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GCHQ complicit in Murder.

15-03-2012 20:55

Civilian staff at GCHQ risk being prosecuted for war crimes as a result of a legal action started on Monday 12th March

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Roger Franklin explains why he refused to complete the 2011 Census

15-03-2012 17:06

When Roger Franklin of Stroud, aged 84, received a court summons for failing to comply with the 2011 Census, he wrote to the Magistrates in Bristol explaining his stance and refusing to enter a plea. Roger was found guilty at a court hearing on 8 February. His fine has just been paid by a total of 222 individual donations as cheques made payable to the court, many sent with scathing comments about the conviction.

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Occupy Nottingham Press Release

15-03-2012 16:55

Court hearing now adjourned until 5th April

Occupy Nottingham received a phonecall yesterday informing them that their original request for a three week adjournment at the hearing Tuesday this week, had now been granted by the Judge.

The letter our solicitors sent to the courts prior to the hearing, was not given to the Judge by the court clerks, and furthermore the council's solicitor did not ensure the Judge had copies of all the relevant paperwork for the case. The Judge however showing a level of fairness and equality as had been requested, and giving time to secure funding for formal representation in court, upon reading the letter he granted the full three week adjournment.

This means that when our spokesperson drew the Judges attention to the letter submitted by Public Interest Lawyers at the hearing this Tuesday and reqested the adjournment on the grounds listed, that the Judge had no idea what was being referred to, and Occupy Nottingham won the original three day adjournment purely on the merit of the strength of the argument presented to the Judge by our spokesperson. 

Members of the group also emphatically deny any allegations that they have cost the council thousands of pounds to clean the area around their camp as alleged. The only rubbish that we have collected has been inside our camp, and likewise the same for any spillages, which we have disposed of, or cleaned up ourselves as the council have refused to facilitate refuse collection. In fact we have seen considerable neglect when it came to cleaning the area around our camp perimeter by the council. Anything external to the camp is likely to have been left by other members of the public who are nothing to do with the camp, particularly night time revellers and drunks hanging about the market place.

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report and pics from yesterday's NUS walkout

15-03-2012 12:55

liaison charmer

up to a thousand london students took part in the march yesterday afternoon, starting at malet street and ending with a call for david willett's resignation at the dept for business, innovation and skills in victoria. the procession was closely policed, and new tactics were deployed.

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European Courts rule police kettling tactic lawful

15-03-2012 12:18

The European Courts of Human Rights has ruled today that the UK police tactic of kettling protesters is lawful and does not infringe in article 5 of Convention on Human Rights – the right to liberty and security.

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On the Frontline with the Mayr-Melnhof Night-Pickets

15-03-2012 12:14

Locked Out at Mayr-Melnhof !
And the Night was not Unruly ......
Night Pickets at the Mayr-Melnhof Packaging plant in Bootle, Merseside.

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Blood, Sweat, Gear: the human cost of the Olympics

15-03-2012 10:55

Outside Downing St

International and local speakers will discuss whether the Olympics legacy will be exploited garment workers and the marginalisation of east London communities. The leader of sweatshop workers in Bangladesh and community representatives in east London will speak out this month on the human cost of the Olympics. They will address a major conference staged by War on Want, after the anti-poverty charity accused top sportswear brands of exploiting Bangladeshi staff.

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Job Done! 222 people pay Roger's Fine

15-03-2012 08:55

Veteran peace activist Roger Franklin (84) was fined £460 in Bristol Magistrates' for refusing to fill in the 2011 Census form, because the census was run by arms manufacturer Lockheed Martin. (LM is the world's second-largest arms corporation. Its US subsidiary trained interrogators for the notorious Guantanamo prison camp. Its weaponry was heavily used in the massacre of civilians carried out in Gaza in 2008-9.)

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Bristol Perspectives out now! Issue 4 of our alternative university newsletter

15-03-2012 00:55

In the wake of strikes and occupations last year, Bristol Perspectives was formed by a collective of staff and students fed up with university bosses. This alternative newsletter exists to give a voice to staff, who feel intimidated by management, and to create a space for debate and discussion about our vision for the university, in face of the government attacks on Higher Education.

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anti-fracking protest at gas conference today

14-03-2012 22:55

frack off

a small group of protestors gathered outside the marriott hotel in swiss cottage this evening where the 'unconventional shale gas conference' is taking place today and tomorrow.

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Two of the Notts Uncut Prosecutions Discontinued

14-03-2012 20:55

Two of the Notts Uncut Prosecutions Discontinued

The two members of Notts Uncut who were arrested on 17th December for not complying with a condition of section 14 of the public order act have both received a notice of discontinuance from the CPS today. Apparently "a prosecution is not needed in the public interest".

We haven't heard anything about the case of the third member, who was arrested on the same day for police obstruction (for having the audacity to ask when one of the original arrestees would be released) but we are optimistic that his case will also be dropped.

This development reinforces what we have always believed - that these arrests were nothing more than a transparent attempt to intimidate us and other protest and direct action groups into silence.

Notts Uncut will continue to take action against corporate tax avoidance, cuts to jobs and public services and government attacks on vulnerable people. We are holding a meeting on Sunday 18th March at 12.30 at the Sumac Centre to discuss strategies and focuses for future actions. Everyone is welcome.

We will fight and we will win.

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LUAC day of action against privatisation of higher ed.

14-03-2012 18:35

On the 14th of March, Lancaster University Against the Cuts, an autonomous student organisation at Lancaster University, launched a number of actions to mark the NUS week of action against the privatisation of education and the national walkout day, alongside members of #occupy Lancaster.

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Campaigners Take Action Against Mainstream Banks

14-03-2012 18:12

Student cutting her Lloyds card after closing account
Residents and students close their accounts with high-street banks in protest of the financial crisis caused by the banks.

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Manchester University Walkout Against Rise of Postgraduate Fees

14-03-2012 18:04

Students march down the road after walkout
As part of the NUS National Walkout, students at the University of Manchester walked out of lectures in protest against the University’s planned rise of postgraduate fees.

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Rebel Radio

14-03-2012 12:55



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Save Leyton Marsh - update

14-03-2012 12:55

Work has begun on Leyton Marsh. Basket ball courts for olympic and paraolympic players to practise on, are being built. Leyton Marsh is a well-used and well-loved bit of municipal open land.

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Smash EDO: update and upcoming events

14-03-2012 12:47

Smash EDO update about past and future events and the Summer of Resistance.

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Local Elections Southampton

14-03-2012 12:21

South West Hampshire Green Party
This is a press release put out around Southampton in support of Green Politics.

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Meat eating, it will kill you - time for it to be banned

14-03-2012 10:24

Researchers from the Harvard Medical School in the US studies 120,000 people over three decades have discovered that eating red meat will decrease life expectancy.

Time to ban eating meat now as a matter of public health. Feeding meat to children should be considered child abuse and the parents prosecuted.
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