UK Newswire Archive
Freedom Incorporated
03-07-2014 16:17

Thousands protest outside the BBC HQ in Portland Place over Palestine
03-07-2014 13:57
Here are photos of the mass protest outside the BBC HQ in Portland Place central London about the refusal of the BBC to report what is happening in Palestine:
Mass evictions of over 600 people across Calais!
02-07-2014 21:49
At 6am this morning riot and border cops accompanied by gendarmes evicted three squats housing over 70 people, as well as SALAM, a food distribution point, where over 500 people had been sleeping outside since their camps were destroyed a month ago:
Put your hands up and slowly step away from the wheelchair.
02-07-2014 20:53

Interrupting of Pan-Greek hunger strike: Statement of detainees
02-07-2014 00:14
Today, Tuesday 1 July we interrupt the collective pan-greek hunger strike we started against the law making process for the high security prisons.Police thugs shattered anti-BNP protester's leg
30-06-2014 16:13
BNP promote UVF terrorists in London -
Photos of Cops on anti-BNP demo -

Update - Police face quiz over kicks that shattered BNP protest woman’s leg -

'Remembering the Real WW1' Demo at Imperial War Museum, Saturday 19 July, London
30-06-2014 13:37

anarchists claim string of fires in east bristol
30-06-2014 11:40
Just before sunrise this morning we launched a targeted arson spree along Glebe Road -- which meets the main east Bristol thoroughfare of Church Road -- and burned out corporate, luxury, private security and hunt-scum vehicles. Wildfire in the arteries of the city-prison! To break the lie of social peace and intensify the hostilities!Rediscover hope, anarchists are urged
30-06-2014 11:30

Finnieston Crane, Glasgow, Occupied by Anti-Militarists on Armed Forces Day
28-06-2014 07:44

General Patton & the mental Health crisis
27-06-2014 17:22
There is no Community Mental Health serviceNewsflash: Labour Doesn’t Care About You
27-06-2014 17:03

Seeing as how these things are usually rained out or freezing, The People’s Assembly at least managed to pick a nice enough day for their “No More Austerity: Demand the Alternative” march on Saturday (June 21st).
It’s a shame they couldn’t also have picked a more inspiring message – begging the government to stop the public service cuts they’re ideologically committed to and demanding a new Labour government as the only ‘alternative’ they can imagine. Hardly an Earth shatteringly radical call to arms for the poor and oppressed. But they do have Russell Brand, so that’s something.
Trying to bring Rebekah Brooks to book in 2003
27-06-2014 11:42
In 2003 Rebekah Wade (now Brooks) admitted before the CMS select committee that she had paid police officers for information. I referred the matter both to the Met Police and the PCC but both refused to investigate despite having cast iron evidence of the offenceNew Zine: MFAH, Blackmail 3 & The SHAC Model
26-06-2014 18:29

Birth of an Independent Hope – the Revolution in West Asia
26-06-2014 15:56
It is the best news since Rosa Luxemburg rejoiced over the collapse of the Kaiser´s „peace“ plan in WWI, only that this time it is not American capitalists running amok over collateral disruption of their lethal business, but indigenous people liberating themselves from the remainder of imperialist occupation who intervene into a dystopian scenario all painted with the mimicry of utopia. Yet the significance of the fresh uprising in the Land of the Two Rivers is not merely expressed in the reports of mercenaries burying their uniforms in the near death experience of their suicidal oaths, and the hectic and contradictory reactions of various imperialist factions to the unexpected surge which remind of these nearly a century ago, it is first of all coming to the fore in the observation that the creative chaos which is rapidly defeating the occupation is something entirely new which does not fit any of the descriptions the various reactionaries are attempting to attach to it. In fact, it is neither a nation nor a government nor a market, and although it is calling itself a state it does not at all resemble the capitalist state. It takes the place of the state but it is set to retreat from worldly matters once state pressure against the territory and the people declines. Nevertheless it is not merely a knee-jerk reaction to the external pressure of imperialism, it also is an early prototype for the permanent solution of the occupation issue bearing unique potential to end the world war without massive death of innocents.Candidate Brighton Kemptown predicts an environmental disaster.
26-06-2014 15:38
Amazon Explorer Joe Neilson Gets the Green vote after he reveals that he is a hardline on green issues.Calling the greens wasy washy tin can bottle savers.Joe Neilson said I have no children and I am glad. What is going to happen
in the next 50 years even if we stop using fossil fuels today I predict an environmental disaster.
The ‘Asian Century’ and ASEAN integration: contradictions and challenges
26-06-2014 11:44

Musicians Wanted for Veggies 30th Party
26-06-2014 11:26
Musicians,jugglers etc...for Veggies 30th PartyWorkshop on 'Autonomobilities' - low cost, low carbon
25-06-2014 10:20
Fare-dodging, hitch-hiking, cycle-touring, freight-hopping and backpacking? A workshop to develop a research agenda on low carbon mobility practices from the margin.