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Boycott fascist pub in Camden week of action 25th-29th Jan 2009 update

17-01-2010 20:48

The Gloucester Arms on Leighton Road in Kentish Town has been subjected to protests by anti racists following the landlord, John Coyne's decision to let organised racists hold meetings in the pub. There will be a week of email and telephone action on the week of 25th - 29th Jan asking that Camden council remove the pub's licence especially as they play hardore porn in front of kids.

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"Hermaphrodites" in sports: IOC and IAAF deny responsibility

17-01-2010 20:24

IOC Rally, Lausanne, Dec. 19, 2009
Discriminating, unfair and harmful treatment of intersexed athletes ("hermaphrodites") in women's sports has a long and painful history. The "suspected" athletes' dignity and human rights keep getting violated on a regular basis by both of the ruling international sports bodies, the International Olympics Committee (IOC) and the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF), as well as by their subsidiaries and affiliates.

Until today, the governing bodies keep on denying their responsibilities and refusing dialogue, as well as seemingly reacting only when forced by public pressure, and if so pro forma only.

Case in point: The IOC's attitude with regards to their syposium on "'ambiguous' gender cases" ending in Miami today. demands justice!

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Haiti: Cuban Medical Brigade

17-01-2010 19:54

Cuban Medical Brigade
Cuban Medical Brigade, Refused by Bush During Katrina, Treated Over 1,000 Haitians in 24 Hours, Including Dozens of Life-Saving Surgeries .... Cuban doctor with a Haitian man who is a recent graduate of Cuba’s Latin American School of Medicine providing much needed treatment to the people of Haiti.

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day of massed action aginst h l s supporters

17-01-2010 18:52

despite the best efforts of netcu and police and astrazenec securitey protesters were not detered

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Gaza 1417 Remembrance Die-In Trafalgar Square Saturday 16th January 2010

17-01-2010 15:31

An event was staged at Trafalagar Square to remember the Palestinians murdered by Israel during Operation Cast Lead this time last year. Despite hideous weather, approximately 200 people came out to show their solidarity and were joined by Manal Timraz, Natalie Abou Shakra and Sameh Habeeb all of whom addressed the crowd.

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Free Benefit Gig for Haiti Earthquake Victims - Taunton 28/01

17-01-2010 15:11

Note: Benefit Gig Now For Docters Without Borders
We recently found out how Shelter spend their money and treat their staff so we're now donating the proceeds of the gig to Doctors Without Borders, to sopport their ugent work with the Haiti earthquke victims. Don't worry though we will still do a benefit for a homelessness charity sometime soon.

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United States Police Pepper Spray Children In 'clash' with Anarchists

17-01-2010 13:26

Before the police attack
The use of inverted comma's to describe 'clash' is useful to those of us that know the police often start or incite these 'clashes' to begin with.
In Phoenix Police sprayed kids as they 'clashed' with anarchists.

Please visit here for video of child who was pepper sprayed:

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Pre-Meeting for Remember Gaza Demo

17-01-2010 13:09


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Beware Of Obamaton Pod People On The Net!

17-01-2010 11:49

Re: the 'Chagos Islands Marine Reserve Petition' currently circulating UK alternative net communities and message boards.

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you are the resistance

17-01-2010 01:07

you are the resistance

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Trafalgar Square: anniversary of Israeli military incursion into Gaza

16-01-2010 23:45

Two women raise a Palestinian flag in Trafalgar Square
Saturday 16 January 2010: First anniversary commemoration of the 1417 victims of the 2009 Israeli military incursion into Gaza, held in London's Trafalgar Square.

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Animal Rights Cambridge Response to the Haiti Disaster

16-01-2010 23:36

One disaster, one response. Justice for ALL!

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Cambridge Remember Gaza Vigil Pictures 16-01-2010

16-01-2010 23:30

Reading The Riot Act..?
Today at midday, despite sporadic rain showers and a chilly local climate, about forty people gathered in Cambridge Market Square to mark the one year anniversary of the last military blockade of Gaza.

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Residents contact the Camden New Journal in growing numbers over deadly lab

16-01-2010 22:16

There are plans to build a high level [3/4] bio hazard lab and animal testing facility on a Camden council house estate, Somers Town, Camden alongside St Pancras International. Foot and Mouth disease was leaked from such a govt facility in Pirbright, Surrey devastating the countryside. Such a leak in central London next to the Channle Tunnel would be like something from the film Doomsday....

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Camden Racist Pub Gloucester Arms - week of action at Camden Council Jan 25-29

16-01-2010 21:57

Camden Anarchists protested outside the fascist pub Gloucester Arms on Leighton road, Kentish town, Camden NW5 followoing the decision by landlord John Coyne to let the Jobbik party who are part of an Alliance Of European Nationalist Movement, drafted by Nick Griffen of the BNP. Anonymous activists have asked that a week of emailing / phone action about the pub be carried out.

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Active fascists in the EDL

16-01-2010 18:17

BUA blackshirts on a march - wonder which the EDL member is?
In the run-up to the English Defence League's latest provocation in Stoke-on-Trent, they claim more loudly than ever that they are not a racist/fascist organisation, as they continue their propaganda campaign. However, the real nature of the EDL is never far from the surface, as inspecting their forum quickly reveals.

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New Wave of Repression in South Africa

16-01-2010 17:57

An overview of the situation in the wake of the attacks on Abahlali baseMjondolo.

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Sheffield Claimants and Unemployed Workers Launch Meeting

16-01-2010 16:44

Sheffield Claimants and Unemployed Workers launch meeting - Thursday 28th January, 6pm, at the Quaker Meeting House, 10 St James Street, just off Church Street and a few minutes' walk from the Cathedral, with speakers from the Disabled People's Direct Action Network and Hackney Unemployed Workers.

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Wild at Heart SCHnews 705

16-01-2010 15:48

Our comrades at SMASH EDO have announced the location of their Remember Gaza demo... plus, Gaza convoy finally allowed in after being held at port and attacked by Egyptian police, legal observer arrested at Smash EDO Carnival Against the Arms Trade finally overturns charges, European Court rules Section 44 stop 'n search illegal, the Christmas period has seen no let up for migrants in the squats and camps of Calais, and more...

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Autonomous Struggles in Latin America - The Common Place, Leeds

16-01-2010 13:56

Join us for an evening of discussions on the global nature of horizontalidad (horizontality) and the construction of autonomous horizontal relationships - From Argentina to Cuba, the UK and beyond.
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