stand. These executives hide in their offices, and as they hoard capital they face no scrutiny for their actions. With our peaceful action, we wanted to remind the highest paid that they cannot continue to ignore this economic climate without repercussions.
Sheffield University Occupation: Official Statement on the Court Injunction
03-12-2011 15:26
Sheffield University Occupation has been served with a court injunction which constitutes an attack on the right to protest. The injunction, obtained by the University management, has placed a one-year ban on all protests on University property (which could potentially include picket lines and campaign stalls) that have not been given written permission from the University. It is of course extremely unlikely that they would grant permission for any protest criticising the University over cuts, fees and education reform, hence this constitutes an effective ban on all protest at the University of which management does not approve. This will affect all groups and societies at the University, as well as lecturers and support staff picketing on days of strike action.Media Student gets his seized tape back
03-12-2011 14:55
Friday 2 December 2011
Good news! It has been returned to him.
On 21st November, a police officer had seized a video tape from media student Lewis Stainer while he was covering events around the occupation camp in Market Square. The police claimed they could seize it under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 [section 19] since it contained 'evidence' of crime.
However, Lewis had only filmed the arrest of the individual, NOT the original alleged crime. There has been some media exposure on this issue and the continued lack of ahderence by officers to the protocols / guidelines agreed with Nottinghamshire Police.
The constables action may be contrary to at least three clauses, namely:
1. The presence of a photographer or journalist does not of itself constitute any unlawful obstruction or interference;
4. Journalists have the right to photograph and report events that occur on public property, and;
7. Police officers do not have the authority to prevent a person taking a photograph or to confiscate cameras or film and such conduct could result in criminal, civil or disciplinary action.
After the involvement of the National Union of Jounnalists [he is a Student member] and the coverage this has received ...... the tape, seized by Nottinghamshire Police has now been returned.
In a note to him, the tape is apparently no longer now required for evidence.
Yea right!!
Further action is being considered.
Feature: Nottingham Student photographer hassled by Notts Police [Feature] - Nottingham Indymedia 3 December 2011
Police hand back student journalist’s video after NUJ protest - Hold the Front Page 1 Dec 2011
Nottingham student says police took his film illegally - BBC Nottingham 29 November 2011
Nottingham Student photographer interviews on tape still held - Nottingham Indymedia 29 November 2011
Nottingham Student Photographer's material taken by police - Nottingham Indymedia 22 November 2011
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
Occupy Planet Earth: Resisting the Militarisation of State Power
03-12-2011 14:47

Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed spent the first half of the post 2001 decade analysing the West's Ties With Terror: Western-Al-Qaeda Relations in the Post-Cold War Period (2005), The Secret History of International Terrorism (2006) and the role of the West in Creating Terror (2006). Following this he moved on to analysing the The Hidden Holocaust - Our Civilizational Crisis (2008) and the Food Crisis & Peak Oil (2008). His latest book is A User’s Guide to the Crisis of Civilization: And How to Save It (2010), has now been adapted into a documentary feature film, The Crisis of Civilization (2011) and it had it's first UK screening in Leeds, in November. Read on for an analysis of the multiple global crisis's facing humanity and the hope that a movement to change the course the 1% have society set on can be changed by the 99%, Occupy Planet Earth: Resisting the Militarisation of State Power by Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed.
WikiLeaks release Spy Files; Veterans for Peace call support action for Monday
03-12-2011 14:29

