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NHS Campaign Victory + How to Opt-Out of "Care Data"

20-02-2014 07:27

Major victory for NHS anti-privatisation and anti-surveillance campaigners -

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URGENT CALL OUT: Defend the Barton Moss Camp - Oppose the iGas Convoys

19-02-2014 17:46

Friday, 21 February 2014 09:00

Frack Free Greater Manchester have issued an urgent call out for support for the Barton Moss Community Protection Camp this Friday morning.

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Atos the new saga of Govenrment unemployment spin.

19-02-2014 17:33

Stop Atos from stopping benefits with lies

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Martin Richards, Why he really retired?

19-02-2014 08:36

Martin Richards arrested, "It was only a matter of time."
Shocking revelations have been made to Matt Taylor, in his capacity as Shadow Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner, about the real reason why Martin Richards, ex-Sussex Chief Constable stood down unexpectedly this week.

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Launch of Campaign Opposing Police Surveillance (COPS): 27 February 2014

18-02-2014 22:54

Campaign Opposing Police Surveillance: "COPS" in capital letters
We invite you to the launch meeting of the Campaign Opposing Police Surveillance (COPS).

Thursday 27 February 2014, 6.30pm

Diskus Conference Centre, Unite House, 128 Theobald's Road, Holborn, London, WC1X 8TN

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RIP Protag

18-02-2014 17:29

A Indymedia activist, Protag, has passed away.

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Genocide Of 165,000 Geese And Mute Swans Planned In New York

18-02-2014 16:19

Macho Men Massacre
Please help stop New York from slaughtering 165,000 geese and mute swans.

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Waterways 'Charity' Evicts Vulnerable Pensioners : 28 days notice, for simply co

18-02-2014 15:41

The Canal & River Trust has outraged a boating community in East London, after its commercial subsidiary, BWML, issued a 28 day eviction notice to a vulnerable elderly couple who had simply followed the company's prescribed complaints procedure.

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Prince Charles should promote human rights in Saudi Arabia, not arms sales

18-02-2014 15:24

Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) has called for Prince Charles to use his ongoing visit to Saudi Arabia to speak out against the government repression taking place in the country, and has renewed calls for the UK government to cease all arms exports to the regime.

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Chuffed but Gutted: The Almost Autonomist

18-02-2014 14:50

Owen Jones appeared yesterday on Novara Media. For those readers from outside the UK, Novara Media is a “autonomous media collective” based in London that currently manifests itself as an hour long radio show on weekly at 1pm GMT on Fridays on Resonance FM but that in the near future hopes to expand to internet TV.

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The new US-Russia Cold War

18-02-2014 13:39

Meet the new (cold) war, same as the old (cold) war. Same same, but different. One day, it's the myriad implications of Washington's "pivoting" to Asia - as in the containment of China. The next day, it's the perennial attempt to box Russia in. Never a dull moment in the New Great Game in Eurasia. On Russia, the denigration of all things Sochi - attributable to the inherent stupidity of Western corporate media "standards" - was just a subplot of the main show, which always gets personal; the relentless demonization of Russian President Vladimir Putin. [1]

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Boycott Workfare Welfare Action Gathering

18-02-2014 11:25

BHF abuses the workless

Boycott Workfare’s welfare action gathering on Saturday was a massive success. 80 people from groups across the country came to participate in the day of workshops based around info and skill sharing on the various welfare issues we face. The programme was packed, with sessions on JSA, ESA, housing, fuel poverty, and more, with people remarking on the difficulty of deciding which workshop to attend when there were clashes. We organised the gathering because supporting claimants to know and enforce their so-called rights, and claimants organising together and shaping the campaign, has always been a major part of what we do. For this to happen effectively local mutual support groups are key (it was from a London Coalition Against Poverty group that Boycott Workfare came out of) – we’ve distributed thousands of ‘How to Avoid Workfare’ leaflets but along with these, we really need a buddy or a group of people when challenging Job Centre Plus. The gathering was called to support the growing number of local groups so that we can build on the impressive work of challenging workfare and sanctions across the country through mutual support and direct action, like the examples shared with us early on in the day of the occupation of the £3 million council house and a blockade of the workfare exploiters Salvation Army.

