UK Newswire Archive
Scottish Coal's Collapse : The Untold Story
23-04-2013 17:03
On Friday 20/4/13, Scotland's largest producer of surface mined coal, Scottish Coal went into liquidation. LAON's press release suggests that reasons other than those which have dominated news items about this event, lie behind this collapse. This press release aims at putting the record strait. In so doing, it raises questions as to whether large scale opencast mining operations, under present circumstanace will ever be profitable in Scotland again.Jacobs Bailiffs Communication Blockade - 29th April
23-04-2013 13:25

London Gala concert in memory of the Arctic Convoys 1941-1945
23-04-2013 11:34

Sussex University Students vote in favour of Boycott of Israeli Goods and Veolia
23-04-2013 10:52
In a campus wide referenda facilitate by the University of Sussex Student Union the vast majority voted in favour of a boycott of Israeli goods and Veolia, as well as a boycott of Coca Cola and Nestle. The students also voted against the management plans to outsource 235 jobs to private companies.Private security fine the public on Public streets in Leeds
23-04-2013 10:47
Leeds Council sign cosy deal in which a Tory councillor run private security firm will fine the public on public streets in a breathtaking reduction of civil rights.March for England 2013
22-04-2013 23:14

Readings on the Fascist Golden Dawn Movement in Greece
22-04-2013 22:55
Tuesday, 23 April, 7pm in the Meadow Bar: Ellinas, Antonis 2013 - The Rise of Golden Dawn
But here, you'll also find more texts/infos on Fascism in Crisis and Golden Dawn in Greece
media featuring a garden work health project ignore ill-treatment there.
22-04-2013 15:54
Why has Indymedia Scotland not made publicly available, any more than a Sunday paper there has, an exposee of hidden abuse, at a social work backed health project in Edinburgh? Redhall Walled Garden, after that Sunday paper did a positive story on it? These facts are backed up by the record of a complaint process.Mobs and Coppers
22-04-2013 14:59 antifascist day out by the seasideGreater Leith Against the Cuts Anti-Bedroom Tax Public Meeting
22-04-2013 10:55
Greater Leith Against the Cuts are holding a public meeting on Tuesday 23rd April regarding the bedroom tax which came into effect earlier this month. There will be a range of speakers and the group hope to hear from those directly affected by the bedroom tax as well as discussing ways in which we can organise against it.
Get Involved - Stop The G8 Nottingham Meeting
22-04-2013 08:55
The G8 leaders are meeting in the north of Ireland in June this year to discuss how to maintain the brutal exploitation of 99% of the world's population.
In 2005 they met at Gleneagles Scotland where people from all over the UK and abroad descended on the historic golf course in protest.
In 2005 a large contingent from Nottingham had also traveled up to Scotland and were part of a bigger plan to shut down key roads which disrupted police and support staff getting to the meeting.
The Stop G8 network is organising a mobilisation to be held in London against capitalism to coincide prior to their summit and are organising a week of action, including workshops, gigs and cultural events in June. There is also a major day of action on Tuesday 11 June, ‘J11 - Carnival against Capitalism'. There's lots to do and we need more people to get involved..
Come along to the national meeting being held in Nottingham and join in.
Saturday 11:00 hrs 27th April - Sunday 28th April 2013 at the Sumac Centre, 245 Gladstone Road, Forest Fields/New Basford, Nottingham NG7 6HX
Harlan Day Of Action
22-04-2013 08:55
As part of the run up to World Day for Animals In Laboratories (, activists from the local area converged for a day of action against Harlan Laboratories. Harlan breed beagles for the vivisection industry, including the notorious Huntingdon Life Sciences. They also offer their clients the option of purchasing ‘surgically-modified’ animals. This means that some beagles undergo surgery on Harlan premises so they are experiment-ready before being transported to a client’s laboratory.
Harlan operate from a farm just outside of Loughborough near Belton where in the secrecy of the countryside, behind razor wire fences and concentration camp style security systems, they breed and butcher their dogs.
The day's protest began at the gate and then moved to the main road where passing motorists learned of the harrowingly cruel institution hidden on their doorstep. One passer by stopped to find out more about the campaign and what he could do to stop the suffering. Many others waved, sounded their horns or gave a thumbs up in support of the protest.
Following this, the activists moved into Loughborough town centre (the nearest town), and set up a display of posters and an information table. Some were dressed as vivisectors with blood spattered lab coats, other handed out leaflets to curious onlookers, shocked at what Harlan and their faceless corporate customers had the heartlessness to do to man's best friend.
These days animal testing is increasingly being denounced by doctors and scientists as being at best unreliable and at worst dangerously misleading (for more information see, but it continues, one can only assume for "economic" reasons.
The overwhelming majority of painful experiments are to enable unscrupulous companies to sell "new and improved" industrial and domestic chemical products (perhaps your oven cleaner or laundry powder among them?) and for this, dogs, cats, primates and countless other animals are put through about as much suffering as it is possible to put another feeling creature through.
In the name of profit we have created a hell on earth complete with the kind of torture facilities, no sane person could observe and not be upset by.
If you want to help end the madness, the first step would be not to support it financially. Only buy products from companies with a FIXED CUT OFF DATE for animal tests. A particularly ethical example would be Bio D, available from most health food shops. Supermarket own brands are also a fairly safe bet.
The following organizations produce a guide for which brands are cruelty free and which are not:
(in addition to products being vegan, the Sunflower logo also means NOT tested on animals).
Secondly, get active! Join your local animal rights group. Most major towns have one.
The ones nearest Harlan and Loughborough are:
Leicester Animal Rights
Nottingham Animal Rights
Derby Animal Rights
All will be be represented at the World Day for Animals In Laboratories march and rally in Oxford next Saturday 27th April ( Perhaps there is transport going from near you?
For more information on vivisection see
For more information on Harlan, see
The Many, many Charges Against Margaret Thatcher
22-04-2013 03:42
The legacy of Margaret Thatcher is complex and an emotional response to her passing is not enough. Working class people must realise that her work is incomplete and has been picked up the current batch of young, ruthless, elitist tories, masquerading as a reformed party. Masks change, not the agend.20 years on since Stephen's death: Muslim man & his family in High Wycombe haras
21-04-2013 23:48
20 years on since Stephen's death: Muslim man & his family in High Wycombe harassed and attacked for 2 years whilst police & authorities did nothing and even tried to charge him for ABH when he reported being kicked in the head!Good beginning for Edinburgh Bedroom Tax federation
21-04-2013 22:55
The Thatcher Legacy, the Legacy of Dependency.
21-04-2013 22:36

Make tower hamlets Council truthful - or a local 'mayor' may sink as Ken did!
21-04-2013 21:59
UK Communities Secretary Eric Pickles may be in for a surprise welcome in a mostuntypical zone - the inner city, routinely "deprived" East London Borough of Tower Hamlets.
Pickles may not be even aware himself that he may be the leader of a subliminal movement progressing modestly across Tower Hamlets that may end up with sinking Lutfur Rahman in the forthcoming 'mayor poll' in May 2014.
Burying the Future: Pipelines, Arctic Melt, UK Weather
21-04-2013 19:43
Canadian scientist Paul Beckwith explains how the Arctic warming emergency is changing your weather. First, story of anti-pipeline media warrior, John Bolenbaugh. The leaks, scandals and deaths behind Tar Sands pipelines.