This week, WikiLeaks – working in association with Bugged Planet, Privacy International and media organizations from six countries – released a first selection of documents revealing the international trade in mass interception of phone and email communications, citing 160 companies by name
Across the world, mass surveillance contractors are helping intelligence agencies spy on individuals and ‘communities of interest’ on an industrial scale.
The Wikileaks Spy Files reveal the details of which companies are making billions selling sophisticated tracking tools to government buyers, flouting export rules, and turning a blind eye to dictatorial regimes that abuse human rights.
From Bristol With Love 12
03-12-2011 13:21
From Bristol with Love is a showcase for local music, local news and new forms of local thinking.Van Zeller – Foie Gras Shame
03-12-2011 11:30
Harrogate’s Van Zeller is certainly not the place to be seen for anybody concerned with the source of their food.Student photographer hassled by Notts Police
03-12-2011 10:55
On Monday 21st November, Lewis Stainer, a student photographer covering the occupation in Market Square, witnessed the arrest of someone from the camp. He attempted to video the arrest and was promptly intimidated into handing over the video tape. After pressure from the National Union of Journalists and extensive publicity Notts Police agreed to hand back the video footage.
On the newswire: Student photographer interviews on tape still held | BBC Radio Nottingham Interview | Student Photographer’s material taken by police | Photography Advice and guidance
The police claim that they are entitled to seize video evidence under Section 19 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act (PACE) 1984 as – they claim – it contains evidence of relating to the alleged theft. However, Lewis only filmed the arrest. As Lewis notes, “I can’t see how the arrest would be helpful in the criminal investigation, it was just officers putting handcuffs on someone.” It ought to be obvious even to the dimmest copper that shoplifters don’t usually allow themselves to be filmed while committing the offence. It would rather tend to draw unwanted attention.
The police’s argument is also contradicted by their own “guidelines for police and media at incidents” Point 7 of which states “Police officers do not have the authority to prevent a person taking a photograph or to confiscate cameras or film, and such conduct could result in criminal, civil or disciplinary action.” We can see in this case what those “guidelines” mean in practice. Not only are Notts Police not discipling the officers responsible, they are rushing to their defence.
Lewis was originally given back some of the footage on a CD, but this could not be edited and had no sound. Additionally the footage of the arrest itself had been completely deleted. This he described as “unacceptable.” It was also useless for his college project.
Raising the profile of this incident, Mr Stainer has done a number of interviews with the BBC (radio and TV) and Central TV. He has also had support from the NUJ. It is clear, however, that this is not an unusual event with a regular stream of cases from around the country of police overstepping their legal powers to harass professional and amateur photographers. There are likely many more which go unchallenged and thus unheard of. Hopefully the embarrassment caused by this case will make local coppers think twice before trying it on again.
Call for a 30 second moment of silence on Snip Nua anniversary
03-12-2011 10:49

On the second anniversary of Snip Nua's death, campaigners are calling for world wide moment of silence for her and dogs like her
November 30th: UK on Strike Video
03-12-2011 05:35
On November 30th, 2011 millions of public sector workers across the UK went on strike against massive cuts in the pension system. The following is a short documentary about the strikes.5 N30 Critical Mass bikeabout - Events in Nottm
02-12-2011 22:55
Wednesday 30th November 2011
Earlier in the day, thousands of public service workers on strike marched from the Forest Ground, passed the Occupation Camp and onto the Albert Hall to listen to speeches.
Then in the afternoon, Critical Mass, a group of 25 cyclists cycled (at extremely slow pace) around the city centre for a few hours after the march had finished. Spreading the word about the strike and the fight against government cuts everywhere they went.
The ride ended at the Sumac Centre in Forest Fields where the Autonomous Nottingham free space had relocated
1 N30 The March - Events in Nottingham
2 N30 The Speeches - Events in Nottingham
3 N30 Occupation - Events in Nottingham
4 N30 Prof Samik Amin @ Occupy - Events in Nottm
5 N30 Critical Mass bikeabout - Events in Nottm
6 N30 NUJ - BBC - Events in Nottingham
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
6 N30 NUJ - BBC - Events in Nottingham
02-12-2011 22:55
Wednesday 30th November 2011
People concerned at the cuts to the BBC / public service broadcasting gathered at the New Mechanics, North Sherwood Street, Nottingham at 7pm.
We heard about some of the proposals with would be devastating to both TV and local radio output.
Presenters from BBC TV and radio have joined a campaign to stop cuts local BBC services. They'll be speaking out at a public meeting later this month, which is designed to highlight the effects of the budget savings being proposed by BBC bosses.
BBC Radio Nottingham presenter John Holmes spoke at the meeting at the New Mechanics on North Sherwood Street on Wednesday 30th November. Joined by East Midlands Today Political Editor John Hess and others.
Kevin Stanley, National Union of Journalists rep at BBC Nottingham, said: "We're urging viewers and listeners to get actively involved in the campaign to protect local BBC services. Under the proposals, a quarter of staff at BBC Radio Nottingham could lose their jobs. This would mean fewer staff to report on local issues and hold decision makers to account."
The meeting is being supported by the National Union of Journalists, which is urging people to take part in the BBC Trust's consultation on the cuts.
Kevin Stanley added, "BBC managers say that core journalism will be protected after these cuts, but with one in four staff going, we fear that quality will suffer. The BBC Trust - which controls how the Licence Fee is spent - has the power to stop these cuts. But it will only happen with strong support from the public.
The proposals include :
A shared afternoon programme for Local Radio stations across the East Midlands, just one programme for the whole of England between 7pm and 10pm and less local programming at weekends.
A 40% cut to the budget of the regional BBC One current affairs show Inside Out.
Axing TV and radio journalists who cover the East Midlands for the BBC News Channel and Radios 4 and Five Live.
People can also follow the campaign on Twitter @NoNottsBBCCuts.
National Union of Journalists
NUJ balloting members at the BBC
earlier related issue:
Stand up for Journalism : Market Sq, Nottingham Event
Earlier in the day, thousands of public service workers on strike marched from the Forest Ground, passed the Occupation Camp and onto the Albert Hall to listen to speeches.
1 N30 The March - Events in Nottingham
2 N30 The Speeches - Events in Nottingham
3 N30 Occupation - Events in Nottingham
4 N30 Prof Samik Amin @ Occupy - Events in Nottm
5 N30 Critical Mass bikeabout - Events in Nottm
6 N30 NUJ - BBC - Events in Nottingham
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
Thousands take to Cambridge Streets on November 30th
02-12-2011 22:47