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Arrested, suspended, then banned from elections: my student experience

18-02-2014 10:38

An example of bail conditions
On Wednesday 29th January I made a decision which has defined my short-term, if not long-term, future. It was a decision that I made after being kettled in the pouring rain by police for three hours. The decision I made was not to give the police my name. Maybe it was naive, maybe it was stupid, and it was probably mostly stubborn. But I did so for one simple reason: I felt I had been treated unjustly along with all of the other kettled protesters. I knew of my right not to give the police my name as a condition to be released from a kettle, and of my right to not be arrested for it. I knew that I had done nothing wrong. I had not committed any criminal damage or assault, and so I had nothing to fear. Having experienced similar situations in London, but in the position of the observer, I expected to be brought to the police station, to be interviewed immediately and to be released within a few hours without any charges. But that is not what happened.

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Dissident Island Radio - Episode 133 - Subversions of justice...

18-02-2014 00:25

Featuring 3Cosas, Drax29 and so much more...

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Billionaires Profiteering From Slaughterhouse Suffering, Earth Destruction

17-02-2014 21:34

Whether or not you believe that billionaires have a right to wage war, profiteer from war and weapons, pricegouge, exploit the poor, kill animals and mother earth, bribe legislators, eliminate competitors through unethical means to amass fortune, may all who care contact these billionaires to ask that they begin supporting Tesla and other electric cars, mass transit systems, solar energy, vegan products and restaurants, etc.

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Protest at Amazon HQ in Seattle against CIA data cloud

17-02-2014 19:38

On Tuesday, February 11th, 2014, a group of people blocked the train line that leads into the Amazon HQ in South Lake Union. They blocked the tracks with a banner that read CIAmazon, a reference to the corporation’s recent decision to provide cloud services for the CIA. Two smoke signal flares were lit in order to attract the attention of the workers inside the Day 1 South building of the campus. The contents of a flier were read over a megaphone and hundreds of fliers were distributed The action lasted around half an hour and group dispersed before the police arrived.

The following is an explanation for the action:

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All New look for UK PROTEST & DEMOS

17-02-2014 14:09

Bringing us together as one for freedom and to end the Government corruption against the people.

More @

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Frackers being offered drilling licences on flooded Somerset Levels

17-02-2014 13:55

Was the deliberate flooding of the Somerset Levels by EU Policy partly a way of letting the frackers in?

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‘Why Have You Gone to Russia Three Times in Two Months?’—Heathrow Customs Agent Interrogates Snowden Lawyer

16-02-2014 22:36

Edward Snowden's lawyer Jesselyn Radack, herself a whistleblower, was harassed by a Border Force Agent at Heathrow Airport today. Radack is here to meet with Julian Assange at the Ecuadorian Embassy, to attend the launch of The Whistler
and the Sam Adams Award for Integrity in Intelligence that will be presented to Chelsea (formerly Bradley) Manning in absentia this week in Oxford

Kevin Gosztola, who reported extensively on the pretrial hearings and trial in the case of USA vs Manning, explains what happened.

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Suicides of bank executives, fraud, financial manipulation and Tony Blair

16-02-2014 21:29

JPMorgan Chase is the unspoken architect of fraud, corruption, not to mention the establishment of the largest Ponzi scheme in World history. The agenda is to steal and appropriate wealth through market manipulation.

It is worth noting that in 2003 after the invasion of Iraq, during Tony Blair’s mandate as Prime Minister JPMorgan Chase was designated to run the Trade Bank of Iraq. Upon his retirement from the position of Prime Minister, Tony Blair was appointed to a senior advisory position at JPMorgan Chase. Mr Blair is a war criminal who was slated to use his network of crony political relations in Britain and the Middle East to serve the interests of JPMorgan Chase.
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