UK Newswire Archive
Ofcom duty to have standards on satellite TV Channels in communities' names
03-06-2013 12:43
Ofcom is bound by LAW to have standards on satellite TV Channels being operated with OFCOM licences in the names of communities. Yet there is evidence of rampant violations of basic standards by the majority of these outlets.It APPEARS that OFCOM doesn’t have much respect for the communities in whose names these operators do their business. One such community, UK Bangladeshis, are set to change this. In a community petition launched ion East London this morning, UK Bangladeshis Say have set out a neat list of demands for OFCOMTuesday June 11th central London - smash capitalism!
03-06-2013 10:15
On Tuesday June 11th thousands of activists will descend on central London to smash capitalism. This is what it will be like:Council ride over cyclists objections on Princes St
03-06-2013 08:55
A new trial layout for traffic on Princes Street is set to make travel harder / more dangerous for cyclists. Message from Spokes below.
03-06-2013 00:55
After a recent call out to activists across the country, Faslane Peace Camp hosted a series of meetings/gatherings to see what could be done to save the camp from closing due to low numbers of residents willing to live on the site. Newspapers across the world published articles indicating the camp would likely close, and activist groups across the country publicised our plight.
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Your 'Avin a Cenotaph!
02-06-2013 20:39
SchNEWS on yesterday's badger/antifa mash upLONDON CALLING - Report, Vids, Photos of June 1st Solidarity for Bradley Manning
02-06-2013 19:11
The military tribunal prosecution of Bradley Manning begins June 3rd at Ft. Meade, Maryland U.S.A. June 1st saw international demonstrations in solidarity with Bradley Manning. In London we headed to the U.S. embassy. In the days ahead for further updates on the 4 month trial go to
Solidarity with Bradley Manning in Bristol and Cardiff (round-up)
02-06-2013 18:53

Bradley Manning's trial starts Monday 3 June and this weekend activists around the world have been taking action in solidarity, including in London [Photos here | Links to reports etc. here] where around 250 people from all over gathered outside the US Embassy to hear speakers including Peter Tatchell, Vivienne Westwood and Craig Murray, music including David Rovics. There was also an ill-fated banner drop in Bristol [Report here], a smaller one with a replacement banner in Carmarthen and a presence in Cardiff and Haverfordwest. This is a brief report with some photos from Bristol and Cardiff.
london critical mass pics
02-06-2013 18:09

Standoff with EDL in Abingdon
02-06-2013 17:25
A smallish EDL demo, oops sorry, "respecting the dead gathering", took place in Abingdon, and was met by a similar size counterdemo.People's Kitchen @ The Runcible Spoon; Tuesday, June 4th
02-06-2013 12:10
This week at The People's Kitchen we'll be serving falafel with all the expected salads, breads and sauces.Photos, Rally And Protest, Glasgow George Square.,
02-06-2013 10:55
Istanbul, Turkey
02-06-2013 10:43
report from a comrade involved in the disturbances in TurkeyNazi punks fuck off!
02-06-2013 09:20

Oxford EDL demo fails to materialise
01-06-2013 23:56
An EDL wreath-laying-type mobilisation (as elsewhere) was announced in Oxford today. A lively counter-demo was there, but they weren't - unless you count one or two grumpy looking guys.BNP promote UVF hate-preachers in London
01-06-2013 22:03

In honour of murdered activist Juan Vázquez Guzmán
01-06-2013 21:07
Convocation for the Week of Worldwide Action:“Juan Vázquez Guzmán lives!
The Bachajón struggle continues!”
Tuesday, June 25 to Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Istanbul revolt, 1 to 4 reported dead, hundreds injured, Solidarity demos NOW
01-06-2013 20:46
Photos of solidarity demo at Thessaloniki Turkish consulate
Demo on Monday evening in Athens being organized
Video of one of murders, attacked by water cannon