UK Newswire Archive
Doctrines And Visions: Who Is To Run The World, And How?
11-06-2004 13:32
A major statement by Noam Chomsky regarding terrorism, the war in Iraq, the military situation worldwide, and the "democratic vision" of President Bush and Prime Minister Blair. Note that the discussion of the militarization of space has local relevance for Cambridge residents, as one of the major components in research and development of space-based weapons - the US-run airbase RAF Feltwell, is located very near to us.Genoa Counter-investigation, call from Italy
11-06-2004 13:32
Genoa Counter-investigationBayer, Dow, Syngenta: Shareholders criticise agrochemical corporations
11-06-2004 13:28
The spring Annual General Meeting (AGM) season saw agrochemical corporations facing tough criticism from shareholders and public interest organizations over potential liability for environmental and other impacts of pesticides and genetically engineered (GE) crops. Shareholders focused on rejecting industry claims that GE crops are wanted by consumers in industrialized nations and needed to "feed a hungry developing South.The AGMs served as platforms to raise questions about the environmental and human health impacts of agricultural biotechnology, and to address evidence indicating that GE crop commercialization is cutting into corporate profits.
Irish Activist Begins 14-Day Hunger Strike for Palestine
11-06-2004 12:22

Iraq Occupation Focus launch
11-06-2004 11:52

End the Occupation: Why the US/UK should leave now
Audio from public meeting and launch of Iraq Occupation Focus with Tariq Ali, Jeremy Hardy, Haifa Zangana and Ewa Jasiewicz.
Alternative Votes Results
11-06-2004 11:33
Votes and Percentages for "alternative" candidates in LiverpoolBLAG - an activists operating system on 1 cd
11-06-2004 11:33
BLAG Linux And GNU by the Brixton Linux Action Group.Specially designed for activists but can be used by all !
comes on 1 cd has programs for txt, image, audio and video editing already within it
one of the best things about this distrobution is once youve installed it you never need to install another it has an automatic updating system even when a new operating system is released bit like windows updater only better no need to delete your old operating system and install a new one like windows 2000-> wondows xp
Sudanese children need your help
11-06-2004 10:57
You can save hundreds of children.300 thousand Sudanese people are facing death - you can help them.
£30 can keep (or at least help saving) around 130 Sudanese children alive for about 3 months...
More photos from Nottingham G8 protest
11-06-2004 10:45

30+ activists shut down an oil distribution depot in nottingham this morning in solidarity with the G8 protests in the US, to protest about global warming and oil war in Iraq.
Our Islamic Fifth Column
11-06-2004 09:56
Most recently, in response to a column I write for an Indian paper, in which I confessed to having met a few terrorists in my time and attempted to analyze their limited grasp of the world, I received a lot of hate mail.No G8 - not here, not anywhere!
11-06-2004 08:24
What about the next G8 meeting - in Gleneagles in Scotland?Industrial action threat by firemen
11-06-2004 01:53
The threat of fresh industrial action by firefighters has been raised after another last-minute hitch to a deal aimed at ending a pay dispute.The SHORTWAVE REPORT 6/11/04 ¡LISTEN GLOBALLY!
11-06-2004 00:16
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Spain, Russia, and Cuba."Anarchist Group's Gleneagles Website Exclusive!"*
11-06-2004 00:10

Our Myopic Beeblebrox: Plausible Selective Memories
10-06-2004 23:41
Pabst Blue Ribbon, ketchup, a Black Panther in Cuba, myopia, Pat Brown and Sci-Fi classics: an eclectic and selective obituary of Ronald Wilson Reagan, the 40th President of the United States of America."Have your say" at the Beeb...
10-06-2004 23:27

"USUK cannot export democracy at the end of so many DU tipped missiles mainly because they do not have it at home. The illegal USUK attack was against the wishes of the majority of the USUK natives...."
J30 - Bristol - Meet the Warmongers!
10-06-2004 22:33
MEET THE WARMONGERS... June 30th, 7:30 am, meet at the Ministry of Defence, Filton Abbey Wood, Bristol. Bring mates, bikes, noise and whatever you want to take action...Solidarity action in response to national calls for action on June 30th.Oxford P10K activist arrested by Israelis
10-06-2004 22:28
Ian Hodgson, Oxford resident and P10K organiser, was arrested by the Israeli army today.Radical Radio for Manchester
10-06-2004 21:35
Under the Pavement - radio for Manchester's radical and activist communities, every other monday 10pm - jorno to speak at Manchester University
10-06-2004 21:06