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Support Occupy Taiwan Parliament - protest against China trade deal

20-03-2014 11:56

*Defend democracy, workers rights in Taiwan!*

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Exelis developed nuclear power plant bombing plans for the US military

20-03-2014 03:19

A contract document from , parent of Brighton arms maker EDO MBM, reveals the corporation was contracted to assess the potential for bunker buster bombing missions on nuclear power plants.

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No Fracking in Farndon: Photo Report 2 - Protection Camp established

19-03-2014 18:02

The drilling rig

Photos from last Sunday's Frack Off event at Farndon where Dart Energy is drilling for coal bed methane. Before the end of the day, a camp had been established on the grass verge near the site gates.

Beware! Drilling for coal bed methane, shale gas and other extreme energy exploration may well be coming to a site near you very soon. More on the Farndon events in this earlier report and photos.

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Nuke Summit 2014 Netherlands - callout

19-03-2014 17:38

The Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) in The Hague will be the biggest summit ever held in the Netherlands. At the same time, the Nuclear Industry Summit (NIS) will be held in Amsterdam and after the NSS, a meeting of the G7 will take place. Lets make sure none of these meetings passes undisturbed!

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Is Anti-Fascism returning to Europe?

19-03-2014 11:26

Review of an anti-fascist event in London.

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Self-censorship of journalism and mass manipulation by using media

18-03-2014 23:16

Practising self-censorship can be compared to castrating an ox; once it is
done, the ox looks like an ox, feels like an ox, may even occasionally
have fun with the cows, but is totally incapable to produce descendants.
Self-censorship has got the same kind of an effect to people, who become
slowly brain washed by the idea of some ideal world without anything
negative existing. People not questioning the case start thinking one
sided and doubting those claiming something verifiable opposite. For any
research, this would mean twisted and one sides research results ending
either into a chaos, or making humankind simple and dumb.

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Climate Dark Age

18-03-2014 16:12

Dr. Michael Jennings says Earth's climate is already beyond the worst scenarios. Could a new Dark Age save us? Dr. Sing C. Chew says we are due. Edutainment for troubled times. Radio Ecoshock

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Counterproductive Reactive Saudi Policies

18-03-2014 10:09

Ahead of Obama’s visit, the Saudi message is self-evident. They are looking, on their own, for alternative security guarantees, or at least additional ones. They don’t trust their decades - long American security umbrella anymore. The US sellout of close allies like the former presidents of Tunisia, Egypt and Yemen shed doubt on any “assurances’ Washington would be trying to convey during Obama’s upcoming visit.

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Support vigils at HMP Wandsworth for jailed war resister Fr Martin Newell

18-03-2014 09:29

Fr Martin being arrested after daubing message in ash on Ministry of Defence
Via London Catholic Worker:

Fr Martin Newell is currently serving a 28 day prison sentence in HMP Wandsworth for non-payment of fines resulting from acts of peaceful protest.

(See: )

Members of the London Catholic Worker are organising vigils outside Wandsworth prison at the following times:

Tuesday 18th March at 2pm
Saturday 22nd March at 1pm

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Bangladeshi Speaker on Climate Change Awareness

17-03-2014 22:55

Bangladesh - Super Exploitation and the Climate Crisis

7.30pm Wednesday 12th March 2014 at The Sumac Centre, 245 Gladstone Street, Forest Fields NG7 6HX


Bangladesh - Super Exploitation and the Climate Crisis

7.30pm Wednesday 12th March 2014 at The Sumac Centre, 245 Gladstone Street, Forest Fields NG7 6HX

Badrul Alam is the President of Krishok Federation (BKF), the largest peasant federation in Bangladesh and has represented them on the leadership of La Via Campesina, the International Peasant Federation and is a leader of the Bangladesh Section of the Fourth International.

The BKF are heavily involved in campaigning against climate change. Bangladesh is one of the areas of the world most vulnerable to climate change, with sea levels rising faster than the global rate. Estimates suggest that up to 20million Bangladeshis in low-lying areas could lose their homes by 2050.

They have organised a series of climate caravans to take the message out to the people across Bangladesh itself and more widely to other parts of Asia and a central part of that work is teh promotion of food sovereignty as a sustainable alternative to agribusiness, hence their relationship with La Via Campesina.

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human relational affinity group

17-03-2014 22:55

Putting out a proposition for a social affinity group I'm hoping to set up, for residents of Nottingham City.



My name is Rob and im a senior trainee person centred psychotherapist and counsellor.  Many of you will no doubt be aware of the recent research conducted suggesting that lonliness can be just as dangerous to our health as other, more medically and politically focused, physical health conditions. You will also no doubt be aware of the rise in isolation, economic strain and homelessness that seems absurd in 21st century Britain.


