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Defend democratic and human rights in Russia

14-12-2005 11:24

Prof Bill Bowring - founder and academic coordinator of the European Human Rights Advocacy Centre (EHRAC) at the London Metropolitan University - was detained and deported without warning or any explanation from Russia on November 15th 2005.

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Why Afrikan (Black) people are still an enslaved people

14-12-2005 11:01

Even though the enslavement of Afrikan people was abolished by the European powers over 100 years ago, a new 'relationship' now exists between Afrika and the Western world which is a new form of enslavement which is probably more damaging to Afrikan people than it was 150, 200, 250, 300,350 years ago.

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14-12-2005 10:02

12 Noon Opposite Downing Street
Aegis Trust, Darfur Union - 200 Darfuri refused asylum seekers + Thousands of Brits (hopefully)

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WTO Protests in Hong Kong - Day One report

14-12-2005 04:20

Protestors gathered last night at the Wan Chai loading bay near the Sports Centre last night, police in riot gear outnumbered demonstrators almost 2-1.

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Buncefield - worst-hit building - the MI5 connection (Stephen Lander)

14-12-2005 01:13


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Broadway Market occupation - two weeks on

14-12-2005 00:47

Café Francesca in Broadway Market, Hackney has been occupied for two weeks by local people to prevent its demolition by property developer Dr Roger Wratten and conversion into luxury flats.

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Council questioned over arms investments

13-12-2005 23:42

Welcoming the councillors...
A group of campaigners held a protest this morning outside a meeting of Cambridgeshire County Council to draw attention to the large investments that the council pension fund has in the arms industry.

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INCA center, TIMISOARA under eviction threat

13-12-2005 20:46

INCA Foundation(in Timisoara) got a place from the city for a period of 5 years to develop a community center inside a historical part of the city (part of the defense wall of the old fortress of the city). Now after 3 and a half years inspectors came keen on finding stuff that is breaking the contract so that they have a motivation to throw us in the streets. Our strong conviction is that this was a deliberate act, and inspectors which came were not interested to find solutions to fix the problems they discovered, they were not interested in finding out if there is another side of the story and so on. They were sent to find a reason to throw us out.

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Netherlands: No logging for AWACS

13-12-2005 20:26

Treehouse at Schinveld forest
On sunday December 4th GroenFront! Activists occupied the Schinveld (Netherlands) forest to protest agains the intended cutting of 6 hectares of the woods so the AWACS from the Geilenkirchen NATO base, just across the border in Germany, can take off with more kerosene in their fuel tanks. The AWACS are being used in the Iraq war.

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Official: Hemel Hempstead toxic cloud is safe

13-12-2005 20:18

12.00 Frident Park, North West London
Media sources quoting oil and environmental "experts" claim the toxic cloud of burned fuel from the Hemel Hempstead fuel depot is not toxic, therefore nothing to worry about.

So carry on Christmas shopping.

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Word on the Street: Benefit gig for the homeless

13-12-2005 18:56

From 8pm - late on Friday 23rd December @ The 5 Lamps Pub in Derby WORD ON THE STREETS shall be showcasing an eclectic cast of live music in order to raise money for the homeless. Please come down and show some support as well as having a jolly good festive knees up.

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Brick Lane London E1 Area Community No to a scrutiny of Crossrail-hole Bill

13-12-2005 18:50

The MPs 'select committee', just finalised, to 'scrutinise' the Crossrail hole Bill scheduled to start in january 2006, will fail the people in the East End of London if the process is allowed to be just a formality. Defend the Brick Lane London E1 area against the Crossrail hole Bill. Back the campaign against the hole attack on the Brick Lane area. Force Alistair Darling to tell the truth about how the crass Crossrail hole Bill was conjured up by neglecting the rights of the communities.

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A list of sites with news on the WTO protests. (with links)

13-12-2005 18:44

Its not comprehensive but there is alot there
Sites with reports and actions as well as some background info

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Selling off the Social State

13-12-2005 18:34

Attitudes are the only disability. If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. "Social solidarity with the sick is eroding.. The solidarian security from risks is the prerequisite for personal responsibility.. The social security systems in Germany are overly coupled to paid work.."

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People urged, don't Vote Ba'athist!

13-12-2005 18:11

Allawi - One of the 130 urged not to vote for
Electoral officials for the Iraqi elections are allowing some candidates with suspected links to Saddam's former party to stand for the new parliament.

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Indymedia censoring posts?

13-12-2005 18:02

Do indymedia censor what we post? what are the parameters for censoring?

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13-12-2005 17:22

Weekly Poster of social centres activities

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anti wto HK site

13-12-2005 17:01

An autonomous group of direct action activists have launched Target: WTO | Derail, Dismantle, Destroy as activists across Hong Kong, Asia, and around the world unite to destroy WTO for once and for all.

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Philipinos protest WTO

13-12-2005 16:57

Whose Trade Organization is it?
" It is not and has never been an institution that had the betterment of the working peoples' welfare as its agenda..." WTO disputed in Philippine Congress. (Dec 6)
Resist! Spokesperson and Bayan Muna Representative Teddy Casino today questioned in Congress the Philippines' continuing membership in the the World Trade Organization (WTO). "The W TO is not by any stretch of the imagination an estbalished or elected government; but from the way it conduct itself, it has become the most powerful pseudo-legislative and judicial body in the world," he said.
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