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MET plans to criminalise homelessness in 6 boroughs – Protest 26th February 10am

12-02-2014 23:38

The Met have announced plans to make ‘rough sleeping’ a crime in 6 London boroughs. Operation Encompass will be in effect in Camden, Islington, Lambeth, Southwark and Westminster, alongside Croydon.

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Bosnia Latest!

12-02-2014 12:58

report from the front line!
website has photos

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Playing Al-Qaeda Card to the Last Iraqi

12-02-2014 09:01

Kerry ruled out sending “American boots” on the Iraqi ground; obviously he meant “Pentagon boots,” but not the Pentagon–contracted boots.

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Bedroom tax decisions can be appealed

11-02-2014 19:44

An Upper Tribunal decision defines a bedroom as a room used as or furnished as sleeping accommodation. The decision provides for successful appeals.

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Organ smuggling: Turkish hospitals traffic injured Syrian citizens’ organs

11-02-2014 17:54

Dr Yusef Sonmez and Moshe Harel
Were it not for the well-documented terrorism and atrocities that we know are being committed by Turkey's Erdogan government in Syria, we might pass over as political fiction the hand-me-down news report (below) about injured Syrians being robbed of their organs when taken to Turkey's public hospitals for treatment. But in the context of Turkey's role in supporting and arming the terrorists to overthrow the Assad government in Syria and its history with trafficking human organs, there's reason enough to take the report seriously.

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Attack on Royal Marine Reserves in Bristol: rearm anti-militarism!

11-02-2014 14:26

11-02-2014, Royal Marine Reserve base in Clifton, Bristol

Military propaganda portrays the armed forces as protectors of 'the people'. Since the first civilisations this has been used to justify conquest and occupation of territory for the ruling classes, sacrificing their lackeys to build up empires big or small.

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Nothing Short of Anarchy

11-02-2014 13:51

With Melbourne the site where the first formal Australian anarchist organization, the Melbourne Anarchist Club, was formed we have mobilized ahead of the impending G20 meeting.

To kick off our we have painted Captains Cook's cottage in ClownSec "HONK" colours because we think the current political situation is a joke and we aim to do something about it.

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Terrorism with a “Human Face”: “Freedom Fighters” are “Not Killing Civilians"

10-02-2014 10:49

The attacks by opposition forces largely integrated by Al Qaeda terrorists can no longer be denied.

What is now occurring is a re-branding of the various terrorist formations covertly support by Western intelligence.

The latest slur of media disinformation consists in providing a “human face” to Al Qaeda.

While the media acknowledges that the Al Nusrah front is integrated by Al Qaeda affiliated rebels, the Islamist rebels affiliated with the New Islamic Front –which has received Washington’s ascent– are now portrayed as “freedom fighters” involved strictly in para-military operations.

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Pussy Riot Propaganda Is For Naïve Americans

09-02-2014 21:55

Pussy Riot, a Russian female punk band of recent notoriety, very much seems to have one tunnel vision goal—at least as reported to Western audiences by Western media—and that is to discredit and defame Russian President Vladimir Putin. The band name ‘riot’ is not hard to understand, as their supposed “art form” resembles a riot, as punk music often enough does; but it is more anti-music in its ear-splitting aggression. Behind scenes of this shallow morality play …lays larger political stories, pseudo-stories, propaganda, foreign inspired revolutions with plenty of American tax money being circulated to bribe public relations schemes and more lately accusations that even NGOs that supposedly care about human rights and the environment have been infiltrated to the point that their real mission is to engage in propaganda operations.

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"The Lancet" : Another front in NATO's psychological warfare against Syria

09-02-2014 19:28

Serious accusations targeting the Syrian government (for having discarded, on purpose, poliomyelitis vaccination campaigns in those areas occupied by the armed gangs) come from various sources: the doctors of the so-called “opposition” in the USA (Wasim MAZIAK, head of the US-“research” centre on tobacco in Aleppo, in particular); their “active” colleagues in Lebanon (mainly inside the US-American University of Beirut) and in the UK (Adam COUTTS, from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, here associated with the Lancet journal). And as if such a war were not enough, the same protagonists are involved in a concurrent war on a trivial peaceful object particularly associated with the daily life of Middle East culture.

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An Open Letter to Australian Anarchists from the Black Rose Syndicat

08-02-2014 17:04

‘Reject All Authority and Rise Up and Free Yourselves of the Hive Mind Imposed by Class Enemies in ‘Organised’ Anarchist Groups in Australia’.

We have nothing against Anarchist ideas. What we are against is ‘organised Anarchism’ in Australian with their failed tactics, organisation and anti-Leninist tendencies.

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Tommy: The Movie!

08-02-2014 11:17

Not released for 18 months.

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Archive of North East EDL members and activity (2010-2014)

08-02-2014 10:09

North East EDL Regional Organisers
Photos and info on North East EDL activities - for future reference.

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Two more deaths at the Calais border

07-02-2014 20:53

The successive deaths of a 17 year old Iranian migrant, who fell from a truck that he was trying to hide in to reach England on 30th January
(see article below) and a migrant killed by a bullet in the chest
on 2nd February has caused a wave of outrage.

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bristol & bath suv's loose air

07-02-2014 13:15

too many city-slickers playing at being country folk, driving around in status symbols,in a dream where the fuel never runs out, "oh it's such a stress parking the landie when i do the school run" why not get smaller car, ride bikes, bus it, use your legs or even better have a labotomy

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Dear council, a poem, from rent.

06-02-2014 19:27

Just a poem about rent, to councils , inspired by the up and coming MIPIM selling off land around Europe fair in March, in Cannes.
Details of which attached after the poem.

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Far Right Far From Unity

06-02-2014 14:35

Crivvens! Jings! And Help Ma Boab! Not only was there a dismal turnout for the EDL demo in Slough last weekend but an even tinier contingent turned out for the latest attempt to ‘unite the right’ (which appears to be a contradiction in terms).

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Cornering a Brave Palestinian Man of Peace

05-02-2014 14:16

To continue pressuring Abbas into yielding more concessions without any reciprocal rewards is turning a brave man into an adventurer committing historical and strategic mistakes in the eyes of his people.

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Should Cameron be prosecuted for recruiting Brits to fight in Syria?

05-02-2014 10:41

London Evening Standard, 3 February 2014
According to the London Evening Standard, a top British prosecutor has “warned that Britons who travel to join the Syrian conflict will face prosecution and potential life sentences on their return.” What the British prosecutor fails to address is that the British “freedom fighters” are being recruited with the full support of the British government of Prime Minister David Cameron in defiance of UK laws. Does this mean that those who finance and recruit terrorists at the highest levels of the British government also “potentially face life sentences” as suggested by Crown Prosecutor Hemming? Or is Her Majesty’s Government immune from prosecution?
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