With this in mind,  im hoping to set up a small group by hiring a room in a central location in Nottingham.  The groups function will be its lack of structure in a sense; I want to promote a social environment,  free from judgement and hierarchy,  in which individuals can come together,  perhaps once a fortnight, and merly take part in the group dynamic.  You may bring artwork,  music, poetry, dance or simply the weeks events, and share your self with the group in a non judgemental,  empathic and respectful setting. I will utilise my qualities to facilitate the group, but in no way intend to have any power over it; this will be very much about power with eachother. I will also ask that we contract and agree upon respecting eachother as individuals.


The aim is to bring human community together,  in the face of a seemingly declining and increasingly challenging society outside for many if us.


As of yet, the plan is still currently in development,  but im hoping to gather a focus of interest; if you have any questions, suggestions or are merely just interested,  please do contact me! It would be a pleasure to hear from you, and hopefully I can gather up an idea of the number of people who may attend.


Thank you


Warm regards


Rob Manners

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Council Tax Protester sent to Prison

17-03-2014 22:55

Nottingham City Council have succeded in their attempt to imprison pensioner Ross Longhurst for refusing to pay Council Tax as a protest against the Coalition Government's austerity measures.

He was sentenced today to 28 days in prison and was immediately taken out of court by six burly G4S persons.

It is yet unknown where he will have to serve this sentence.

There were ITV and BBC cameras before the court and an ITV reporter in the courtroom, so there will probably be some coverage.

Updates to follow.

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Activists Blockade NATO Conference

17-03-2014 20:24

Delegate's car blocked from reaching the NATO conference
Anti-militarist activists have blockade a NATO conference at a stately home in the Sussex countryside.

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Eritrean detainee on hunger strike in Greece facing deportation to Eritrea

16-03-2014 21:22

Detainees of B wing Larisa prison inform of their solidarity to the fellow detainee Mohamad Hamid from ERITREA, who has been held for DEPORTATION for 10 months (from end of criminal sentence) and who is ON HUNGER STRIKE SEEKING RECOGNITION OF POLITICAL ASYLUM.

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No Fracking in Farndon: Photo report 1 - on the verge.

16-03-2014 20:27

Over 200 people converged today on the site of Dart Energy's exploratory drilling for coal bed methane (CBM)at Kingsmarsh near the village of Farndon on the English/Welsh border. Some have stayed (see camp requirements below). As well as locals from Farndon and neighbouring villages, people came from all over including Wrexham, Chester, Deeside, Wirral, Liverpool, Fylde and a large contingent from Manchester and the Barton Moss Protection Camp where a stay of eviction pending an appeal hearing has just been secured until at least 26 March. More on the Farndon site here and here.

These first photos show a few of us converging on the verge on our way to the event, billed as Fight the Frack, and doing a bit of outreach to passing motorists on the A534. More pictures of the main event to follow.

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Blackmail3 Court Case Update

16-03-2014 13:06

Here's a brief update on the court case for one of the 'Blackmail3' defendents potentially due to come to a conclusion on Monday. More info and background at

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Fr Martin Newell jailed for unpaid peace protest fines

16-03-2014 12:14

Fr Martin being arrested after daubing message in ash on Ministry of Defence
Letters/cards and messages of support can be sent to:

Martin Newell

HMP Wandsworth

PO Box 757

Heathfield Road

London SW18 3HS

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Why is Poland a Nazi Client State?

15-03-2014 15:48

When the fever curve of the European regime crisis peaked this week with North American military provocations in Poland, it was a remarkable sign to all who care about the dying empire and its deluded followers. At the same time, France announced its campaign to proliferate atomic reactors of the MOX type which leave bomb-grade waste, North American military provocations in East Asia were stomping up a black hole of propaganda detracting the region just as much as the European propaganda war against Ukraine did there, and the state of Israel committed suicide by sacrificing the last remnants of Theodore Herzl´s „Separate Houses“ Doctrine to an assumed primacy of the casern over the temple. What happened in Poland was the high water mark of a worldwide imperialist death surge by which the collapse-prone system is desperately attempting to include all these who have declared independence of it into its demise. Seen from Britain, where this analysis is published with a bow to the grave of Karl Marx, it also is the explanation why the „Little Hitler of London“ has proven to be even more stupid than the German Motorists Association.

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Ash Wednesday peace liturgy and End Hunger Fast Campaign

15-03-2014 11:12

scott wrote repent in old war office
The Catholic Workers in and around London begun Lent on Ash Wednesday by joining Pax Christi and many other Christians for a peace liturgy outside the Ministry of Defence. First we recognised our own sinfulness before we witnessed against and resisted nuclear war preparations by marking the building of the Ministry of Defence with blessed charcoal. Scott Albrecht - from the Catholic Worker Farm - wrote “Repent” on the wall inside the door to the Old War Office.

As a Lenten observance Scott has also shaved his head and is attempting to do a 40 day fast. This is to highlight food poverty in Britain. Keith Hebden who is also fasting said that Scott has a unique perspective on hunger in Britain.
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