Some estimates place the figure at around 4,000 local people in attendance, although there is no way to confirm (or deny) this.
Flyer for 8 Dec Solidarity action, Liverpool: Census refuser in court
02-12-2011 21:56

Sarah Ledsom is at Liverpool Magistrates Court on Thursday 8 December for refusing to complete the census on the grounds of Lockheed Martin's contract to process census data. Sarah's objections relate particularly to the use of Lockheed Martin weapons by Israel on the people of Palestine. Solidarity demo from 9.30am on the 8th.
1 N30 The March - Events in Nottingham
02-12-2011 20:55
Wednesday 30th November 2011
10.30am gathering at the Forest ground formed up ready to march to the Albert Hall, Nottingham
This demonstration was called by a number of public service unions complaining about their future pension arrangements. However, many of us think it's about much more than that!
Leaving at 11.30am, going down the well troden route down the Mansfield Road, and onto Upper Parliament Street. Down to the Market Square and onto the Playhouse courtyard / Albert Hall. The march grew to between 6 - 10,000 [depending on who you talk to of course].
The marchers passed the occupation camp in the Market Square [its been there for over 6 weeks now], with much cheering and support shown.
At the destination, people went into the Albert Hall to listen to speeches from union officials, many more watched the large video screen erected in the Nottingham Playhouse Courtyard.
This was the biggest demonstration I've seen in Nottingham. Obviously, on its own not enough to change government policies ..... but it might be considered a fair start.
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
2 N30 The Speeches - Events in Nottingham
02-12-2011 20:55
Wednesday 30th November 2011
10.30am gathering at the Forest ground formed up ready to march to the Albert Hall, Nottingham
This demonstration was called by a number of public service unions complaining about their future pension arrangements. However, many of us think it's about much more than that!
Leaving at 11.30am, going down the well troden route down the Mansfield Road, and onto Upper Parliament Street. Down to the Market Square and onto the Playhouse courtyard / Albert Hall. The march grew to between 6 - 10,000 [depending on who you talk to of course].
The marchers passed the occupation camp in the Market Square [its been there for over 6 weeks now], with much cheering and support shown.
At the destination, people went into the Albert Hall to listen to speeches from union officials, many more watched the large video screen erected in the Nottingham Playhouse Courtyard.
This was the biggest demonstration I've seen in Nottingham. Obviously, on its own not enough to change government policies ..... but it might be considered a fair start.
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
3 N30 Occupation - Events in Nottingham
02-12-2011 20:55
Wednesday 30th November 2011
10.30am gathering at the Forest ground formed up ready to march to the Albert Hall, Nottingham
This demonstration was called by a number of public service unions complaining about their future pension arrangements. However, many of us think it's about much more than that!
Leaving at 11.30am, going down the well troden route down the Mansfield Road, and onto Upper Parliament Street. Down to the Market Square and onto the Playhouse courtyard / Albert Hall. The march grew to between 6 - 10,000 [depending on who you talk to of course].
The marchers passed the occupation camp in the Market Square [its been there for over 6 weeks now], with much cheering and support shown.
At the destination, people went into the Albert Hall to listen to speeches from union officials, many more watched the large video screen erected in the Nottingham Playhouse Courtyard.
This was the biggest demonstration I've seen in Nottingham. Obviously, on its own not enough to change government policies ..... but it might be considered a fair start.
Later in the afternoon, the camp hosted a seminar by Prof Samik Amin. Arriving from Egypt to talk to students at the University of Nottingham. The strike prevented this so he came to talk at the camp instead. His theme; to discuss the objects and progress of the Egyptian Revolution and some wider implications. {sound file should be under that posting}.
In the evening the occupation cam was entertained by a band of stolling players from Malta :-) Cable35
Todays characters also included a dragon and tiger. Well .... kids dressed up anyway:-)
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
4 N30 Prof Samik Amin @ Occupy - Events in Nottm
02-12-2011 20:55
Wednesday 30th November 2011
Earlier in the day, thousands of public service workers on strike marched from the Forest Ground, passed the Occupation Camp and onto the Albert Hall to listen to speeches.
Later in the afternoon, the camp hosted a seminar by Prof Samik Amin. Arriving from Egypt to talk to students at the University of Nottingham. The strike prevented this so he came to talk at the camp instead. His theme; to discuss the objects and progress of the Egyptian Revolution and some wider implications.
{sound file should be below}.
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"