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the end of the world show

15-08-2007 11:38

who needs another apocalypse?

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Common Ground - Squated Community Garden Still Growing, Still Resisting!

15-08-2007 11:06

2nd Eviction Attempt Resisted, Injunction Broken Again, New Gardens on the Horizon!

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EXECUTION ALERT: Kenneth Foster scheduled to die 30th August 07

15-08-2007 10:25


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After 'Garry Newlove'- Schools, local councils and Ministers too are to blame

15-08-2007 10:20

The Daily Mirror web site is publishing an item saying this:
“Peter Fahy said adults who turn a blind eye as youngsters roam streets tanked up on drink are as much at fault for the lawlessness blighting towns as the yobs themselves.”

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Reviving the Anti-War Movement: Support the Iraqi Resistance

15-08-2007 10:04

Has the Left been neutered? It struck me that the greatest taboo of the antiwar movement is to show the slightest empathy for the resistance fighters in Iraq
They are never mentioned as people for whom we should show concern, much less admiration.

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100+ march against deportations

15-08-2007 09:11

On 11th August more than 100 people marched in Manchester against deportations.

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Better directions to the Climate Camp.

15-08-2007 06:23

There seems to be a lot of confusion with maps purporting to show the location of the Climate Camp.

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Climate Camp Woman superglues herself to gate.

15-08-2007 00:25

Cop top brass leave the site
As a result of resistance to the allegedly unauthorised raid ( the TSG - popularly known as the riot squad - assembled outside the gate to "restore order".

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Oaxaca Street Art

15-08-2007 00:11

Some photos taken from the street art, graffiti and stencil work around the centre of Oaxaca city.

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Climate Camp Workshop Audio Interview - Mark Lynas and Airport Watch/HACAN

15-08-2007 00:11

Two short interviews with workshop providers from today at the Climate Camp (tuesday 14th august).

We asked them to give us a quick run down of what their workshop was about:

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Video of attempted mass police incursion onto climate camp site

14-08-2007 23:52

Video is H264 MP4. approx 4mb. 320 x 240, Use VLC ( to view.

Copyright, some rights reserved. Available under the creative commons non-commercial, attribution, share-alike license. Non-commercial means DONT'T upload it to corporate video sharing sites!

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Climate Camp Tuesday 14th - Personal Report

14-08-2007 23:43

Today was the first public day of the Camp for Climate Action just outside Heathrow. It also saw the early morning arival of some high winds and heavy rain. Undeterred more people have been arriving at the site throughout the day, with police stop and searches being at a much reduced level.

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A Disneyland Of Militant Ignorance: The American Normalization Of Mass Murder

14-08-2007 23:23

In truth, the only place the people of Vietnam ever constituted a threat to the United States was within the toxic mindscapes of paranoid cold warriors. This death-enamored realm -- where the most psychotic is king -- is the place (and only place) where Iraq's weapons of mass destruction existed, and is where, at present, Iran's threat to the United States looms.

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Police attempt raid of Camp for Climate Action

14-08-2007 23:12

Around 7.30pm on Tuesday, after a peaceful opening day to the Camp for
Climate Action, approximately thirty police, backed by officers in riot
gear, attempted to raid the camp. They entered the camp without warning,
carrying cans of what appeared to be CS gas.

With their hands in the air, protesters formed a human barrier and blocked
the police, before peacefully escorting them off the site.

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Stand off after police incursion at climate camp, tuesday evening.

14-08-2007 23:00

Stand off
At around 7.30 a group of around 20 police tried to march through the camp but were met with a very large and vocal group of climate campers determined not to let them go any further. After a brief scuffle police retreated and a standoff developed that lasted around half an hour, eventually dissipated by driving rain.

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Escalation by the Numbers: What "Progress" in Iraq Really Means

14-08-2007 22:29

Further documentation and resources can be found at the story's link.

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UK Partially Blocks Arms Sales To Israel

14-08-2007 22:28

Since arms sales to countries with secret nuclear programs are illegal, all arms sales to Israel, from any country, should be immediately stopped.

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Phone rumors about Police raid of climate camp

14-08-2007 22:26

Phone rumors that have been going round this evening (14th) about Police raid of climate camp.. are inaccurate, as you can see from the news ticker and has been confirmed to me by people in the camp itself.

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Unruly militias as British recede

14-08-2007 21:09

Hameed Hussain who fled the city recently says the Iraqi police and army are not in control of the city. "Practically, the militias have the city under their sway."

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Zapatista Communities Attacked

14-08-2007 19:41

Following the recent Encuentro at Caracol de Oventic Zapatista communities have faced further violence against them.
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