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Police Repress Local Paper

23-08-2011 21:55

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The Libya media hoax: Fabricated scenes of jubilation & euphoria on Green Squa

23-08-2011 20:18

Fabricated scenes of jubilation and euphoria on Green Square, Tripoli, 22/08/11
Surpassing previous mass media fabrications, both in scale and boldness, yesterday morning's Al Jazeera mise-en-scène will surely go down in history as one of the most cynical hoaxes committed by corporate media since the manipulated pictures of Iraqis topplying Saddam Hussein's statue after the US invasion in 2003.

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Fur Trader In Gateshead Metrocenter

23-08-2011 17:31

Northern activists have located a fur trader in the metrocenter

the company called Demure Leather , Upper green mall , Metrocentre , Gateshead , NE11 9YG. Telephone: 0191 460 9046

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Take Action on Libya!

23-08-2011 14:39

The mainstream media has fed us nothing but lies on Libya. The assault on Tripoli is a bloodbath thanks to non-stop NATO bombing. More people have been killed and injured in the past two days than in the whole of Operation Cast Lead (Israel’s attack on Gaza 2008).

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German Activists Sue re: Undercover Police Operation

23-08-2011 14:07

Simon Bromma, German undercover agent
new activist action in August 2011 against police repression!

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Legal Aid CUTS Creates Criminals

23-08-2011 07:59

With recent cuts in legal aid and access to justice being denied to the most vulnerable, how far can we continue to accept a two tired justice system designed to make those in most need the most vulnerable?

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Liberatory Education for Autonomy

22-08-2011 23:24

The goal of liberatory education is to provoke the student to question all taken-for-granted values, ideas, norms, beliefs, etc. of her experience that are the given presuppositions comprising the dominant social paradigm. The space this educational act opens up, as rupture, emancipates the learner from the domination of what has been taken-as- given.

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Pirates attack in Newcastle

22-08-2011 22:04

Pirates take action in Newcastle.

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The "elimination" of poverty

22-08-2011 21:44

The ideologues of the New World Order which was imposed by the capitalist neo-liberal globalization have already proved their great skill to eliminate or distort annoying terms such as socialism, democracy (in its classic meaning of self-management), resistance against occupiers (defined today as "terrorism"), etc.

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From Bristol With Love 6 - Celebrating Riots, The Gas and Camping

22-08-2011 20:19

From Bristol with Love is a showcase for local music, local news and new forms of local thinking.

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Lies about Libya

22-08-2011 19:26

Media and politicians are hiding the truth on Libya.

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ATOS Healthcare Vs The Whole Internet

22-08-2011 19:03

Solicitors Letter to AtosRegisterofShame's ISP
Quick! Someone call Anonymous!

Corporate Megadeath machine ATOS Healthcare are involved in the covert silencing of literally hundreds of its sick and disabled online critics. Over the last week numerous websites and internet discussion forums have closed after Atos's head of legal services, solicitor James T J Loughrey [1], contacted ISPs to demand the closures.

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US Presidential Candidate Texas Governor Rick Perry: A Bilderberger Criminal

22-08-2011 17:56

As Cameron has his idly rich foxhunting supporters, Perry has his coterie
of petroplutocrats, pharmaceutical vivisectors like Merck, malathion
manufacturers, cattle ranchers, feedlot owners and butchers.

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Greek poster in solidarity with English insurrection

22-08-2011 17:49

Greek poster and English translation in solidarity with English insurrection

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Palestine Today 08 22 2011

22-08-2011 17:21

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Monday August 22, 2011.

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Policy Exchange thinktank tries to make welfare system even harsher

22-08-2011 16:40

Writing in the right wing Daily Telegraph, Neil O'Brien of Policy Exchange sets out his plan to make the lives of the unemployed and disabled worse. Cameron is licking his upper class lips.

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Stories of Activism in Sheffield, 1960-2011

22-08-2011 16:12

An event co-organised by the University of Sheffield’s Centre for the Study of Democratic Culture and the Centre for Peace History.

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John Bowden – Another Punishment Move

22-08-2011 11:42

Long-term prison resister John Bowden continues to be victimised by the State.

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Film presentation about anti-fur activism in Norway, this Wednesday in Sheffield

21-08-2011 22:58

An activist from the Norwegian animal rights group Nettverk For Dyrs Frihet (Network For Animals' Freedom) will be presenting short films about the group's undercover investigations into the country's fox and mink farms. We'll be starting at 7pm in the Rutland Arms at 86 Brown Street (near to the Showroom Cinema and the railway station). Newcomers are especially welcome!

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Cartoons on the riots, genetic engineering and fracking.

21-08-2011 19:52

Riot cartoon 1
Two cartoons on the riots, two on genetic engineering and one on fracking.
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