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Government opposed check on HLS

25-07-2015 12:48

The Dept. for Business, Innovation and Skills opposed a background check on animal-testing lab Huntingdon Life Sciences

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Dutch squatters take island

23-07-2015 21:22

An island in the Amstel river south of Amsterdam has been squatted recently.

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Caspian littoral states staying in expectation of ‘colored’ revolutions

22-07-2015 10:43

One of the basic foundations of the American foreign policy is the principle of exerting control over energy resources worldwide so that to preserve the status of the leading superpower. It was in 1997 that the Caspian littoral region was declared the zone of American national interests due to vast reserves of oil and gas hold by the Caspian littoral states.

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Anti-fascist and anarchist from Russia needs help and solidarity

21-07-2015 20:25

Good afternoon. My name is Oleg. I am a member of the anarchist and anti-fascist movement in Russia. For a long time I was a member of Autonomous Action and coordinator of the local group Autonomous Action Izhevsk.

Now I was seriously ill because of the severe brain injury that caused me to neo-Nazis during the attack. I would be very happy if hlt someone helped me, because I am no longer 10 years has been an active fighter for freedom and justice.

I really need help to pay for the treatment of the effects of brain injury. Unfortunately, my income is not enough to fully treated, so I beg you to help me.

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Ukraine exports to Europe its main brand - Right Sector.

21-07-2015 11:47

There is absolutely no doubt that the ongoing political mess in Ukraine affects Europe adversely. But it seems like it’s still not even a half.

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How The Endless Discovery Of New Species Offers Humility For Humans

21-07-2015 08:54

As humanity’s quest for knowledge deepens into the cosmos, perhaps we should bow modestly to the ungraspable complexity of life here on Earth.

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New front line video from the fierce austerity riots (Athens 15 July)

20-07-2015 15:24

New front line video from the fierce riots that took place in Athens on 15 July 2015, during a protest outside the greek parliament against the new austerity measures.

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Protest: Ble Mae'r Gymraeg yn ein Prifddinas? / Where is the Welsh?

19-07-2015 13:07

Gwybodaeth am brotest yng Nghaerdydd - Upcoming language rights demo in Cardiff

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UG#710 - Facing The Failing Culture Of Control-3 (The Simple Model of Singapore)

18-07-2015 03:16

We have another program in our series on the failing culture of control. Last time we looked at the development of nuclear technology as a result of competition between nation states, this time we look instead at the 21st development of social technology to divide and conquer the world's population. Faced with the organized efforts to misdirect their altruistic impulses of the public at large by terrorizing them and implanting false beliefs, 3 speakers voice their iconoclastic and unwavering dissent.

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Ukraine: the Land of the Covenant or the Universal Concentration Camp

17-07-2015 09:46

Unstable situation in North Africa and the Middle East, engineered by ‘colored’ revolutions, change of regimes in Iraq and Libya, civil war in Syria, ongoing acts of terror and uncontrollable extension of the terrorist Islamic State’s influence against the backdrop of extremely dismal humanitarian situation, has provoked, in fact, ‘a new wave of peoples’ migration’.

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Archive of old neo-nazis and activities in Tyne and Wear / North East England

16-07-2015 15:30

Neo-Nazi's at Last Resort Gig at the Teams Club, 19th June 2015
Here revealed is an archive of some information regarding some earlier Neo-Nazi’s within the North East of England. A lot of this information was previously unavailable.

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EU deal with Greece betrayal of OXI

16-07-2015 03:33

The die has been cast. The Geek prime minister Tsipras, who won the elections
because of his promise to make an end to Trojka austerity measures, has capitulated,
accepting the hardest EU deal with Greece ever. Shame on him and his party
Syriza, which has lost every credibility. It's a horrible betrayal of OXI, plunging
the Greek people in still worse misery. People of Greece, fight for Freedom!

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Mcarthyism exposed

15-07-2015 22:04

Presentation by Comrade Steve Cook, a former member of the CPUSA, on the McCarthy-era anti-communist witch-hunts in the USA.
Presentation to the Stalin Society followed by discussion. Open to all.

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15-07-2015 16:21

Fascists are marching in Rotherham this Saturday

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Why is the USSR breadbasket on the brink of famine now?

14-07-2015 13:51

The second largest European state with the population of over 40 million is located in the most ecologically friendly environment on the continent to develop agricultural sector of economy. This state could well cater for half the world. The ancient peoples resident here before Christ were supplying whole Mediterranean region with the so called ‘Scythian bread’ in wake of trading cooperation with Athens and Rome. Still, civilized Europe saw them just as barbarians and people of second brand. Ukraine, rich in chernozem, black prolific soil, used to be the Russian Empire’s granary and then the USSR’s food base.

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Establishment Judge heads UK abuse enquiry

14-07-2015 04:54

A New Zealand judge with the lowest ranking from NZ lawyers will be paid a package worth $1.1 million a year to investigate historic abuse cases in the UK

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Curo Housing and the 1% rent cut.

11-07-2015 19:07

George Osborne’s budget cut to social housing rents of 1% a year for the next four years is set to throw organisations such as the Curo Housing Group into their biggest financial crisis.

The announcement caught Curo Housing by surprise. Just last year the government had committed to it increasing its rents based on CPI plus 1% a year for the next decade.

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Info regarding 1 NE EDL member

11-07-2015 13:10

Darren Hirst
Info regarding 1 NE EDL member

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EDL/BNP paedophile, Robert Ewing, found guilty of the murder of Paige Chivers

11-07-2015 09:53

Far right activist Ewing
Over the last three years, the British National Party and the English Defence League have held demonstrations in Blackpool over the murders or missing teenagers Paige Chivers and Charlene Downes, blaming members of the local Muslim population.
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