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pointless picnics

09-06-2006 04:02

Autonomous Local Picnics Every Sunday
Lie Down Against Slavery
Share your food and ideas

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RFID to track ACT prisoners

09-06-2006 03:52

(RFID) bracelets or anklets
Inmates at Canberra's first prison will wear radio frequency identification (RFID) bracelets or anklets to track their location, under plans by government.

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The Class of the New by Richard Barbrook event Friday 6-9pm 16 June 2006

09-06-2006 00:21

Friday 6-9pm 16 June 2006
The Class of the New by Richard Barbrook

Netizens, elancers, cognitarians, swarm-capitalists, hackers, produsumers, knowledge workers, pro-ams... these are just a few of the monikers that have been applied to the new social class emerging from the networked workplace.

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Fingerprinting at primary school libraries!

08-06-2006 23:10

Schools are being pushed into using biometric technologies by central government. Many schools are talking about using fingerprints instead of library cards - but some parents are resisting.

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Al-Zarqawi, Tiny Children Killed by US in Iraq

08-06-2006 22:29

In a PR coup
In a PR coup for the Coalition forces in Iraq, an air strike on a building on the outskirts of Baqouba, the provincial capital of Diyala, has reportedly killed al Qa'eda lieutenant Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. Several of al-Zarqawi's aides were killed in the sortie, including Sheik Abdul Rahman, the al Qa'eda leader's spiritual advisor. The discovery of women and children's clothing in the wreckage of the multi-storey building in the aftermath of the attack suggests carnage resulting from the Americans' 500-pound bombs was not limited to al Qa'eda militants.

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Islamic Extremist Terrorism: America's Frankenstein

08-06-2006 21:54

I was a firm believer in the war on terror, its aims, resolution never to bow down and eventually its ultimate success. This article would have reflected that, but while trawling through reams and reams of official government releases in order to write said article, I found evidence that starting in 1979 the American Government, headed up then by President Carter had begun a policy of funding Islamic terrorists to fight the soviets in Afghanistan. As well as extensive evidence that this policy was not only expanded in Afghanistan but also other groups opposing communism were funded in other countries. Eventually my own views were changed and this article will now show, that since 1979 successive American Presidents selectively or intentionally ignorant attitude toward unintended consequences of foreign policy decisions, has figured largely in the scourge of Islamic extremist terrorism the world now faces.

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Gauleiters and Quislings Bungle Iraq Info?

08-06-2006 21:36

Instead of using the information to capture Al Zarqawi and extract the information needed to end the trouble in Iraq, they killed with bombs. Such incompetence is almost unbelieveable.

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08-06-2006 20:36

Muslims in east London should withdraw co-operation with the police in the wake of last week's terror raid in which a man was shot, a Respect party activist has said. Yvonne Ridley said the community was being "terrorised" by the Metropolitan Police and should end all contact with the force.

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Photos from the 15.000 strong student demonstration in Athens

08-06-2006 20:01

Today over 15.000 students demonstrated in Athens against the proposed reforms in the education laws in Greece.

For full coverage see:

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Google IS political...

08-06-2006 19:14

Google want you to join the fight for net neutrality. Meanwhile, Windows PC found to be phoning base every day...

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May Saw a "First" in the Anti-War Movement

08-06-2006 18:09

"America's first woman GI to declare herself a
conscientious objector, Katherine Jashinski,
was denied a discharge and courtmartialed on
May 23rd. She is serving a 120 day prison

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The Art of Propaganda

08-06-2006 18:02

The genre of entertainment films on war and the military is described as mili-tainment. Presenting war as entertainment ignores intellectual analysis to highlight emotional war stories.

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US "UN Ambassador" Bolton trip to London excites comment

08-06-2006 16:21

. . . . a full-spectrum screw up of near biblical proportions, putting him in charge of "UN relations" is akin to putting Herod in charge of the "creche", or - to use a diff. example, letting the nasty railroad barons'n'rancher that're throwin th'farmers off the land do without a deputy OR a sherriff. . . .

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Who was Abu Musab al Zarqawi?

08-06-2006 16:09

Mythical figure and terror mastermind Abu Musab Al Zarqawi was killed in an air raid, according to a statement of the Iraqi government.

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Home Office thug Reid strikes again! - Support urgently needed!

08-06-2006 16:04

A 23-year-old man of Thai ethnicity was seized in a dawn raid on his flat in Lerwick, Shetland on Tuesday. The Home Office want to deport him to Thailand - where he has no family, can't speak the language, and faces imprisonment or conscription on arrival.

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London mayor Ken Livingstone's Crossrail stunt is misguided

08-06-2006 16:04

London mayor Ken Livingstone staged his latest Crossrail stunt on Tuesday 6 June 2006 as we [Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Bill campaign] were advising Blair, in a letter delivered at No 10 Downing street, of a still dignified retreat on the very unwise Crossrail adventure that has already wasted nearly half a £Billion of public money.

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Greece: Students attacked by police

08-06-2006 15:24

The huge student demonstration that took place in Athens, Greece this morning was violently attacked by the police.

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08-06-2006 15:10

Reaction to a Time of London commentary there is no need for further public donations to keep Venice from sinking since the city is doomed and should be allowed to die by turning off its life support.....
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