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BNP scumbag spotted on Muslim demo.

12-06-2006 21:16

London BNP activist Rob Gertner was spotted filming and snapping the muslim demo outside Scotland Yard on SUnday. His footage is possibly for the BNPs website or crap election broadcasts?
Or Redwatch?
Or is he just another Nazi loser who has been recruited by the intelligence services?

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12-06-2006 21:15

Someone sent me this, just thought it shld be posted so people know what is happening

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outdoors and free

12-06-2006 20:07

A list of free, outdoor events in and around London this Summer

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12-06-2006 19:50

We are accused of terrorism:

if we defended rose and woman

and the mighty verse ...

and the blueness of sky ...

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Brian Haw 5 years not out!

12-06-2006 19:49

Here is a short piece with 7 photos of Brian Haw's contimuing vigil in Parliament Square.

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Stop the War conference Saturday June 10th 2006

12-06-2006 19:12

This a brief account of the Stop the War conference on Saturday June 10th in London. 12 photos of the day are attached.

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New Peoples Centre Opens in Liverpool

12-06-2006 18:40

I attended the official opening of the centre and spoke with John Fillis, Managing Director of 'Capitalists of Culture', a new art-space rather than gallery at: 50-54 Mount Pleasant, Liverpool

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Rally for Justice at Scotland Yard Sunday June 11th 2006

12-06-2006 18:36

This is a 630 word piece about the rally for justice outside Scotland Yard on Sunday 11th June. 10 photos are attached.

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World Naked Bike Ride - London

12-06-2006 17:03

Make Love Not Oil
On 10th June, people in over 50 cities around the world took part in naked bike rides as a protest against oil dependency and car culture. Over 600 cyclists, along with a few rollerskaters, rollerbladers and others took part in the London event.

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EDO Corp Shares Drop To 52 week Low (NYSE)

12-06-2006 16:57

Independent Stock Market News

Following a disasterous UK court surrender to peace activists in April and reports of first quarter loss of millions due to related legal costs, EDO Corp today traded at their lowest price in the last year ($25.24) Nervous markets concerned about a possible interest rate rise and news of planned US withdrawal from Iraq have led to lack of interest in the beseiged arms company that has heavily invested in ongoing military operations in Iraq.

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More McHospitals for Merseyside!

12-06-2006 16:46

Following hard on the heels of the Liverpool Women's and the Countess of Chester hospitals, two more local hospital trusts have applied for 'foundation' status - opening healthcare up for private profit.

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Palestine Today

12-06-2006 16:03

Palestine Today a service of the international Middle East media centre for Monday June 12th, 2006

Today the Army starts to open a trench along the Yabod-Araba road. A car was shelled in Gaza also troops install portable checkpoints south of Tubas and the entrance of Tamon. The Army invades the West Bank city of Jenin and clashes with the resistance

Those stories and more coming up stay tuned.

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Justice for Muslims demo New Scotland Yard

12-06-2006 15:48

Demo at New Scotland Yard to protest at Forest Gate raid.
Sunday 11th June 2006.

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Opportunity window. French intellectuals against government

12-06-2006 15:19

Diffuse it massively

All against CESEDA

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12-06-2006 15:16

6.30pm-9pm Monday 19th June 2006 @ Community Base, 113 Queens Road, Brighton


You can download the poster for this event from the weblink

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Global Responses to Global Threats

12-06-2006 14:43

A new report from Oxford Research Group examining the various threats to global security, and sustainable responses to those threats.

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Block the Builders Take Protest to Chippenham

12-06-2006 14:23

Block the Builders
This morning, as a delegation of Scottish MSPs, church leaders and NGO representatives visited Britain's nuclear weapons factory at AWE Aldermaston, anti-nuclear nonviolent direct action group Block the Builders took their protest to the UK office of German firm M+W Zander in Chippenham, Wilts.

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Liverpool Riot

12-06-2006 13:28

eye witness account: police provocation o reclaim the streets.
liverpool riots over police attack on fans watching for free.

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Close Down Tinsley House Immigration Removal Centre

12-06-2006 12:59

Close Down Tinsley House Immigration Removal Centre

Demonstrate Saturday 24th June 2006
11.30am to 1.00pm

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Khoodeelaar! demand on Tower Hamlets Coucnil to PASS No to Xrail

12-06-2006 12:49

The future of the East End as a community is under threat from Crossrail plan Bill. The local Tower Hamlets Council has so far been used as tool to suppress the very people in whose name that Coucnil exists.

Tower |Hamlets Council controlling clique has spent public money to perpetrate and to promote Crossrail -hole-backing lies in its propaganda title 'East End Lies' for Crossrail . If the Crossrail Bill is passed, they can do anything to destroy the community.

Make people homeless, drive small shop keepers out of their trade and make the East End a wasteland before Big Business takes over the area.

The Crossrail Bill is now being formally ‘scrutinised’ in relation to the formal petitions lodged by some of the local individuals and organisations to parts of its provisions. One of the petitioners has been the local Tower Hamlets Council.

Its chief employee fronting the Council’s side in all contacts with Crossrail has been Owen Whalley.

He gave verbal clarifications before the House of Commons committee on 7 June 2006. It was clear that he was not disclosing most of the facts of what they talked about with Crossrail .

Yet today’s edition of the Council’s ‘East End life’ [‘dubbed EAST END LIES as examined by the Khoodeelaar! Campaign] paints the Coucnil as having ‘obtained' good deals for the community fromCrossrail and presents Crossrail as not only a 'beneficial' project for the alleged regeneration of the East End but one with which the community is happy!

That pack of lies has been splashed on the front of the ‘east End Lies’ and stuffed on two centre pages.

Most of the people in the Borough are totally unaware of the manifold leis that they have been being told.

Khoodeelaar! Is formally demanding a full space in next edition failing which they ill take the Editor of East End Life to court.

Khoodeelaar! Is also delivering a draft motion for the full Coucnil Meeting scheduled for 21 June 2006 asking all the sitting Councillors to support an unequivocal motion of NO to Crossrail hole Bill.
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